GC Curriculum Committee Meeting

Friday, September 18, 2009; 9:00 – 11:00am

Room B312, Buchanan Building Block B, 1866 Main Mall

Present:Stelvio Bandiera, Sandra Chamberlain, Lindsey Lipovsky, Philip Loewen, Bill McKee (Chair), Ed Putnins, Bill Ramey, Max Read, Brian Robinson (minutes), Susie Stephenson, Joyce Tom, Ian Townsend-Gault, Norman Wong.

  1. Adoption of Agenda
  1. Minutes of June 5, 2009 meeting- Approved
  1. Business arising

History Category 2 Proposals

– Received memo from History Department confirming all changes have been approved and forwarded to Graduate Council and nothing is being held up.

  1. New Proposals

Faculty of Law
Submitted by Joost Blom
LAW 470 (6)
Action: Lindsey to pass to undergrad subcommittee for Applied Faculties
LAW 524:
-Requires consults
-Amend to Category: 1
-Amend Effective Session to Term 2
-Amend (2-4)d to (2/4)D
-Review and clarify grading system for graduate students
-Rework course outline, “Operation of the Course”
Action: Hold pending consults, amendments and clarifications
Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Anita Dircks
MEDG 550 (6)
-Amend vector to clarify
-Is this a 1 or 2 term course?
-What is the number of contact hours per week?
-Amend to category 1
Action:Holdpending clarification
MEDG 560 (2)
-Clarify format (If this is a seminar course, it should be the first digit within the vector), amend vector
Action:Hold pending clarification
MEDG 570 (6)
-Supplement rationale with a syllabus that shows the new distribution of time and activities. Show the relationship between hours and credits, make it explicit
-Clarify vector to show the nature of the activities.
-Provide justification and academic rationale for the increase in credits.
-Obtain library consult.
Action:Holdpending further information
MEDG 575 (10)
-Provide updated syllabus to show the content shift.
-Change to Category: 1.
-Provide a table to outline the correlation between MEDG 570 and MEDG 575 and how they fit in the program and justify how hours and credits match.
-Change type of action to “change in course description”
Action:Holdpending response
Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Barbara Purves
AUDI 598 (2) - course deletion
Action: Approved
AUDI 546 (.5-9) D
-Explain rationale behind .5 credit. Make the case for giving a .5 credit. What does a 0.5 credit look like? How will this manifest in contact hours? Why not make this a full credit?
Action: Hold pending clarification
AUDI 559 (1)
Action: Approved
AUDI 565 (1-3) D
Action: Approved
AUDI 566 (1-3) D
-“type of action” change course title and remove prerequisites
-Confirm with Program that the system will no longer check for prerequisites and should the school want them to be enforced they will need to do that at the level of advising and course registration within their own system
Action: Approved
AUDI 567 (1-3) D
Action: Approved
AUDI 568 (1-3) D
Action: Approved
AUDI 579 (1)
Action: Approved
AUDI 590 (1-3) D
Action: Approved
AUDI 591 (1-3) D
Action: Approved
AUDI 593 (1-3) D
Action: Approved
AUDI 594 (1-3) D
Action: Approved
  1. Re-submitted Proposals

Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Lyn Jongbloed
RHSC 549 (18)
-Pass/Fail has been confirmed by department.
Action:Approved; graded as pass/fail
Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Mairi Murchison
SURG 510 (3)
-Remove highlighted section in left-hand column of proposal form.
-Remove second sentence from “Type of Action”.
Action:Approved pending minor edits
Faculty of Arts
Submitted by Dietmar Neufeld
CNRS 549 (6)
-The committee recognizes the MA thesis replaces the graduating essay.
-Includes grading scheme as P/F in “type of action”
Action: Approved
MA Program Requirements
-Amend Effective Session to WinterTerm 1 Year 2009/10.
Action: Approved pending amendments / CNRS 579 (3)
-The committee recognizes there are no more students who would require a graduating essay.
Action: Approved
Faculty of Applied Science
Submitted by Hanne Bartlett
LARC 415 (3)
Action:Lindsey to forward this to the undergraduate sub-committee for Applied Faculties
LARC 515 (3)
Action: Approved
Landscape Architecture Calendar Entry
-Clarify if LARC 511 is a core credit or an additional credit or otherwise, is LARC 11 part of the 38 credits or part of the 46 additional required credits?
-Clarify how 110 credits are achieved.
-Amendments to page 2 of calendar entry:
-Insert TOEFL Internet score requirement.
-In 3rd paragraph line 2 and 5 set “110 credits” in bold.
-Confirm if “architectural” is the correct form of architecture to use, as opposed to using architecture.
-Amendments to page 3 of calendar entry:
-Adjust spacing between 2nd paragraph and “Program Requirements”.
-Replace the bolded 3rd paragraph in the left-hand column with the 3rd paragraph from the right-hand column and remove underlining. The bolded text on the left-hand-side is very different from the underlined text on the right-hand-side. If this is new, the “type of action” should be more specific as it is more than editorial in nature.
-Amendments to page 4 of calendar entry:
-Insert TOEFL Internet score requirement.
-Confirm if “architectural” is the correct form of architecture to use, as opposed to using architecture.
College for Interdisciplinary Studies
Submitted by Timothy Cheek
IAR 515 (3-9) D
-Amend rationale as follows: delete first 6 paragraphs.
-Amend 7th paragraph to read “Students will be able to enroll in up to three IAR 515 seminars (totaling up to 9 credits depending on seminar credits) in their program of study in accordance to their course of study (developed in consultation with their academic advisor).
Action: Hold pending amendments
Faculty of Arts
Submitted by G. Winthrop-Young
GERM 510 (3)
-Remove D after name on proposal form because it is a new course.
Action:Approved pending amendments
GERM 521 (3)
-Remove D after name on proposal form
Action:Approved pending amendments
GERM 522 (3)
-Remove D after name on proposal form
Action:Approved pending amendments
Faculty of Arts
Submitted by Eric Vatikiotis-Bateson
Introduction of new PhD stream in Cognitive Systems to be hosted by Linguistics
-Amend to Category: 2
-Remove 2nd and 5th paragraphs from rationale.
-Amend 2nd sentence of the Program Overview to “Doctoral education is offered in two streams.”
-Amend 3rd sentence of the Program Overview to “Training in the Linguistics stream is provided in the core areas of …”
-Amend 4th sentence of the Program Overview to “Training in the Cognitive Systems stream proceeds from the core areas of …”
Action: Hold pending amendments
Faculty of Dentistry
Submitted by Edward Putnins
Dual Programs: MSc in Craniofacial Science with Diploma in Pediatric Dentistry and PhD in Craniofacial Science with Diploma in Pediatric Dentistry
-Amend wording in calendar entry to “Dual Program: Ph.D. in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Pediatric Dentistry”
-Insert Location in calendar entry between type of action and rationale.
Action: Approved
Faculty of Dentistry
Submitted by Edward Putnins
Craniofacial Science FoGS Calendar Entry
-Place all dual programsin the new “Dual Programs” section of the Calendar. Add pointers referring to this in both the Dentistry chapter and the FoGSChapter
Action: Approved
Dual Program: in MSc in Craniofacial Science / Diploma in Orthodontics calendar description
-Amend wording in calendar entry to “Dual Program: M.Sc. in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Orthodontics”
Action: Approved
Dual Program in PhD in Craniofacial Science / Diploma in Orthodontic Dentistry calendar description
-Amend wording in calendar entry to “Dual Program: Ph.D. in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Orthodontic”
Action: Approved
Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Patricia Janssen
SPPH 537 (3)
-Prior to next meeting obtain consults
Action: Request consults in memo to Faculty
Faculty of Arts
Submitted by Alan Richardson
New Program – Graduate Program in Science and Technology Studies
-Prior to next meeting obtain consults from Ian Cavers (The Science Curriculum Committee), Land and Food Systems and Forestry.
Action: Request consults in memo to Faculty
  1. Adjournment of Meeting
  1. Next meeting – Friday, October 2, 2009.

Venue: Room 260, Irving K Barber Learning Centre, 1961 East Mall