Ronald Charles Vrooman Continuous Traveler @ General Delivery Beaverton, Oregon[97005] 503 641 8375

3rd Swamp Draining Ceremony

at 1000 SW 3rd Ave. Portland The Mark O. Hatfield Bldg

Every Monday at Noon and other times that may become necessary. Starting Jan. 15th 2018;

3rd meeting Jan. 29, 2018

Second after action

Several members of the Beaverton Oversight Committee met with Karl and Marc of the USMS.; Met with Scott Kerin at DOJ. We stopped to see Matt at #740. We scheduled for next Monday at Noon.

Seth from DOJ didn’t show up, saw Clem DOJ. Maybe next week.

Really a lot went on today. Scott was the DOJ duty officer and he was available to us.

Scott was in catch up. He is BAR #965128, when I asked him for his proof of FARA, he claimed no knowledge of this. He stated he worked for government and WE DENY that, he works for the US inc. as do Karl and Marc. Scott denies he works for US inc, denies that government was transformed into Inc. Therefore, I have sent to him via Marc the web address for FARA so he can read it. I must provide the SAL/Congressional record that specify the US Inc.

As myself and as PAG within Ray and Kambiz as witnesses, claim and claimed fraud by the federal district court Portland. With incontrovertible proof on the record of the first 2 cases I filed into the bogus Article III court in Portland.

I filed into the Article III, 7th amendment, Constitutionally guaranteed, as identified within the cases I filed. The clerk took my money gave a receipt and a docket number. They then refused to return my money. Then after some back and forth closed my case.

Almost 2 years later a deputy clerk of the court, said “ we are not an Article III court.” This was witnesses by two people.

The bogus federal district court took my money, recorded my claim, refused to return my money. Then closed the case. All in fraud. They are and were incapable of fulfilling the contract to provide to me an Article III court with VII amendment caveats.

Incontrovertible evidence on the records of the courthouse #740, the bogus Article III court in Portland. Presented as Private Attorney General to Scott Kerin DOJ today as a claim. Scott requested the docket numbers and I will send them via Marc.

NEXT: Marc told me that Ryan Payne is in custody in Multnomah County jail. Last Monday I provided our PAG Take Heed Notice to Seth and Karl and emailed one to Lisa Hay the court appointed attorney. They all knew I was looking for Ryan. Marc said he told me last Monday. I do not recall that. Neither does Ray or Kambiz. However, He got thru to me today. The feds have Ryan in the Inverness Jail.

Ray and I drove to the Inverness jail. They refused to let me see Ryan. Jerry French Multnomah Sheriff’s Sergeant, took my Take Heed and refused to let me see Ryan or to give this document to Ryan. He is referring it to the county legal counsel. This is a due process violation. Mine and Ryan!!!

Week 2 after action report.

Several members of the Beaverton Oversight Committee Met with Karl and Marc of the USMS ex Army and Navy. Brian the marine is on the East coast, served papers on the USMS, served papers on Matt Deputy Clerk sorry we missed him. Matt likes my truck. Early Days; Met with Seth and a new guy at DOJ. Served papers on DOJ. We scheduled for next Monday at Noon. Ray provided serving the papers, thanks Ray.

We need two notary public.

We also served Take Heed Notice on Ryan Payne with Marshalls and DOJ. Take Heed notifies everyone that PAG & Investigation & Witness is on the scene. We will have due process.

Thank you Ryan Bundy and teachers.

We also served Notice on the GSA about their gold fringe flag on Oregon. Dave and I argued about their Admiralty Flag on non US land as in forts, ports and courts. 1000 SW 3rd is not an enclave of the DC Municipal court. We’re on Oregon. Words count and this is law and color of law. We will have our guaranteed Article III, VII amendment and 11th amendment court whenever you have state v Man or Woman. That is governing law.

We also stated our claim: that their shake down station between the double doors. Where the Blue Jacketed, federal employees, of the USMS deny entry. One cannot cross the space that is not theirs to occupy. The USMS are tenants in the Mark O. Hatfield Building. Travel for an Oregonian that does not wish to divest oneself of clothing without due cause. From the public street the sidewalk at 1000 SW 3rd Ave. crossing to the public lobby. Take off your shoes, empty your pockets, subject your body to a scan for metal and who knows what!?. Next it will be close one eye and fart for entry as the shibboleth.

See the Paragraph below and join me in cleaning this portion of the swamp

I am. I am, known as one of the people. ron vrooman the common man, private; Ronald Charles Vrooman in cursive on my birth certificate and as trustee to the Private Membership Association RONALD CHARLES VROOMAN, THE STRAW MAN; also known as Ronald Charles Vrooman Private Attorney Generals by the United States Congress 42 U.S.C.1988 and 18 U.S.C.1510 and 18 U.S.C. 1512 and to be known as “One of the People” also “Qualified Criminal Investigator” and “Federal Witness” and by unrebutted affidavit. Status identified and unrebutted. Others to be named and added later. The flesh and blood man on Oregon.

I propose an audit, inventory and analysis of the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Building. Starting 1/29/2018 Consider this a FOIA request to the GSA.

Take Heed!!!

If you are an Oregonian, or an American of another state nation, over the age of majority, a private member of We the people; your presence is respectfully requested as you have standing, if two others agree you do, and it must be Affidavit strong.

If you are a member of the BAR you must provide BAR number and place of employment and proof of FARA, insurance and bond. If you are a member of the corporate governance you are a foreign agent and have no standing as an Oregonian or American state national. You are welcome to attend.

If you are a US citizen and/or employee of the city of, the subdivision of the county of, a subdivision of the state of, a subdivision of the US Inc, you are cordially invited with your guarantee of good comportment. We will be meeting under the 4 corner protection rule guaranteed by our founding documents circa 1819 thru 1860-61 Article III 11th amendment and VII amendment specifically called forth! As are several other amendments. And the Oregon Constitution Original cNov 1908,

Governing law will be abided by: Ex Parte Milligan, Ex Parte Young, Clearfield Doctrine and Accardi Doctrine and ORCP 20 A…

We will not be exercising our Second , II Amendment Guarantees at this time!!!Exemplary comportment is required as the token for you attendance...

I do lawful not legal and this is my best effort. If my paper is found to be deficient TAKE HEED: you are required to assist me in correcting it.

_To: Managing responsible persons in USMC; DOJ; Courthouse 740 and GSA. All Sheriffs of the local area counties or deputy, Metro area Chief of Police or management representative. Member of the city of local area corporate governance or representative; Member of the local counties Commission corporate governance or representative, state of Oregon and Washington Executive, Legislative and Judicial corporate governance... ______

I Demand with this notification that you meet me or my representative, or send a representative to the 9th floor roof deck lobby area at 1000 sw 3rd. I am one of those people Donald J. Trump declared sovereign, a non US citizen, beneficiary to the founding documents. Antonin Scalia the Justice of the one supreme Court, murdered on the watch of the previous administration; declared: WE THE People were the 4th Branch of government. I am also a member of that group; they are the beneficiaries of the founding documents.

By blood line, from two ancestors, a father and son, Vrooman that fought for New York in the Revolution. I am a Son of the American Revolution. We will have rule of law.

The reason I chose the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Building, is because, it is on Oregon. It is not an Article III 11th and VII amendment court house. It is not on federal land. By title: All the decks, ladders and passageways. Elevators and lobbies, 3rd floor deck area are common space for we the people. The Marshall has authority within the rented space of the USMS, DOJ, US district court in Article I courthouse 740 or maybe a special kangaroo court, admiralty and equity and miscellaneous court, maybe DC Municipal court. The one as identified to me by the GSA as the renter of space. No territorial jurisdiction...

Assemble, on the outside, at the front of the Building:

TAKE HEED: The language of the flag precludes the offices and court space from using the gold fringe flag, it is not federal land. The national ensign only, no fringe, we are not in Marshall Law. The security, staff scanners and control choke point is on the space, of we the people, without paying rent to the GSA or have a contract. I believe... Is that Homeland Security or some other agency manning the entrance? I will need to see their bona fides.

Whistle-Blowers will be warmly applauded.

We will be examining fiduciary duties and adherence to oaths and laws and statutes that apply.

On Oregon, without the state of Oregon, within t(T)he u(U)nited States of/for America c1819

Under penalty of perjury signed and sworn by:

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Bring your copy when you attend.