VOL. 23 NO. 27 31ST MAY 2015
Father Ciaran Feeney Adm. 191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.
Phone – 9065 4157. Website:
St. Joseph’s Primary School – Phone – 9065 0039
St Colmcille’s Pre school – Phone – 9047 2724
TRINITY SUNDAY – (Page 403 & 452)
9th Week in Ordinary Time
Readings : Sunday Cycle B, Weekday Cycle 1, Psalter Week 1
EntranceAntiphon / Blest be God the Father, and the Only Begotten Son of God, and also the Holy Spirit, for he has shown us his merciful love.
1st Reading / (Exodus 34:4-6, 8-9) Lord, Lord, a God of tenderness and compassion.
Psalm / To you glory and praise for evermore.
2nd Reading / (2 Corinthians 13:11-13) The grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
Acclamation / Alleluia, alleluia! Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, the God who is, who was, and who is to come. Alleluia!
Gospel / (John 3:16-18) God sent his Son so that through him the world might be saved.
Children / Jesus met his friends at the top of a mountain. He gave them a special job to do: travel around the world, tell people about him and baptise them to be his friends too. Jesus promised his disciples he would always be with them and all his friends.
Antiphon / Since you are children of God, God has sent into you hearts the Spirit of his Son, the Spirit who cries out: Abba, Father.
Saturday / Sunday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday6.30pm / 9.30am
Gemma Woollams / 9.30am
Honorio V Villarosa / 9.30am
Victoria V Caberto / 9.30am
M Caberto / 9.30am
Anointing of the Sick
Confessions at 6.00pm / 11.30am
Alice McGourty
Would those who are last to leave the Parish grounds
in the evening please close the car park gates.
The parish office will close this Monday and Tuesday.
The Sacrament of Baptism is one of the most joyful occasions both for the family and the Parish and everyone is welcome. The next Baptismal Course takes place on Tuesday 16th June in the Iona Room from 8.00pm to 9.30pm, where parents will receive their Baptismal pack and can arrange the date for their child’s Baptism. Baptisms in the Parish take place on the first and last Sunday of each month and attendance at the course is arranged through Philomena in the Parish Office.
FIRST FRIDAY - Father Ciaran will attend the sick and housebound in the parish this Tuesday.
DAILY MEDITATION FOR JUNE - copies of “Bible Alive” are available at the back of the Church. Price £2.25 each, please put money in either of the Candelabra boxes
PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL – young people are invited to join the team who read the prayers at Mass. Training will take place on Sunday 14th June from 10.25am to 11.15am in the Church. All welcome. Enquiries to Noeleen 078 7949 8131.
ALTAR SERVERS – formation and additional training for post primary Servers on next Sunday 10.25am to 11.15am in the Church.
SUMMER CHILDREN’S WEEK – application forms for the children’s holiday bible week ‘Under the Big Top’, from Monday 3rd to Friday 7th August, for 4 – 8 year olds, are available in the Church Porch and from
EXAM BUDDIES-all studentspreparing for exams are invited to take an exam pack from the table in the Church porch and to place their name on the Exam Buddies notice board there. Parishioners are invited to place their name on the Prayer Sponsors board and then pray for the students over the exam period in May and June.
Annual Pilgrimage and Mass on St Patrick’s Mountain SAUL - will take place on Sunday 14thJune at 3.00pm. Bishop Noel Treanor will be the Celebrant.
Down and Connor Annual Pilgrimage to Knock - will take place on Sunday 14th June with Bishop Anthony Farquhar as the main celebrant. The ceremonies are as follows: 2.30pm - The Anointing of the Sick and 3.00pm - Concelebrated Mass followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary Procession to the Shrine and blessing of religious objects. Further information is available from Father Colin Grant, Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School, on 9064 3939.
Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.
The Monthly Stipend Collection will be taken up at all Masses next weekend.
We pray for the repose of the soul of Honorio V Villarosa, who died recently. We also remember all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year especially:
Kay King, Gemma Woollams, Alice McGourty,
Victoria V Caberto and Petrronillo M Caberto.
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT - we can be contacted on 074 5698 9458. Our members are Regiena Babu, Eileen Brogan, Eithne Daly, Maire Devine, Brenda McMeekin, David McMeekin, Celine Molloy, Joan Rogan and Lucy Traynor.
Hannahstown – this Sunday at 3.00pm. Mass will be celebrated in the grounds of St Joseph’s Cemetery, followed by the blessing of the graves.
St Peter’s, the Rock – next Sunday at 3.00pm. Prayers and blessing of graves.
APOSTOLIC WORK ANNUAL DISPLAY will be held after all the Masses this weekend. There will be plants, cakes,books and toys,jewelleryand, of course, the Tombola and raffle. There will be tea and coffee as usual. There have been an increasing number of requests from missionaries for help to Apostolic headquarters so your continued support will be very important. New members or anyone who can help in other ways are always welcome. If you cannot stay after Mass but would like to contribute, donations will be received at the door of the Parochial Hall.
APOSTOLIC WORK - will meet this Tuesday evening in the Iona Room of the Parochial Hall.
WEDNESDAY CLUB - are meetng this Wednesday at the Frozen Yoghurt Shop, beside Kirkpatrick Church at 2.00pm. Join us there.
ST. JOSEPH’S PRIMARY SCHOOL END OF YEAR SHOW - at the Glenmachan Church of God this Wednesday and Thursday. Tickets available in the school from Miss McCullough and Mrs Magee priced £5
PARISH SIRLOIN STEAK/CHICKEN BBQ & DISCO- will take place this Friday from 7.30pm in the Parochial Hall/Scout & Guide den. Bring your own refreshments and the music will be on until 12.30am. Its guaranteed to be a great night out so why not make it a great night out with friends. Tickets are only £15 per person and will be available to purchase this weekend or they are available from Roisin McMullan on 078 5414 0019 or Mary Walsh on 078 1549 3463 or any member of the Social & Fundraising Committee. If you have any special dietary requirements please let us know when you book your ticket. We look forward to seeing you there.
Community Fun Day - next Saturday from 12.00 noon to 3.00pm. Car park in Church Grounds will be closed for this event. Come along to St Joseph’s P.S. first ‘Community Fun Day’ for a fun-filled afternoon! Climb the Infinity Tower, descend the Mega Slide, touch the clouds on the bouncy castle and wonder at our birds of prey. Plus we’ll have face painting, a photo booth, gladiator duel, arts and crafts, a football arena and lots, lots more!! If you work up an appetite there’s a BBQ and refreshments as well as plenty to do indoors if it’s wet! We hope you can make it. We also welcome volunteers to help on the day and donations for our cake sale can be left at the school the week before. Follow us on facebook at ‘St Joseph’s PTA’ or email
WEDNESDAY CLUB - trip to Hilltown to visit Mary Kate’s cottage for lunch and then entertainment on Wednesday 10th June. Bus leaving car park at 11.00am. Names please to Pat on 9067 1036 or Anna on 9065 1351.
CLONARD NOVENA - will be held from Wednesday 17th to Thursday 25th June. Leaflets giving all times and details of services are available in the porch. Please take one home with you. Further information is available on
Project India 2015 - St.Colmcille's/ Gilnahirk Habitat 2015 Team are hosting a concert featuring the award winning Concentio Chamber Choir led by Jonathan Ireland, on Thursday 18th June at 7.30pm in St Colmcille's Church.Admission is by ticket and costs £10. Come along and listen to some of Northern Ireland's most talented young singers. Tickets are available from John Barry on 9065 4395/ 078 4072 8477 or email or Maureen Verdon on 9514 1808 / 079 2962 4395. Book early to avoid disappointment! Light refreshments available in the Parochial Hall after the event.
Big Breakfast – a big “THANK YOU” is extended to all who supported the Big Breakfast for TAP last Sunday. As a parish family social event and a fundraiser for Moita Bwawani, it was very successful. Thanks to all those who helped - past team members and other parishioners. Through your attendance and donations we raised the magnificent figure of £1,031.70 to send to the TAP Mission Projects in Moita Bwawani.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Luxeuil, Bregenz, St Gallen & Bobbio - to mark the Year of St Columbanus, Bishop Noel Treanor will lead a Diocesan Pilgrimage to sites associated with St Columbanus - Luxeuil, Bregenz, St Gallen and Bobbio from 24thto 31stAugust. Anyone interested in taking part in the Pilgrimage is asked to contact Kieran Troy on 00 353 5793 55050.
Bangor Colloquium - Part 2 will take place in Luxeuil from Thursday 17thuntil Saturday 19thSeptember. Part 3 will be held in Bobbio from Saturday 21stuntil Sunday 22ndNovember. The title of the Bangor Colloquium is“Making Europe: Columbanus and his Legacy”.
Celebrating Columbanus – a weekend of celebrations will be held in the Dioceses of Down and Connor and Armagh from Friday 19thto Sunday 21stJune. Visitors from Italy (from the Dioceses of Piacenza-Bobbio, Lodi, Pavia and Mantua), France (from the Archdiocese of Besançon) and Germany (from the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart) are expected to attend our celebrations. The celebrations commence with Vespers in Good Shepherd Church on Friday, 19thJune at 7.00pm. Celebrations continue in Bangor on Saturday, 20thJune, with the National Commemoration in honour of St Columbanus taking place in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh, on Sunday, 21thJune.
Mass in St Comgall’s Church, Bangor - the principal celebration in honour of St Columbanus will be a celebration of the Eucharist in St Comgall’s Church, Brunswick Road, Bangor, on Saturday, 20thJune at 6.30pm. It will be the Parish Vigil Mass.
Living Faith: Go Proclaim the Gospel - Living our faith can be both quite challenging and really wonderful. Each year in Ballymena a Round-Table gathering is held in The Parish Centre, All Saints Church, Ballymena to consider some aspect of faith. This year it will be next Saturday from 1.45pm to 5.00pm. The topic this year is Living Faith: Go Proclaim the Gospel. Our excellent keynote speaker this year is noted media commentator, speaker, journalist and teacher, Breda O'Brien, and the other speakers will be Baroness Nuala O'Loan and Fr Patrick Delargy.
THE PILGRIM LIFE - The Gospel of Mark, Discipleship in Ordinary Time by Pamela Thimmes, OSC in Drumalis Retreat and Conference Centre next Sunday from 10.00am to 4.30pm. Cost £35. Come and hear and learn about the Gospel of Mark. From beginning to end, the first and shortest of the Gospels challenges and astonishes, demonstrating that “sometimes we need stories more than food to stay alive”. To book a space contact Drumalis on 2827 2196.
CORRYMEELA 50TH ANNIVERSARY: BIG BURGER BASH - as part of the celebrations for Corrymeela’s 50th anniversary, there will be a Big Burger Bash at Streamvale Open Farm, 38 Ballyhanwood Road, on Friday 12th June from 7.00pm to 10.00pm. Featuring tasty burgers, delicious ice cream, and fun farm activities. Bring your own beverages. Admission: Adults £10, children £5, no ticket needed, just pay at entrance. All are very welcome, so please put in your diary and come and enjoy a great summer evening out.
COLUMBANUS BANGOR FOLK FESTIVAL 2015 - Ards CCÉ can confirm that the headline act for this year’s folk festival will be Dervish, supported by Ards CCÉ Entertainment Group. The concert will take place on Saturday 13th June at St Comgall’s Parish Hall and there will be a fully licensed bar available. Tickets are only £10 per person and are now available to purchase from Thomas’ Shop.
Living Church Down & Connor Lough Derg Pilgrimage - the third Living Church Lough Derg 3 day Pilgrimage will take place from Friday 3rd July to Sunday 5th July. The pilgrimage will be the traditional three day format. Those who took part in the pilgrimage over the last few years spoke of the many blessings they received from being on the island of Lough Derg, as countless people have throughout the years. There is quietness and deep spirituality to be found there that is very special. Please consider coming along this year. The cost of the pilgrimage is £60.00. The cost does not include travel to the island. For details of travel arrangements and to book a place please call the Living Church Office on 9069 0920 or email by Friday 12th June.
ST. PETER’S FOLLOWERS OF THE CROSS - annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes from 7th to 12th October. Spiritual Director – Rev. Patrick McCafferty. Fare - £599 per person inclusive of Belfast/Lourdes return flights, full board accommodation and all taxes. For bookings and further information please contact James Hyndman on 9032 7218, Julieanne Hughes on 9024 6901 or Jimmy Barr on 90249745.