Upstate Livestock Exchange, Williamston, SC
Weighted Average Report for Monday Jan 23, 2017
Cattle Receipts: 205 Last week:851 Last year: 170
Compared to last Monday, Feeder Steers and Feeder Heifers 3.00 higher,
Slaughter Cows and Slaughter Bulls 3.00 higher. Low amount of cattle due to
inclement weather. Slaughter cows made up 18 percent of the offering, slaughter bulls 3 percent, replacement cows 11 percent, and feeders 67 percent. The feeder supply included
27 percent steers, 36 percent heifers, and 38 percent bulls. Near 23 percent of
the run weighed over 600 lbs.
Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1 - 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
4 265-290 279 155.00-162.00 157.94
3 300-345 328 152.00-160.00 155.47
2 305-310 308 165.00-167.50 166.24 Fancy
5 355-395 381 144.00-157.00 151.09
2 505-520 513 135.00-137.00 136.01
2 885-895 890 100.00-101.00 100.50
Medium 2
2 325-340 333 130.00-137.50 133.83
3 355-380 372 130.00-135.00 132.50
Medium and Large 3
2 225-235 230 132.50-135.00 133.78
Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 - 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 225-230 228 130.00-139.00 134.45
5 250-275 265 134.00-144.00 139.86
5 310-345 333 133.00-144.00 139.48
8 400-435 411 116.00-126.00 122.35
3 500-530 515 104.00-111.00 107.40
Medium 2
3 315-325 320 110.00-120.00 113.39
2 390-390 390 122.50-125.00 123.75
3 400-410 405 105.00-110.00 107.52
Medium and Large 3
2 225-235 230 122.00-125.00 123.47
Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1 - 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
8 400-445 428 125.00-136.00 132.20
3 450-485 468 135.00-139.00 136.68
2 455-455 455 143.00-144.00 143.50 Fancy
5 500-545 520 130.00-135.00 132.18
4 550-580 569 117.00-127.00 121.53
8 650-695 669 107.00-115.00 110.32
2 865-895 880 81.00-85.00 83.03
Medium 2
2 500-510 505 117.00-123.00 120.03
Medium and Large 3
2 460-490 475 107.00-107.50 107.24
Slaughter Cows Breaker 70-80% Lean
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
4 1270-1370 1309 64.00-67.00 65.53
5 1410-1700 1516 64.00-69.00 66.87
Boner 80-85% Lean
12 905-1370 1154 60.00-67.00 62.57
2 1070-1320 1195 71.00-72.00 71.55 High Dressing
Lean 85-90% Lean
9 845-1230 985 54.00-59.00 56.78
Slaughter Bulls Yield Grade 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 1270-1275 1273 94.00-99.00 96.50
3 2110-2180 2138 88.00-97.00 93.34
Goats: Receipts 34 last week 69. Goats are sold on a per head basis and
weights are estimated. Kids Sel 2 40-60lbs, few at 60.00, 60-80lbs, few at
75.00; Yearlings Sel 2 60-80lbs 95.00-100.00; Nannies Sel 1 140-180lbs, one at
175.00, Sel 2 50-70lbs, couple at 115.00; Wethers Sel 1&2 80-100lbs, couple
160.00, 150-250lbs, one at 260.00; Billies Sel 1 150-250lbs 200.00-220.00, Sel 2
100-150lbs, couple at 145.00, 150-250lbs, one at 190.00.
Hogs: Receipts 42 last week 38.
USDA 1-3 Barrows and Gilts 200-250lbs 38.00-46.00, 250-300lbs 37.00-47.00; USDA
1-3 BBQ Shaots 100-200lbs 40.00-48.00.
Source: SC Dept of Ag-USDA Market News Service, Columbia, SC