Exercise by Anne Howard Training & Consulting

Divide into groups of 4 or more, assigning each group a different Power Word. Instruct the groups to go around the table with each participant starting a sentence with the Power Word their group was assigned. The sentences should tell something that they think a supervisor should do. Some possible Power Words are: balance, focus, model, communicate, and facilitate. An example of a participant response might be: “Model optimism” or “Model the behavior that you want” or “Facilitate ongoing learning.” Groups should keep giving responses (which they should record) until time is called (5-7 minutes). Each group should select the 3-5 best responses to share with everyone.

Responses could be posted in the room for the duration of a training session and can be used to introduce the topics to be covered in the rest of the class. The trainer can guide the responses (somewhat) by the choice of Power Words to be used, and can add a few of his/her own to the lists. This exercise could also be used with groups other than supervisors, such as Power Words for Case Managers, etc.