FCS 324/Psych 370

Chapter 1 Review Items

1. How is the field of human development defined?

2. What is a theory? Include the three critical elements necessary for a good theory in your definition.

  1. What is the difference between a qualitative change and a quantitative change?
  1. Match each theoretical approach with the appropriate description.

_____considers development to be universal1. multiple course of development

across individuals and cultures2. single course of development

_____ views development as a process of 3. continuous development

gradually building on preexisting skills4. discontinuous development

_____ regards the environment as the most5. nature

important influence on development6. nurture

_____ considers human development in light

of distinct contexts

_____ views development as a progression through

a series of qualitatively distinct stages

_____ views heredity (genetics) as the most

important influence on development

  1. Cite the three broad domains of development and give examples of each.




6. List the eight periods of development and give the approximate age range for each.









  1. What does it mean for development to be plastic?
  1. Events that are strongly related to age and therefore fairly predictable in when they occur and how long they last are called ______-graded influences? Provide an example.
  1. ______-graded influences explain why people born around the same time tend to be alike in ways that set them apart from people born at other times. Provide an example.
  1. What are nonnormative influences? Provide an example.
  1. What is resiliency?
  1. Briefly describe four broad factors that appear to offer protection from the damaging effects of stressful life events.





  1. In what way did Erikson psychosocial theorybuild upon and improve Freud’s psychosexual theory?
  1. Match each of Erikson’s stages with the appropriate description.

_____ successful resolution of this stage depends on1. industry vs. inferiority

the adult’s success at caring for other people and2. autonomy vs. shame

productive workand doubt

_____ the primary task of this stage is the development of3. intimacy vs. isolation

a sense of self and a sense of one’s place in society4. identity vs. identity

_____ successful resolution of this stage depends on adiffusion

warm, loving relationship with the caregiver5. basic trust vs. mistrust

_____ in this stage, children experiment with adult roles6. generativity vs. stagnation

through make-believe play7. initiative vs. guilt

_____ successful resolution of this stage depends on8. ego integrity vs. despair

parents granting the child reasonable opportunities

for free choice

_____ in this stage, successful resolution involves

reflecting on one’s life accomplishments

_____ the development of close relationships with others

helps ensure successful resolution of this stage

_____ children who develop the capacity for cooperation

and productive work will successfully resolve this


Place the stages in their sequential order.

  1. Which theoretical approach focuses its study of human development to directly observable events—stimuli and responses?
  1. Contrast classical conditioning with operant conditioning.
  1. Briefly describe social learning theory.
  1. Define Piaget’s notion of adaptation.
  1. Match each of Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theorystages with the appropriate description.

_____ during this stage, thought becomes more complex,1. preoperational

and children develop the capacity for abstract2. formal operational

thought3. sensorimotor

_____ this stage is characterized by the use of eyes, ears,4. concrete operational

and hands to explore the environment

_____ during this stage, children develop the capacity

for symbolic thought

_____ this stage is marked by the development of

logical, organized reasoning skills

Place the stages in their sequential order.

20.Briefly describe the information-processing view of human development.

  1. Ethology is the study of
  1. Contrast the notion of a critical period with that of a sensitive period.

23.Explain the importance of social interaction according to Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory.

24.Match each level of the ecological systems theory with the appropriate description or example:

_____ relationship between the child’s1. exosystem

home and school2. microsystem

_____ the influence of cultural values3. mesosystem

_____ the parent’s workplace4. macrosystem

_____ the child’s interactions with parents

Draw and label a diagram of the model.

25.What is developmental cognitive neuroscience?