Dun & Bradstreet – RBL Bank Limited
SME Business Excellence Awards 2017

Nomination Form: Sectoral Awards

Eligibility Criteria:

· SME Segment: Companies that fulfill the criteria for small and medium enterprises as defined by the MSMED Act, 2006 will be considered under this segment. Accordingly, the criteria are: -

Manufacturing Enterprises / Services Enterprises
Classification / Investment limit in Plant & Machinery / Investment limit in Equipment
Small / More than Rs 25 lakhs but less than Rs 5 crore / More than Rs 10 lakhs but less than Rs 2 crore
Medium / More than Rs 5 crore but less than Rs 10 crore / More than Rs 2 crore but less than Rs 5 crore

SME segment awards will cover businesses that meet the above criteria for small OR medium size in manufacturing and services respectively. Micro enterprises are not covered under these SME Awards.

· Mid-Corporate Segment: Businesses (in manufacturing/services sector) that exceed the investment threshold of SMEs as defined above, and whose turnover in FY17 is NOT more than Rs 500 crore will be eligible under this segment.

· Businesses involved exclusively in trading activities are not eligible to apply for the awards

Key Instructions:

· Following sections are mandatory - Section A (General Information); Section B (Business Operations and Financial Performance); Section G (Declaration)

· All valid entries will receive a ‘Participation Certificate’ from Dun & Bradstreet and RBL Bank, acknowledging and thanking you for your participation

· Annual Reports/Financial statements of FY17, FY16, FY15 are mandatory to be sent along with the nomination form

· Financial information provided in the nomination form will be kept confidential

· Please provide all financial figures in Rupees Crore

· Nominations/queries can be sent across at .

· The last date for submission of completed nomination forms is 7th October, 2017

Key Documents to be submitted:

Mandatory Documents for FY17, FY16 and FY15 / Strongly Recommended Documents
·  Annual Reports for FY17, FY16 and FY15 OR
·  Audited Financial Statements for FY17, FY16 and FY15 OR
·  Unaudited Financial Statements for FY17, FY16 and FY15
·  Banker's Confidentiality Letter / ·  Company/investor presentation explaining business model
·  Marketing Collaterals, Product Brochures, Company Brochures
·  Client Testimonial OR Customer Feedback
·  Award/Quality Certifications, Patent documents, Technology Agreements
·  Credit rating report/score

Section A: General Information

A.1] Company Information
Registered Name of the Business:
Head Office Address:
Year of commencement of Business Operations: / Website:
Telephone: / Mobile:

A.2] Ownership Pattern: □ Proprietorship □ Partnership □ Private Limited

□ Public Limited □Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

A.3] Details of Promoter/Partner/CEO/MD/Director

1 / Name: / Designation:
Mobile: / Email id:
Gender: Male Female
2 / Name: / Designation:
Mobile: / Email id:
Gender: Male Female

Section B: Business Operations and Financial Performance

B.1] What is the nature of your business? □ Manufacturing / Processing □ Services □ Trading

B.2] What is your main line of business? OR What is the nature of services provided by your business?

(Please tick only one option that applies)

Manufacturing / Services
Engineering & Machinery / IT & IT Enabled Services
Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals / Transportation & Logistics
Textiles & Garments / Professional & Business Services
Food Processing & Agro Products / Education & Health Services
Electrical & Electronic Goods / Travel, Tourism & Hospitality
Plastic & Plastic Products / Digital and Fintech Solutions
Renewable Energy Products
Others (Please specify) ______

B.3] Products manufactured by your business? OR What services do you provide?


B.4] Plant Details

Number of plants and address (for manufacturing sector) / Number of centres and address (for services sector)

B.5] Total Investment as on 31 March 2017 (excluding land and building) in Plant & Machinery (for manufacturing business) OR Equipment (for Services business)

□ Less than Rs 10 lakh / □ Between Rs 2 crore and Rs 5 crore
□ Between Rs 10 lakh and Rs 25 lakh / □ Between Rs 5 crore and Rs 10 crore
□ Between Rs 25 lakh and Rs 2 crore / □ More than Rs 10 crore

B.6] Financial Highlights (Annual Report/Audited Financials for FY17, FY16 and FY15 Are Mandatory to Be Attached and Submitted with the Form)

(in Rs. Crore)

Particulars / FY17 / FY16 / FY15
Total Turnover* (From Profit and Loss statement)
Net Profit (Profit after Tax) (From Profit and Loss statement)
Total Number of Employees (including contract labour)
Exports turnover

*Total Turnover is the business topline essentially the value of goods or services sold or delivered by your business in the FY.

Section C: Business Details

C.1] Business model and its details

Please provide details of your business and business model and its USP
(Please be as descriptive as possible by attaching additional documents)

C.2] Business explanation related to financial details

Please explain your financials reasons for major trends such as Growth (Decline) in Turnover, Growth (Decline) in Profits, Changes in Total Borrowings, and Changes in Total Assets etc.
(Please be as descriptive as possible by attaching additional documents)

C.3] Strategic initiatives for -

·  Export initiatives
·  Expansion plans
·  Technical/marketing collaborations
·  Future plans
(Please be as descriptive as possible by attaching additional documents)

Section D: Product Details

D.1] Product-Wise Sales Breakup - Please provide details of Sales of your key products / services:

Sr. No / Name of the Key Products / Services / FY17 / FY16
(in Rs crore) / Exports
(in Rs crore) / Sales
(in Rs crore) / Exports
(in Rs crore)

D.2] Please provide details of contribution (in %) of key customers to the Total Sales / Total Turnover of business:

Sr. No / Names of Key Customers / Type of Customer
(Domestic / Exports) / % Contribution to Total Sales in FY17 / % Contribution to Total Sales in FY16

D.3] Customer References OR you can attach documents with customer references

Sr. No / Name of the Company / Contact Person / Contact No. / Email Id

Section E: Case for Business Excellence

E.1] Summary of Case for Business Excellence

Please provide key insights on your business which makes you a strong contender for SME Business Excellence Awards 2017. Give reasons and attach supporting documents.
(Note: This is a business summary. Questions pertaining to specific business functions are being covered in E.3)

E.2] What are the USPs (Unique Selling Points) that differentiate your company from its competitors?

Please provide details about the unique factors that gives your company a competitive advantage with respect to its competitors such as product uniqueness, pricing power, strong brand etc.

E.3] Case Details of key critical areas for Business Excellence

Please provide information on-

·  Key initiatives taken by you in various critical areas for overall business development

·  How has it helped you in the specific business area?

·  Names of relevant documents/certifications/financial information attached

Below indicators are only for your reference and are only illustrative. Please do not restrict yourself to these illustrations and please feel free to provide as much relevant information as possible and make your own case.

(Please be as descriptive as possible by attaching additional documents)

Area / Examples of Initiatives / Information to be provided in separate sheet/documents to be attached / Details provided in separate sheet/attached documents
(Please mention Yes/No)
Operational Excellence / Improving operational efficiency, capacity utilization, cost optimization etc. / Production details, technology agreements, quality certificates, awards won etc.
Sales and Marketing / Marketing strategy, details of marketing campaign, impact on income/profit/clients etc. / Product brochure, company brochure, marketing collaterals, customer feedback, awards won etc.
Product / Service –
Quality & Innovation / New product developed or new service offered, quality improvement exercise undertaken, new technology adopted etc. / Quality certification, customer feedback or testimonials, patents, awards won etc.
Digital Adoption / Digital marketing, digitization of documents etc. / Online presence, e-commerce, social media etc.
Human Resource Management / Lower attrition, improved productivity, highly engaged workforce etc. / Employee welfare schemes, employee satisfaction surveys etc.
Customer Service & Excellence / Initiatives for customer retention, increase in sales, acquisition of new customers etc. / Customer feedback or testimonials, awards won etc.
Health & Safety / Group health and life insurance, safety record etc. / Medical check-ups, workplace safety certifications etc.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) / Social welfare activities conducted in areas of health, education etc. / Number of children educated, medical camps, CSR expenses, awards etc.

Section F: Miscellaneous Information

F.1] Credit Rating

·  Do you have credit rating report? □ Yes □ No

·  If yes, please provide the name of the agency: ______

·  Rating Score and the period: ______

·  Credit Rating Report Attached: □ Yes □ No

F.2] Banking Partner Information

·  Kindly name your primary bank with whom you conduct business: ______

·  Banker's Confidentiality Letter attached: □ Yes □ No

F.3] Do you want Dun & Bradstreet to contact you for better understanding of D&B’s products for your business? □ Yes □ No

Section G: Declaration

This is to certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge –
Name of the respondent: ______Designation: ______
Email: ______Mobile No and Landline: ______
Signature and Date: ______
Please use company seal for authentication.

Please provide details of the person we should contact for any clarifications/further information (leave blank if same as above)

Name of the respondent: ______Designation: ______

Email: ______Mobile No and Landline: ______

Please send the completed nomination form to SME Business Excellence Awards Nomination Centre:

Contact: -

Christopher D’Souza (022 - 66801342) Pooja Wadhwa (022 - 66801569)

Dun & Bradstreet Information Services India Pvt. Ltd., ICC Chambers 2, 2nd Floor, Near Saki-Vihar Telephone

Exchange, Saki-Vihar Road, Powai, Mumbai - 400072, Maharashtra. CIN - U74140MH1997PTC107813

You may also email us the filled nomination form at

SME Business Excellence Awards 2017 – Sectoral Awards Nomination FormPage 5