This bi-monthly bulletin covers various aspects of end of life care and should be of interest to staff working in this area. It is intended as an information tool to help you keep up to date with developments in your area of clinical expertise and interest. It is not an expression of organisational policy. The inclusion of a guideline, system, tool or similar in this newsletter does not imply that it is used, or should be implemented, within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Many of the following articles are available online via the NHS Scotland Knowledge Network. Please use the links where provided and your ATHENS password. A complete list of available online journals and registration for ATHENS can be found at

If the article you require is not available via the NHS Scotland Knowledge Network and you would like to request a print copy, please submit your request online at

This bulletin contains a selection of material gathered from a search of the evidence base, and is not intended to be comprehensive. Professional judgment should be exercised when appraising the material. The Library takes no responsibility for the wording, content and accuracy of the information supplied, which has been extracted in good faith from reputable sources. NHSGGC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Compiled by:

Laura McVean

Assistant Librarian (North)

Stobhill Library, New Stobhill Hospital, 133 Balornock Road, Glasgow, G21 3UW

0141 355 1684 (11684)


Journal Articles 2

Advance Care Planning and Resuscitation Orders 2

Communication, Decision Making and Support 3

Ethics 3

Euthanasia and Assisted Dying 4

Experience of Patients, their Families and Carers 4

Grief and Bereavement 5

Quality of Care 5

Service Design and Management 6

Spiritual and Cultural Aspects 7

Staff Education, Experiences and Roles 7

Symptom Management and Treatment Withdrawal 7

Publications 8

Journal Articles

Advance Care Planning and Resuscitation Orders

Chiarchario, J., Buddadhumaruk, P., Arnold, R.M., White, D.B. (2015) Prior Advance Care Planning Is Associated with Less Decisional Conflict among Surrogates for Critically Ill Patients. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 12 (10), 1528-1533 10p.
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Harrison Dening, K. (2015) Advance care planning in dementia. Nursing Standard, 29 (51), 41-46 6p.
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Ke, L., Huang, X., O'Connor, M. & Lee, S. (2015) Nurses' views regarding implementing advance care planning for older people: a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative studies. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24 (15), 2057-2073 17p.
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Norals, T.E. & Smith, T.J. (2015) Advance Care Planning Discussions: Why They Should Happen, Why They Don't, and How We Can Facilitate the Process. Oncology (Williston Park, N.Y.), 29 (8), 567-571.
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Sharma, R.K., Prigerson, H.G., Penedo, F.J. & Maciejewski, P.K. (2015) Male-female patient differences in the association between end-of-life discussions and receipt of intensive care near death. Cancer, 121 (16), 2814-2820.
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Zakhour M, LaBrant L, Rimel BJ, Walsh CS, Li AJ, Karlan BY & Cass I. (2015) Too much, too late: Aggressive measures and the timing of end of life care discussions in women with gynecologic malignancies. Gynecologic oncology, 138 (2), 383-387.
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Communication, Decision-Making and Support

Caswell, G., Pollock, K., Harwood, R. & Porock, D. (2015) Communication between family carers and health professionals about end-of-life care for older people in the acute hospital setting: A qualitative study.
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Kassam, A., Skiadaresis, J., Alexander, S. & Wolfe, J. (2015) Differences in end-of-life communication for children with advanced cancer who were referred to a palliative care team. Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 62 (8), 1409-1413.
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Waldrop, D., Meeker, M.A. & Kutner, J.S. (2015) The developmental transition from living with to dying from cancer: Hospice decision making. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 33 (5), 576-598.
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Daeschler, M., Verdino, R.J., Caplan, A.L. & Kirkpatrick, J.N. (2015) Defibrillator Deactivation against a Patient's Wishes: Perspectives of Electrophysiology Practitioners. PACE - Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 38 (8), 917-924.
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Dionne, J. & d'Agincourt-Canning, L. (2015) Sustaining life or prolonging dying? Appropriate choice of conservative care for children in end-stage renal disease: an ethical framework. Pediatric Nephrology, 30 (10), 1761-1769 9p.
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Karches, K.E. & Sulmasy, D.P. (2015) Ethical Considerations for Turning off Pacemakers and Defibrillators. Cardiac Electrophysiology Clinics, 7 (3), 547-555.
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Overby, K.J., Weinstein, M.S. & Fiester, A. (2015) Addressing Consent Issues in Donation After Circulatory Determination of Death. American Journal of Bioethics, 15 (8), 3-9 7p.
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Schildmann, J., Baumann, A., Cakar, M., Salloch, S. & Vollmann, J. (2015) Decisions about Limiting Treatment in Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Clinical Ethical Analysis of Reported Variables. Journal of palliative medicine, 18 (10), 884-892.
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Schofield, G.M., Urch, C.E., Stebbing, J. & Giamas, G. (2015) When does a human being die?. QJM, 108 (8) (pp 605-609), Arte Number: hu239.
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St, Louis, E.K. & Sharp, R.R. (2015) Ethical aspects of organ donation after circulatory death. CONTINUUM Lifelong Learning in Neurology, 21 (5), 1445-1450.
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Wrigley, A. (2015) Ethics and end of life care: The Liverpool Care Pathway and the Neuberger Review. Journal of Medical Ethics: Journal of the Institute of Medical Ethics, 41 (8), 639-643.
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Euthanasia and Assisted Dying

Barrie, S. (2015) QALYs, euthanasia and the puzzle of death. Journal of Medical Ethics: Journal of the Institute of Medical Ethics, 41 (8), 635-638.
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Mullock, A. (2015) The Assisted Dying Bill and the role of the physician. Journal of Medical Ethics: Journal of the Institute of Medical Ethics, 41 (8), 621-624.
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Tomlinson, E., Spector, A., Nurock, S. & Stott, J. (2015) Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide in dementia: A qualitative study of the views of former dementia carers. Palliative medicine, 29 (8), 720-726.
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Experience of Patients, their Families and Carers

Abshire, M., Xu, J., Dennison Himmelfarb, C., Davidson, P, Sulmasy, D., Kub, J., Hughes, M., Nolan, M. (2015) Symptoms and fear in heart failure patients approaching end of life: a mixed methods study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24 (21), 3215-3223 9p.
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Burns, E.J., Quinn, S.J., Abernethy, A.P. Currow, D.C. (2015) Caregiver Expectations: Predictors of a Worse Than Expected Caregiving Experience at the End of Life. Journal of pain and symptom management, 50 (4), 453-461.
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Butler, A.E., Hall, H., Willetts, G. & Copnell, B. (2015) Family experience and PICU death: A meta-synthesis. Pediatrics, 136 (4), e961-e973.
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Cook, D., Swinton, M., Toledo, F., Clarke, F., Rose, T., Hand-Breckenridge, T., Boyle, A., Woods, A., Zytaruk, N., Heels-Ansdell, D. & Sheppard, R. (2015) Personalizing death in the intensive care unit: The 3 wishes project a mixed-methods study. Annals of Internal Medicine, 163 (4), 271-279.
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Ellis, J., Cobb, M., O'Connor, T., Dunn, L., Irving, G. & Lloyd-Williams, M. (2015) The meaning of suffering in patients with advanced progressive cancer. Chronic Illness, 11 (3), 198-209.
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Holdsworth, L.M. (2015) Bereaved carers accounts of the end of life and the role of care providers in a good death: A qualitative study. Palliative medicine, 29 (9), 834-841.
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Kramer, B.J. & Boelk, A.Z. (2015) Correlates and predictors of conflict at the end of life among families enrolled in hospice. Journal of pain and symptom management, 50 (2), 155-162.
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Ko, E., Kwak, J. & Nelson-Becker, H. (2015) What constitutes a good and bad death?: Perspectives of homeless older adults. Death studies, 39 (7), 422-432.
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Lewis, L.F. (2015) Caregiving for a Loved One with Dementia at the End of Life: An Emergent Theory of Rediscovering. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, 30 (5), 488-496.
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Slatyer, S., Pienaar, C., Williams, A.M., Proctor, K. & Hewitt, L. (2015) Finding privacy from a public death: A qualitative exploration of how a dedicated space for end‐of‐life care in an acute hospital impacts on dying patients and their families. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24 (15-16), 2164-2174.
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Steinhauser, K.E., Voils, C.I., Bosworth, H. & Tulsky, J.A. (2015) What constitutes quality of family experience at the end of life? Perspectives from family members of patients who died in the hospital. Palliative & Supportive Care, 13 (4), 945-952 8p.
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Stenzel, N.M., Vaske, I., Kühl, K., Kenn, K. & Rief, W. (2015) Prediction of end-of-life fears in COPD—Hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. Psychology & Health, 30 (9), 1017-1034.
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Virdun, C., Luckett, T., Davidson, P.M. & Phillips, J. (2015) Dying in the hospital setting: A systematic review of quantitative studies identifying the elements of end-of-life care that patients and their families rank as being most important. Palliative medicine, 29 (9), 774-796.
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Grief and Bereavement

Johnson, A. (2015) Role of district and community nurses in bereavement care: a qualitative study. British journal of community nursing, 20 (10), 494-501 7p.
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Sealey M, O'Connor M, Aoun SM & Breen LJ. (2015) Exploring barriers to assessment of bereavement risk in palliative care: perspectives of key stakeholders. BMC Palliative Care, 1449.
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Trevino, K.M., Maciejewski, P.K., Epstein, A.S. & Prigerson, H.G. (2015) The lasting impact of the therapeutic alliance: Patient-oncologist alliance as a predictor of caregiver bereavement adjustment. Cancer, 121 (19), 3534-3542.
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Quality of Care

Claydon, A.; Spencer, K. (2015) Improving diabetes care at the end of life. Nursing Standard, 30 (6), 37-42 6p.
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Gomes B, Calanzani N, Koffman J & Higginson IJ. (2015) Is dying in hospital better than home in incurable cancer and what factors influence this? A population-based study. BMC Medicine, 13 (1), 235.
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Higgins, P.C., Garrido, M.M. & Prigerson, H.G. (2015) Factors Predicting Bereaved Caregiver Perception of Quality of Care in the Final Week of Life: Implications for Health Care Providers. Journal of palliative medicine, 18 (10), 849-857.
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Miller, S.J., Desai, N., Pattison, N., Droney, J.M., King, A., Farquhar-Smith, P. & Gruber, P.C. (2015) Quality of transition to end-of-life care for cancer patients in the intensive care unit.
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Stewart-Archer LA, Afghani A, Toye CM & Gomez FA. (2015) Dialogue on Ideal End-of-Life Care for Those With Dementia. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, 32 (6), 620-630.
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Service Design and Management

Coombs, M.A., Darlington, A., Long-Sutehall, T. & Richardson, A. (2015) Transferring critically ill patients home to die: developing a clinical guidance document. Nursing in critical care, 20 (5), 264-270 7p.
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Goodman, C., Froggatt, K., Amador, S., Mathie, E. & Mayrhofer, A. (2015) End of life care interventions for people with dementia in care homes: Addressing uncertainty within a framework for service delivery and evaluation Knowledge, education and training.
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Holdsworth, L.M., Gage, H., Coulton, S., King, A. & Butler, C. (2015) A quasi-experimental controlled evaluation of the impact of a hospice rapid response community service for end-of-life care on achievement of preferred place of death. Palliative medicine, 29 (9), 817-825.
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Pizzi, M.A. (2015) Promoting health and well-being at the end of life through client-centered care. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 22 (6), 442-449 8p.
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Safarpour, D., Thibault, D.P., DeSanto, C.L., Boyd, C.M., Dorsey, E.R., Racette, B.A. & Willis, A.W. (2015) Nursing home and end-of-life care in Parkinson disease. Neurology, 85 (5), 413-419.
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Sinclair CT, Kalender-Rich JL, Griebling TL & Porter-Williamson K. (2015) Palliative Care of Urologic Patients at End of Life. Clinics in geriatric medicine, 31 (4), 667-678.
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Sykes, N. (2015) One Chance to Get it Right: Understanding the new guidance for care of the dying person. British medical bulletin, 115 (1), 143-150.
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Vern-Gross, T.Z., Lam, C.G., Graff, Z., Singhal, S., Levine, D.R., Gibson, D., Sykes, A., Anghelescu, D.L., Yuan, Y. & Baker, J.N. (2015) Patterns of end-of-life care in children with advanced solid tumor malignancies enrolled on a palliative care service. Journal of pain and symptom management, 50 (3), 305-312.
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Spiritual and Cultural Aspects

Ernecoff, N.C., Curlin, F.A., Buddadhumaruk, P. & White, D.B. (2015) Health care professionals' responses to religious or spiritual statements by surrogate decision makers during goals-of-care discussions. JAMA Internal Medicine, 175 (10), 1662-1669.
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Shockey Stephenson, P. & Berry, D.M. (2015) Describing Spirituality at the End of Life. Western journal of nursing research, 37 (9), 1229-1247 19p.
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Staff Education, Experiences and Roles

Burns, M. & McIlfatrick, S. (2015) Palliative care in dementia: literature review of nurses' knowledge and attitudes towards pain assessment. International journal of palliative nursing, 21 (8), 400-407 8p.
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Clipsham, L., Islam, Z., Faull, C. (2015) Experiences of hospice inpatient nurses in supporting children before the death of a parent. International journal of palliative nursing, 21 (9), 453-459 7p.
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Cortezzo, D.E., Sanders, M.R., Brownell, E.A. & Moss, K. (2015) End-of-Life Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Experiences of Staff and Parents. American Journal of Perinatology, 32 (8), 713-724 12p.
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Cosgrove, J.F. & Bari, F. (2015) End-of-life care on the intensive care unit: An overview for hospital medical practitioners. Surgery (United Kingdom), 33 (10), 515-518.
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