Departmental Logo

When complete, please forward this form to:

Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
Communication Services
Email , fax (07) 323 41874



Organisation Details

Name of person requesting crest:
Request date:
Association with the department: / eg. Supported by or funded by Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
Departmental contact officer:
Departmental use only Authorising departmental officer crest release approval: / (Mandatory) Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services Manager level authorisation required
Name: Position: Signature:



Publication requiring the Queensland Government crest

Please note – each publication requiring a crest requires a separate crest request

Publication name:
Publication description: / Please include purpose of publication and publication type (eg. A4 book, DL brochure, poster etc.)
Distribution: / How many copies of the document will be produced and where will it be distributed?
Other logos: / What other logos will appear on the publication?
Publication format:
Please indicate the software that this crest will be used in. / Microsoft Office Software
Crest will be supplied in a Word and can be copied and pasted into Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher, etc
Design Software
Crest will be supplied in an Illustrator 4.0 EPS file.
This file is compatible with InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, PageMaker, QuarkXPress, CorelDraw, FreeHand, etc
Type of crest required:
Please indicate whether the ‘Funded by’ or ‘Supported by’ logo is required. / Funded by
This crest is appropriate where organisations received grant monies.
Supported by
This crest is appropriate where organisations receive other forms of support such as sponsorship or in-kind support for their activities.

Note: This crest to be used for the purpose of the publication specified above only. Any future publications require a new crest request form.

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Departmental use only
Date request received: / Crest provided: YES NO / Date crest provided:
Authorising Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services, Communication Services approval to release crest.
Name: Position: Signature:
(Principal Communication Advisor authorisation required to verify above)

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