EUROSTAT : Directorate A: Unit A6: Statistical cooperation
EuropeAid : Directorate F: Unit F4: Regional Programmes ENP-South


First meeting of the Forum of

Euro-Mediterranean Statisticians

JeanMonnetBuilding, Room M2

13-14 May 2013

Proposals for the design and implementation of the Euro-Mediterranean External trade and Balance of payments Statistics Working Group

Version 28/03/2013

Session 4 of the Agenda


Mr. Driss EL MOUSTAOUI, National coordinator for External Trade statistics (Office des Changes – Maroc)

M. Henri TYRMAN, Key Expert for External Trade and Balance of Payments statistics (MEDSTAT III)

Disclaimer: This document is a proposal for consideration by the Forum.
Please note that funding is not yet secured, and the proposal does not engage Eurostat nor the European Commission in any way.




2.General framework


2.2.Scope for action

2.3.Expected results

3.Proposals for the mandate and activities of the working group on external trade and balance of payments statistics


3.2.Priority activities (proposals)

4.Proposals for the implementation and operation of the working group on external trade and balance of payments statistics


4.2.Membership and participation

4.3.Management and monitoring cell


4.5.Operation of the WG meetings

4.6.Working group implementation and activities

4.7.Estimation of costs and financing

Annex: Overall estimation of costs and financing (in euros)


EFTA European Free Trade Association

UNECA United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

ECEuropean Commission

UN/ESCWA United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia

EUROSTATEuropean Union Statistical Office

IMFInternational Monetary Fund

NSI National Statistics Institute

ITS-BOP WGEuro-Mediterranean working group on external trade and balance of payments statistics

OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

NSO National Statistics Office

PPMPays Partenaires Méditerranéens (Mediterranean partner countries)

ENP European Neighbourhood Policy

TdR Reference terms

UfM Union for the Mediterranean

UNSDUnited Nations Statistics Division

WG Working Group

WTOWorld Trade Organisation


The sector of external trade and balance of payments statistics is one of the priority sectors for Euro-Mediterranean cooperation within the framework of the Euro-Med programme. One of its main objectives is the development of a free trade area which aims to increase trade and investment within the EU and Mediterranean countries, as well as between the Mediterranean partner countries themselves. The production of reliable, standardised and timely statistics is essential for the implementation of this cooperation, and particularly for the selection of projects and definition of necessary actions in this field.

In this context, the Mediterranean partner countries have clearly expressed their will to see continued action taken on external trade statistics extending beyond the MEDSTAT III programme in order to consolidate and extend the results which have already been achieved.

At the DC meeting held in Luxembourg in October 2011, it was decided to include the sector of external trade and balance of payments statistics among the priority sectors for Euro-Mediterranean statistical cooperation extending beyond the MEDSTAT programme. In this regard, the extension of this programme should help to define the precise content of the work programme which will be implemented.

The mandate and the responsibilities of the working group (WG) must be adopted during the first meeting scheduled for October 2013. Morocco (Office des Changes) has already expressed its availability to lead the working group on external trade and balance of payments statistics in the framework of the future strategy of statistical cooperation, subject to an administrative and financial support by the European Commission. The objective is to successfully lead the WG's activities towards important targeted areas, but also to develop beneficial statistical cooperation for all participants in order to monitor the various changes and strategies for developing the statistics covered by this sector.


This document has been written based on the exploratory study on the future of Euro-Mediterranean statistical cooperation, on the reference terms and generic mandates of the working groups proposed by Eurostat, as well as the framework documents and reflections relating to setting up working groups in the transport and energy sectors.

The reflection was also based on the actions and results obtained in the framework of the MEDSTAT III programme in the field of external trade statistics.

It also took into account recent changes which have been made on a regional and international level in the field of external trade and balance of payments statistics, particularly in the recommendations defined by the international organisations:

-Balance of Payments Manual - 6th edition - 2010 (IMF);

-Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services MSITS-2010 (UN, EC, IMF, OECD, UNCTAD, UNWTO, WTO);

-International Merchandise Trade Statistics – Concepts and Definitions - Revision 3 - IMTS2010 (UNSD);

-Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment - 2008 (OECD).

2.General framework


The main objectives of the implementation of the working group on external trade and balance of payments statistics are as follows:

Having a structure which allows exchanges on international recommendations, sharing experiences and best practices

Providing technical support to stakeholders in statistical systems relating to external trade and the balance of payments in Mediterranean countries in order to:

  • Increase capacities for the production and dissemination of statistics on the external trade of goods, services and foreign direct investment;
  • Ensure convergence on a regional and national level towards the European and international norms and standards, particularly with regard to the recent changes made in the latest versions of the international recommendations;
  • Help the design, implementation and evaluation of national statistical systems in this sector;
  • Allow the measurement, monitoring and improvement of data quality;
  • Develop efficient and sustainable coordination between the producers and users of the statistics relating to external trade of goods, services and foreign direct investment.

Exchanging data on external trade and balance of payments statistics

Ensuring the development of regional and international cooperation.

2.2.Scope for action

The working group's scope for action covers all processes for the production and dissemination of external trade and balance of payments statistics, is in line with the GSBPM (Generic Statistical Business Process Model) and comprises in particular:

  • The implementation of concepts, definitions and standards defined by the responsible international organisations
  • The collection of basic data, whether from administrative sources (Customs, banking regulations) or from direct declarations or surveys of businesses
  • The validation of basic data by applying a structured set of validation rules
  • Data storage (statistical databases)
  • The formulation and production of key indicators related to the field (balances, degree of openness, price measurement, seasonally adjusted data, etc.)
  • Analysis of the produced data by formulating periodic analysis reports
  • The dissemination of data through various types of media: publications, reports, websites, Internet databases, etc.
  • The measurement of data quality using specific indicators
  • Other procedures depending on countries' specific characteristics.

Possible topics

The subjects which will be included in the work programme will be finalised in the WG planned for October 2013. These subjects could relate to:

  • Institutional cooperation (between the various institutions involved in the production and dissemination of statistics on the trade of goods and services)
  • The implementation of statistical surveys in addition to or in place of traditional collection methods: measurement of trade of services, FDI + FATS, import/export prices, CIF/FOB adjustment ratio, etc.
  • The methods for producing new indicators (particularly indicators linked to the revision of the 2010 IMTS Manual):

-Country of origin

-Mode of transport

-Registers of importing and exporting companies; links with the general business register; data by companies' characteristics

-Seasonally adjusted data

  • The coherence and transition between external trade and Balance of Payments:

-Measurement of trade in view of and following processing


-CIF/FOB adjustment

  • Dissemination methods and user relations

-Tools for dissemination via Internet

-Relations with users: periodic meetings, satisfaction surveys, etc.

- Classifications and correspondence tables

  • Measuring data quality

-Developing metadata related to external trade and the balance of payments

-Developing and updating quality indicators (external trade and Balance of Payments)

-Producing an analysis of asymmetries between the EU, MED and intra-MED (goods and possibly services, remittances and FDI)

-Exchanging good practices for data validation

  • Exchange of data between the EU and MED:

The exchange of data between the EU and Mediterranean partner countries will be systematised by:

-The periodic transfer of detailed data on external trade and Balance of Payments between the Mediterranean partner countries and Eurostat according to the agreed norms and standards

-Mediterranean partner countries' direct access to databases managed by Eurostat (data from EU member states and countries in the Mediterranean region)

-Sufficient information about the dissemination standards (SDMX in particular).

Possible types of action

The possible types of action will be defined in line with the actions taken during the different phases of the MEDSTAT programme:

  • Courses

- Courses on concepts and best practices:

A biannual course on trade of goods alternating with a course on trade of services. The courses could be delivered fully or partially using the "e-learning" method.

Contact with the UNCTAD and WTO should be followed up in this regard.

- Course on seasonal adjustment, etc.

  • Workshops and study visits

Workshops and study visits on the various topics described above could be organised. MEDSTAT's experience has shown the interest in combining the two types of action in order to reduce costs. An annual event could be planned by alternating trade in goods and Balance of Payments statistics.

  • Technical assistance

Technical assistance missions based on clearly defined specific topics may be carried out in partner countries. Expertise may be mobilised within EU member states or in partner countries.

  • Regional sub-groups

The MEDSTAT programme has shown the interest in periodic meetings of a regional sub-group (EJPAI group bringing together representatives of Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Israel). The EJPAI group could continue its work and be supplemented by a "francophone" group bringing together the Maghreb countries and Lebanon.

  • National events

National events could be organised with 3 events per year, thus allowing an average of one event to be organised in every partner country every 3 years.

Depending on the national priorities, these events could be:

-A course on methodologies or practices linked to the sector

-A seminar-type communication meeting bringing together the data producers and users

-A detailed technical meeting between the producing services.

2.3.Expected results

The main objectives of the implementation of the working group are as follows:

- On a regional level:

The needs of everyone using the sector's statistics are regularly evaluated and analysed; the main gaps between the statistics produced and users' expectations are identified

The quality of the sector's statistics is regularly measured, with constant research aiming to improve their relevance, reliability and availability for everyone involved

Good practices are shared on a regional level

The national statistical systems for external trade and the balance of payments converge in the region towards the European and international standards.

- On a national level:

The responsibilities of the national institutions are clearly established and the institutional cooperation works efficiently, if necessary on the basis of agreements between the institutions

A national technical working group periodically brings together the institutions responsible for the collection, processing and dissemination of data, in order to define possible modifications to be made to the national systems for the purpose of implementing international recommendations

The users of the sector's data engage in proactive dialogue within the national statistical system.

3.Proposals for the mandate and activities of the working group on external trade and balance of payments statistics


The production of a work programme linked to national statistical information systems for external trade and balance of payments statistics will be the priority product of the working group. It must contribute to building capacities by implementing the necessary tools for obtaining reliable figures, which can be used as a basis for designing decision-making tools which are useful for various stakeholders in international trade.

To do this, the working group must act as a focal point of external trade statistics on a regional level in order to share information and good practices, provide technical support, coordinate the collection of data and its dissemination to Eurostat, and in order to develop the regional cooperation in the field of external trade statistics.

To do this, this working group will be particularly tasked with:

Facilitating the implementation and improvement of methodologies on a Mediterranean and international scale in order to promote comparable, reliable, coherent and relevant external trade and balance of payments statistics;

Undertaking the necessary work for improving the quality of the external trade and balance of payments statistics;

Constituting a place for exchange and a force for launching methodological improvements;

Supervising the collection and dissemination of relevant external trade and balance of payments statistics in the region;

Ensuring close coordination and cooperation with the responsible national institutions and other international organisations which work in this field, and facilitating cooperation agreements;

Developing synergies with other working groups in the Forum, particularly: statistics relating to energy and transport, and groups working on quality and training, etc.


3.2.Priority activities (proposals)

Objectives/Priorities / Main activities / Tools/Methods / Responsibilities / Potential resources
  1. Discussions on international recommendations, sharing experiences and best practices
/ Annual meeting for:
- Presenting and evaluating the annual activities
- Defining the regional work programme and financing sources and methods
Developing and disseminating information on methodological questions and good practices. / - Annual meetings (partner countries, European Commission, member states, EFTA)
- Regular meetings via the Internet (CIRCABC)
- Using all of the reports and good practices, particularly the international references (available on the Internet). / Contribution of the partner countries of the Southern Neighbourhood of the EU (initially within MEDSTAT III / with the support of the leading experts). / Co-financing of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI).
In-kind contribution of the partner countries of the Southern Neighbourhood of the EU.
  1. Technical support for the statistical systems relating to external trade and the balance of payments
/ Standardisation of concepts and definitions:
Standardisation between institutions and countries
Implementation of international recommendations (IMTS 2010, BPM6, MSITS, BD4)
Implementation of best practices for the collection, processing and dissemination of external trade and balance of payments statistics
/ - Training courses, technical assistance missions (according to countries' requests)
- Dissemination of good practices, particularly through ad-hoc study visits
- Production and dissemination of methodological manuals on a regional level (on surveys on trade of services, FATS statistics or by price measurement, for example). / In coordination with the Support Cell. / Co-financing of the ENPI.
In-kind contribution of the partner countries of the Southern Neighbourhood of the EU.
Other co-financing options.
A) Building and developing the national institutions' capacities through:
1- The consolidation of efforts made in the various phases of the MEDSTAT project
2- The strengthening of the inter-institutional cooperation between Customs, NSI, Central banks and other relevant institutions involved in statistics relating to transactions with the rest of the world
3- The collection, production and dissemination of reliable statistics on the trade of goods and services, flows and stocks of foreign direct investment
4- Detailed work and operational implementation of topics which have been processed as part of the MEDSTAT programme
5- Full application of international recommendations
6- The definition of a suitable legal framework (particularly for the implementation of surveys and the application of the rules of confidentiality)
7- The implementation of new collection methods for statistics of trade in services
8- Improvements in measuring external trade prices
9- The production of seasonally adjusted series
B) Quality measurements and improvements through:
- The formulation of quality reports and the production of metadata for the various external trade statistics and indicators
- The development and use of standardised metadata on a regional level and describing the processes for collection, production and dissemination of external trade statistics.
C) Building capacities for processing and disseminating data by access to standard tools adapted to certain functions, for example:
- Automatic validation/correction of the data
- Dissemination via Internet
- Index calculation
- Seasonal adjustment
- Development of analysis capacities, etc.
D) Improving the relationship between producers and users of statistical data on external trade:
- By developing the tools and methods for disseminating statistical data
- By disseminating the various statistics adapted to the various groups of users
E) Handling of other topics:
-….. / Through the organisation of several activities (AT+TC+WS+SV) on sub-regional, regional and national levels.
Training and workshops specifically adapted for the following topics:
-Management of data quality and development of metadata
-Concepts and best practices for the collection, processing and dissemination of external trade statistics (goods and services)
-Seasonal adjustment methods
-Methods for analysing statistical series
-Others (to be defined)
Courses on international recommendations and best practices could be on 2 levels: initiation and reinforcement. The initiation-level courses could be developed with e-learning support.
- Collaboration with the WG on quality
- Courses on SDMX
- Access offered for tools developed at the European Commission's instigation (Eurotrace, TIM, XT-Net, etc.) / In coordination with the Support Cell. / ENPI co-financing.
Using the TAIEX tool.
In-kind contribution of the partner countries of the Southern Neighbourhood of the EU (including for preparing documents and hosting events).
  1. Exchanging data on external trade and balance of payments statistics
/ - Periodic infra-annual transfer of Mediterranean partner countries' data to the European Commission
- Mediterranean partner countries' privileged access to the Eurostat databases. / - Submission of data via standardised procedures (SDMX, eDamis, Doc Coop 400, Eurostat BOP Vademecum, etc.)
- Standard validation rules (names of products, countries, etc.). / Eurostat / Eurostat
Dissemination of:
-External trade statistics (databases, publications, metadata)
-Communication materials for raising awareness among the different stakeholders in the region, in the EU and outside. / Through tools and coordinated methods (Internet, newsletters). / Eurostat in coordination with national, regional and international organisations. / Eurostat
  1. Development of regional and international cooperation.
/ Liaising with the Euro-Mediterranean forum of statisticians. / Joint meetings and activities. / Support Cell.
Coordination with international institutions and donors for projects concerning external trade and balance of payments statistics (UNSD, the World Bank, IMF, etc.). / Meetings with donors. / Support Cell.
  • Liaison with regional and international initiatives on the external trade and balance of payments statistics:
-International Task Force on the trade of goods and services
-OECD-Working Party on International Trade in Goods and Trade in Services Statistics
  • Collaboration with and cooperation between the other institutions and international organisations involved in external trade and balance of payments statistics:
-IMF / Bilateral meetings and other exchange tools.
Joint/bilateral meetings and other exchange tools.
Information on the work programmes will be exchanged by the responsible members of the working group.International organisations will be able to participate in working group meetings.Joint actions may possibly be organised. / EuropeAid, Eurostat
In coordination with the Support Cell.
  • Cooperation and collaboration with the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) projects, mainly on the level of strengthening a Euro-Mediterranean free trade zone
  • Cooperation and coordination with the statistical division of the United Nations and the statistical commission of the latter (mainly the working groups/task forces on the statistics of trade in goods and services).
/ Joint/bilateral meetings and other exchange tools. / In coordination with the Support Cell.
Liaising with other regional initiatives in the sector: transport, energy, tourism, quality, migrations, business registers, etc. / Joint/bilateral meetings and other exchange tools. / EuropeAid, Eurostat,
In coordination with the Support Cell.