Stage A (1) Identify other relevant policies, plans and programmes (Key messages)
You have prepared an excellent table in your scoping report setting this out.
Stage A (2) Collect baseline information (What is the situation in Chalgrove?)
The next stage is to see what baseline data you have that is related to the key messages identified. This should show what the situation in Chalgrove is and help to identify any problems/issues.Please see examples below to guide you – I have used numbers 2, 4 and 15 from your key messages table.
(A1) Key messages from Policy Context / (A2) Baseline situation
2. Ensure that new housing development meets the numbers of additional dwellings required in Chalgrove by the Core Strategy.
It may be useful to specifically refer to a minimum of 82 dwellings. / You haven’t included any information in your baseline regarding housing need in Chalgrove. Whilst this is not essential it would help strengthen the sustainability objective.
4. Avoid placing people and property at risk in areas liable to flood. Adopt more sustainable drainage systems, and introduce flood defences wherever possible. / The Haseley Brook gives rise to alluvial flooding in its lower reaches. The Chalgrove Brook gives rise to alluvial and property flooding.
Chalgrove has a history of flooding.
Chalgrove has areas within flood zones – which areas? And which flood zones?
Residents identified flood risk as their most important criteria for assessing potential development sites at the consultation meeting held in May 2014.
15. Conserve and enhance biodiversity on designated sites and elsewhere in the Parish and consider the provision of new habitats in planning new developments. / There are no sites within the parish that are designated for the protection of biodiversity.
Local people value the area, owned and used by the school on Hardings Field, the small areas of common and set-aside land, and the areas along the Chalgrove Brooks which support a diverse variety of birds and other wildlife (most obvious are red kites and mallard ducks).
Stage A (3) Identify sustainability issues and problems – usingthe information gathered at Stage A (1) and Stage A (2)
Stage A (1) + Stage A (2) = Stage A (3)
Using the key messages and baseline information identify whether there are any issues specific to Chalgrove.Please see examples below to guide you.
(A1) Key messages from Policy Context / (A2) Baseline situation / (A3) Issues and problems
2. Ensure that new housing development meets the numbers of additional dwellings required in Chalgrove by the Core Strategy.
It may be useful to specifically refer to a minimum of 82 dwellings. / District Council require Chalgrove to identify development sites for a minimum of 82 dwellings.
Is there any baseline data from your ORCC survey that could add to this? / No specific issues identified – identify development sites for a minimum of 82 dwellings.
4. Avoid placing people and property at risk in areas liable to flood. Adopt more sustainable drainage systems, and introduce flood defences wherever possible. / The Haseley Brook gives rise to alluvial flooding in its lower reaches. The Chalgrove Brook gives rise to alluvial and property flooding.
Chalgrove has a history of flooding.
Chalgrove has areas within flood zones – which areas? And which flood zones?
Residents identified flood risk as their most important criteria for assessing potential development sites at the consultation meeting held in May 2014. / Chalgrove has a history of flooding and parts of the neighbourhood plan area, including potential development sites, which are within designated flood zones. The Chalgrove neighbourhood plan should avoid placing people and property in these areas and should ensure that any existing flooding issues are not exacerbated.
15. Conserve and enhance biodiversity on designated sites and elsewhere in the Parish and consider the provision of new habitats in planning new developments. / There are no sites within the parish that are designated for the protection of biodiversity.
Local people value the area, owned and used by the school on Hardings Field, the small areas of common and set-aside land, and the areas along the Chalgrove Brooks which support a diverse variety of birds and other wildlife (most obvious are red kites and mallard ducks). / No issues identified - continue to conserve and enhance biodiversity.
Stage A (4) Develop the SEA Framework (identify your Sustainability Objectives)
Your sustainability objectives should look to address the key messages identified at Stage A (1) as well as the issues and problems specific to Sonning Common identified at Stage A (3)
Stage A (1) + Stage A (2) = Stage A (3) Stage A (4)
Using the key messages (A1) and taking into account the situation in Chalgrove (A2 & A3) derive the sustainability objectives for Chalgrove – some objectives may still be quite broad, whereas others will be more specific.Please see examples below to guide you.
(A1) Key messages from Policy Context / (A2) Baseline situation / (A3) Issues and problems / Sustainability Objectives
2. Ensure that new housing development meets the numbers of additional dwellings required in Chalgrove by the Core Strategy.
It may be useful to specifically refer to a minimum of 82 dwellings. / District Council require Chalgrove to identify development sites for a minimum of 82 dwellings.
Is there any baseline data from your ORCC survey that could add to this? / No specific issues identified – identify development sites for a minimum of 82 dwellings. / 1. Identify development sites for a minimum of 82 dwellings.
4. Avoid placing people and property at risk in areas liable to flood. Adopt more sustainable drainage systems, and introduce flood defences wherever possible. / The Haseley Brook gives rise to alluvial flooding in its lower reaches. The Chalgrove Brook gives rise to alluvial and property flooding.
Chalgrove has a history of flooding.
Chalgrove has areas within flood zones – which areas? And which flood zones?
Residents identified flood risk as their most important criteria for assessing potential development sites at the consultation meeting held in May 2014. / Chalgrove has a history of flooding and parts of the neighbourhood plan area, including potential development sites, which are within designated flood zones. The Chalgrove neighbourhood plan should avoid placing people and property in these areas and should ensure that any existing flooding issues are not exacerbated. / 2. Ensurethat any new development does not place people and property at risk of floodingor exacerbate existing flooding issues.
3. Encourage the use of sustainable urban drainage systems, where possible.
15. Conserve and enhance biodiversity on designated sites and elsewhere in the Parish and consider the provision of new habitats in planning new developments. / There are no sites within the parish that are designated for the protection of biodiversity.
Local people value the area, owned and used by the school on Hardings Field, the small areas of common and set-aside land, and the areas along the Chalgrove Brooks which support a diverse variety of birds and other wildlife (most obvious are red kites and mallard ducks). / No issues identified - continue to conserve and enhance biodiversity. / 4. Conserve and enhance biodiversity, and encourage the provision of new habitats.
In addition, if you wanted to check that you had covered all of the District-wide sustainability objectives, you could identify which SODC sustainability objective/s corresponded to yours and check that all SODC objectives have been considered.
Sustainability Objective / Corresponding SODC Sustainability Objectives (if relevant)- Identify development sites for a minimum of 82 dwellings.
2. Ensure that any new development does not place people and property at risk of flooding or exacerbate existing flooding issues.
3. Encourage the use of sustainable urban drainage systems, where possible. / Objective 11
4. Conserve and enhance biodiversity, and encourage the provision of new habitats. / Objective 8