Executive Board

Executive Board

Certification Committee Report

Chairperson: Gayle Oakley

Committee Members: Patti Bauer, Mary Heimann and Ruth Vacha

Current Projects Report: We had six programs complete certification

and eight recertifications ( two programs for the second time) in 2005. Congratulations to everyone for your hard work and commitment. That brings our number of certified programs to about 23. National will be updating that list and sending it to me after the first of the year. I will see about posting it on our web site. The application deadline is December 1, 2005 for certification. If you are due to be recertified in 2006, download the new application and submit by February 17, 2006. The program certification committee is in need of a couple more member to help review applications. If you are interested, please contact me at . We will be meeting the first part of January,probably in Omaha.

Gayla Oakley, RN, FAACVPR

Program Certification Chairman

Marketing/Communication Committee Report

Fund Raising:

The raffle at the fallconference was a success. The painted window was very popular and we want to thank Terri Beza for obtaining this item for the raffle. We encourage everyone to continue to sell Polar Heart Rate monitors as an ongoing effort to raise money for NCVPRN.

The themes are as follows: Cardiac Rehabilitation“The Beat Goes On” with Cardiac RehabFebruary 12-18, 2006

Pulmonary Rehabilitation –“ An Inspiring Experience” March 12-18, 2006

Be sure to check out the web site at is a great way to keep up with new information. If you want to be part of the email group to receive up to date information and receive your newsletter electronically please provide the membership committee with your email address. It is our hope that future newsletters will be sent out via email only. This will save our organization a significant amount of money in postage.

Guidelines Committee

Chairperson: Vicki Lindberg

Committee Members: Jarod Dowse, Linda Fleharty and Joe Norman as consultant

Current Projects Report: The committee has been reviewing the Weight Management guidelines to provide updated material regarding the various “diets” that our rehab patients may be inquiring or participating in their weight management. At Nationals this year the over weight topic was covered in several lectures. It was stressed that the importance of slow, progressive weight loss will keep our patients much more successful and that we need to be tracking this months after they have graduated. This shows the true mark of success if the weight loss has been maintained. The goal will be to have the guidelines updated and ready for members to accept at the spring conference.

Vicki Lindberg, RN

Guidelines Committee Chairman

Past Projects Updates:

Any requests from the general membership: Requesting the volunteer of a couple more members to join this committee

Health Policy and Reimbursement Committee

Chairperson: Becky Paar and Patty Bauer

Committee Members: Dennis Gothier, Joanie Manning, Paulette Kuhlman, Sharron Nejedly

Current Projects Report: NCVPRN members attending the AACVPR Annual Meeting in Milwaukee met on 10/21/05 to discuss the BCBS Cardiac Rehab LCD draft and reimbursement issues. Members proposed a joint NCVPRN response to BCBS. The proposed revision was emailed to BCBS and NCVPRN members on 10/28/05.

At the time of this meeting, there was much hope that S1440 would be attached to the Budget Reconciliation Bill. We now know that Republican Leadership has ordered that no amendments be permitted under any circumstances.

The AACVPR Day on the Hill is scheduled March 1-2, 2006. The primary goal is to increase the visibility of AACVPR and our issues among Federal health policymakers. NCVPRN will be sending a representative.

Past Projects Updates:

Any requests from the general membership: All NCVPRN members should be ready to act quickly when needed in regards to contacting legislative representatives.

Nebraska Cardiovascular Pulmonary Rehabilitation Network


Proposed Revision to BCBS NE Cardiac Rehabilitation LCD

October 28, 2005

  1. Definition of Stable Angina
  2. Stable Angina is a symptom caused by insufficient blood flow (ischemia) to the heart muscle. It may present as pain, discomfort or an unpleasant sensation which may be described as tightness, pressure, squeezing, burning or heaviness. Symptoms may be noted in the chest, and/or adjacent areas (e.g., upper extremities, neck jaw, and upper back) or as an equivalent symptom. Common stable angina equivalent symptoms include dyspnea, fatigue and indigestion. Stable angina symptoms are reproducible and can be brought on or aggravated by over-exertion and/or emotional stress.
  3. Treatment may include a combination of short term/immediate therapies such as fast acting nitroglycerin and/or rest or long term therapy such as nitrates, beta-adrenergic blocking agents, aspirin or calcium channel blocking agents.
  1. Any of the following would support the diagnosis of stable angina
  2. Documentation in the medical record supporting the definition and/or treatment of stable angina (as above)
  3. Absence of unstable angina symptoms such as:
  4. New onset angina
  5. Increasing or acceleration of angina symptoms
  6. Rest angina

This proposed revision is submitted by the following representatives of NCVPRN’s 130 members and 80 affiliate hospital members:

NCVPRN Healthcare Policy and Reimbursement Committee:

Becky Paar, RN, The Nebraska Medical Center

Patty Bauer, RN, Nebraska Methodist Hospital

NCVPRN Executive Board:

Vicki Lindberg, RN Alegent Bergan Mercy; NCVPRN President

Jane Swartz, RN, The Nebraska Medical Center; NCVPRN Past President

Judy Bors, RN, Crete Hospital; NCVPRN President Elect

Jan Williams, RN, Hastings Hospital; NCVPRN Secretary

Angie Swantek, RN, Albion Hospital; NCVPRN Treasurer

Joe Norman, PhD., UNMC; NCVPRN Immediate Past President

Strategic Plan and Planning Notes 2005-2006

December – No Meeting

January 24, 2006 – Teleconference, 9:00-11:00 am

Planning Notes:

Committee Reports due by January 10, 2005

Tri-Network Updates for 2006

Fall Conference Updates for 2006

Cardiac Rehab Week

Strategic Plan:

Appoint Nomination Committee

►Review Nominations

►Signed Commitments

►Ballot completed and mailed by February 10, 2005

Review Polar Monitor Sales and other Fund Raiser topics

Start Tri-Network planning for 2007

►Selection of sites

►Date for meeting

►Nebraska Planning Committee Members

February 28, 2005 – Teleconference, 9:00-11:00 am

Planning Notes:

Committee Reports due by February 7, 2006

Follow up on ballot mailing (targeted for February 12, 2005)

Pulmonary Rehab Week

Strategic Plan:

President Elect to begin 2006-2007 Budget

Review for any Bylaw Changes

March 28, 2005 – Omaha @ Bergan Mercy Cardiac Rehab (402-398-6778-Vicki) 9:00-11:00 am

Planning Notes:

Committee Reports due by March 7, 2005

Tri-Network finalization of loose ends

Fall Conference Updates

Count Ballots

Review Budget Proposal

Strategic Plan:

Decide on Fall Conference sites and select date

April 20-22, 2005 – Tri-Network Conference – Omaha NE @ Marriott in Regency area

Planning Notes:

Committee Reports due by April11, 2005

Announce the 2006-2007 Officers

Present the 2006-2007 Budget

Gather information and reports for Newsletter to be posted on web page after Tri-Network conference

Strategic Plan:

Sign up new members for Committees

May 23, 2006 - Crete @ Crete Area Medical Center (402-826-6546-Judy) 9:00-11:00 am

Planning Notes:

Committee Reports due by May 9, 2005

Introduction and transition of officers

Finalize Newsletter

Strategic Plan:

Review Committee Chairs and actively recruit if needed

Start Strategic Planning for 2006-2007

June 27, 2005 - Hastings @ Mary Lanning Memorial (402-461-5079-Jan) 9:00-11:00am

Planning Notes:

Committee Reports due by June 6, 2005

Articles for AACVPR (News & Views)

Transition of Officers

Fall Meeting Updates

Finalization of Strategic Plan for 2006-2007

Strategic Plan:

Have Committee Chairs appointed if needed

Gayla Oakley was among several nurses that were honored for Excellence in Nursing Awards. She was recognized in the Omaha World Herald Newspaper. She was awarded the “Ambulatory Award.” Congratulations for this GREAT honor!