At a Meeting of Firsby Group Parish Council held on Wednesday, 21st July, 2010 at 7.00 p.m. in Firsby Parish Church.

Present: Mr. R. Kidd, who took the Chair;

Mrs. M. Chapman; Mr. R. Heane; Mr. G. Holmes; Mr. T. Jackson; Mr. N. Lockley; Mr. C. Moore; Prof. L. Strunin; Mr. W. Tuxworth.

Also present were LCC & ELD Cllrs. N. & Mrs. P. Cooper, PCSO J. Richardson and approx. fifty members of the public.

Public Participation –

1. Mrs Chapman declared an interest and left the meeting whilst Mr. R. Chapman spoke about complaints and strong feelings in the villages of Irby & Bratoft against a couple who are resident in the area. He said all relevant agencies have been notified.

2. Proposed electricity sub-station to serve Triton Knoll Wind Farm.

Several speakers raised points of objection to the siting of the above in the local area and complained about the lack of information available.

Cllr Mrs. Cooper left the meeting during the discussion because she is a member of the District Council Planning Committee.

Cllr. N. Cooper explained that the original list of 13 sites chosen by RWE npower renewables has now been reduced to four, two of which are in the Firsby Group area – Great Steeping Airfield and the Old Hall Farm area to the south of Great Steeping. They also need a gateway from the coast to the chosen site for underground cabling which will need to be 180 metres wide. National Grid has a proposal to install pylons from Grimsby along a line east of the Wolds through to Bicker. The District Council has been consulted about that but has no power to stop it. Any application for a sub-station will need to go to the East Lindsey Planning Authority.

Mr. P. Odlin noted that an exhibition is to be held on the coast and suggested that it should be held closer to the sites.

It was agreed to find out whether a representative of RWE npower renewables would be prepared to attend a public meeting during August to discuss the issue.

1. Minutes of the last Meeting

It was agreed that these be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.

2. Matters arising from the Minutes

Heavy Horse Centre Signage – A reply from the County stated that sites need to be re-vetted every five years and they are not able to waive the fee for signs to make an exception in any single instance.

Community Risk Register – A reply from the County Council Emergency Planning Unit stated that 1,000 copies were printed at a cost of £2. per copy.

Vacancy for Parish Councillor – The last date for an election to be called to fill the vacancy is 22nd July.


3. Police Matters

PCSO Richardson said they had used the speed checker in the 30 mph speed limit in Bratoft but all vehicles were travelling within the speed limit. They will try again at a different time of day. She also brought the Neighbourhood Policing newsletter.

A copy of a leaflet by Chief Constable Richard Crompton reviewing his second year in post has been received.

4. Correspondence

a) Lincolnshire County Council – details of their ‘This is Art’ Campaign.

b) Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils newsletter included information about Internal Audit and Emergency Plans. Their AGM and Conference will be held at Horncastle College on Saturday, 16th October.

c) Clerks & Councils Direct.

5. Parish Plan

A meting to discuss the data has not yet taken place.

6. Plans

Two applications have been dealt with.

Application no. S39/1021/10 by Spencer Farm Produce to use existing car park and land as a touring caravan site, construction of associated access tracks, erection of a shower/toilet block and re-location of car park at The Hollies, High Lane, Croft.

It was agreed to support but suggested conditions be applied that no future enlargement of the site to be allowed and infrastructure to be completed before any caravans allowed on the site.

Application no. S91/1248/10 by Mr. & Mrs. Calcagni for extensions and alterations to existing dwelling to provide a ground floor office, bedroom with en suite and a bay window at The Swallows, Wainfleet Road, Irby.

It was agreed to support the application.

Two results have been received.

Application no S91/1038/10. Permission granted to Mr. B. Adlington for rear extension to existing dwelling to provide a ground floor utility, wc, dining and kitchen area and first floor study and bedroom with en suite on part of existing dwelling to be demolished at The Wolery, Wainfleet Road, Irb.

Application no S64/298/10. Permission granted to Mr. M. Bark for the erection of a detached general storage building on the site of existing wooden buildings which are to be removed at The Firs, Firsby Road, Great Steeping.

7. Dog Bins

Requests were made for more dog bins in Firsby, Little Steeping, Irby and Bratoft. Cllr Mrs. Cooper said she would be willing to fund them from this years grant.


8. Highways

Mr. Jackson reported that a Public Footpath in Little Steeping is obstructed by an electric fence. Mr. Holmes reported that Lymn Bank West is sunken at the sides so that some vehicles are in danger of being damaged by the raised centre. The new Eastfield Road sign has been erected so that it obstructs the vision when accessing the B1195 at Firsby. It was agreed to raise the above items with the appropriate departments.

Following a retirement Area Highways Officers are now Richard Fenwick covering Firsby, Little Steeping and Great Steeping and John Jaines dealing with Irby in the Marsh and Bratoft

9. Civic Service

The Civic Service took place as planned on Sunday, 18th July. Mrs. Chapman said it was a lovely service and she was sorry that so few councillors attended.

10. Accounts

It was agreed to pass the following accounts for payment: Firsby PCC for 1 Parish Meeting and 2 Parish Council meetings £15.00; Petty Cash £30.00.


