School Development Plan for Christopher Pickering Primary School- 2016-2017
What do we aim to do / What will parents and children see when we are doing it?/ Continue to work on improving our reading skills across the school. /
- We will read long novels with our teacher and do lots of different work about it.
- We will be able to answer questions that ask us to work out and infer the meaning in texts.
- We will be able to apply these skills to different types of texts.
- Parents will be invited into school to see what we are doing and learn how to support children further at home.
/ To continue to work on improving maths and give our Pupil Premium and Most Able pupils more confidence when they are working at maths activities. /
- We will all make good progress in all of our maths lessons.
- We will all make at least good progress from our starting points at the beginning of the year.
- Everyone will feel confident to ‘have a go’ even if they are not sure of the answer.
- All children, but particularly the most able pupils, will be challenged with enquiry based activities.
/ To improve our independent spelling skills. /
- We will have a different spelling system that will be shared with pupils and parents.
- Children will have short spelling sessions each day.
- We will invite parents to a spelling workshop to explain our approach to spelling and put this information on our website.
/ To develop an ‘immersive style’ curriculum to engage all pupils but particularly boys and low attainers. /
- Our curriculum will stimulate and engage the vast majority of pupils.
- Our children will be excited to learn and enjoy the different learning environments that are created for them.
- Our children will have a real life purpose for their work.
- Our children will be totally engaged in Hull’s City of Culture.
/ To ensure that pupil attendance, and persistent absence rates are at least in line with national. /
- Attendance that is above the National will be rewarded in a variety of ways.
- Parents and children will see a high level of attendance as the norm.
- Parents and pupils will continue to see a determined approach to reduce absenteeism.
- Parents have a better understanding of the framework measuring school attendance.
/ To work towards gaining the Leading Partnership Award Framework (LPPA)(to take place over fifteen months) /
- Activities taking part in gaining the Leading Partnership Award Framework (LPPA). A national award for outstanding parental engagement in schools.
- A working group will be set up to lead the award process, in order to further develop parental involvement in school life.
- An action plan will be created to set out the priorities to complete the award.
- Present parental engagement in school is evaluated and evidence collected.