12thEuropean Social ScienceHistoryConference 2018

Belfast 4-7 April 2018 at Queen'sUniversity


Nursery of society: political and socioeconomicdevelopments in the Medieval period

CallforPapers and Sessions

The ESSHC is a biennial International Conferencethatbringstogetherhistorians and otherscholarsfromacrosstheworldwho are interested in studyingthepastusingthemethods of the Social Sciences.Theprogrammeisorganisedaround Networks, each of whichorganises panel sessions (includingcollaborativesessionswithothernetworks): some of these are period-based, somebasedongeographicalarea, and somefocusedonthemesormethods.You can findfurtherinformationaboutthe ESSHC onits web

The ESSHC has had a MiddleAgesnetwork, which has becomethemain regular forumfordiscussions of Medieval Social History, anopportunitytomeetscholarsfromothercountries, as well as toseewhat’s happening in otherperiods and otherfields. Thenetworkiscurrentlyco-chairedbyJelleHaemers (University of Leuven) and Jesús Ángel Solorzano-Telechea (University of Cantabria)

Ournetworkstudiesthe social fabric of medieval societies (c. 1000-1500). Scholars are invitedtosubmitsessionsonthe social history of politics, economy, cultural phenomena, ideas, and discourses. Subjectsto be dealtwithinclude: networking at courts, genderissues in urbanor rural societies, conflictstudies, factions and nobility, thehistory of commoners, trust and social capital, new methodologies etc. Othertopics are verywelcome! The particular focus of ournetworkiscomparative: first, itbringstogethermedievalistsworkingonthecrossroads of cultural, political and economichistory; second, it looks at differentareasacrossEurope and thewiderMediterraneanworld.Nevertherless, wewill be happytodiscussany ideas youwishtoput forward.We are particularlyinterested in proposalsfor inter-disciplinary and comparativepanels. Theearlieryoucontactus, the more advicewe’ll be abletooffer.

Thereisalsoscopeforproposingan individual paper, of roughly 20 minutes, ifyou do notwishtoorganise a whole panel; ifyourproposalisaccepted, wemayputyou in touchwiththeorganiser of a relevantsession, toseeifyourpapercould be accommodatedthere, orwemayseektoputtogether a composite panel of individual submissions.Again, thesooneryoucontactustodiscussyour ideas orsubmityourproposal, thebetter.

We invite proposalsfor panel sessions and individual papersforthenext meeting of the ESSHC in Belfast in 2018. Panel sessionslasttwohours, and generallyinvolvefourorthreepaperson a specifictheme, withorwithout a discussant, and with a chair.Ideally, panel contributorsshould come from a mix of countries, and certainly a mix of universities.

Important note: Proposalsforpanel sessionsor individual papersneedto be submittedviathe ESSHC websiteusingtheir online pre-registrationformby1stof May 2017 in orderto be considered, evenifyouhavebeendiscussingthe idea withus. Panel organisersneedtoensurethatallparticipants in theirpanelshavesent in theirabstracts and pre-registeredbythedeadline, withanindication of thename of thesessiontowhichtheirpaperbelongs.

Please, do nothesitatetocontactusifyouwouldliketodiscussproposing a paperor a panel.


LeuvenUniversity, Belgium

Jesús Ángel Solorzano-Telechea

University of Cantabria, Spain