First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
Traverse City, Michigan
March 10, 2013
Sunday Bulletin
Welcome to our visitors and guests!
We hope and trust that all will experience God
this morning as we worship.
Scripture Readings for March 17:
John 11:1-16, John 11:17-37, John 11:38-44
*** Please stand during these times of worship if you are able.
Order of Worship
Welcome & Announcements
Passing of the Peace
**Song of Praise Shout to the Lord
First Reading Isaiah 25:1-9
Myrna Adkins
** Invocation
**Song of Praise Send Me Out
Second Reading Luke 14:15-24
Karen Downing
Offering Meditation
Offertory Music On Eagle’s Wings
** Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Blessing Prayer
A Time for Children
Myrna Adkins
Pastoral Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
Song of Preparation Step by Step
Communion Meditation
The Lords Supper at First Christian Church is an open table; all who believe and confess that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior are encouraged to partake.
**Please partake of the bread as you are served; hold the cup –we will drink it together following a Communion prayer.
Communion Prayer
Prayer for Illumination
May God through His Holy Spirit open the hearts and minds
of both congregation and pastor to the preaching and understanding of His Holy Scripture.
Third Reading Luke 14:1-14
Sermon Pastor Brett Spalding
“The Great Banquet: Encountering the Pharisees”
**Closing Hymn Blessed Be the Name of the Lord
** Benediction
A new flower chart is available in the narthex.
Please choose a date and sign up to provide altar flowers.
Worship Servants for March
Elders: Val Stone, Diana Dumouchelle
Diaconate: * Norma Marmie, Deanne Lautner
Wayne Hintz, Janet Hintz
Greeters: Roy & Dawn VanAntwerp
Financial Report
Week 35 (through March 5)
General Income $119,768.77
Actual Expenses 134,228.44
Difference - 14,459.67
Needed to Meet Budget $136,885.00 ($3,911.00 weekly)
Over/Under Budget $ 17,116.23
Roof Capital Account – Goal by 2015 - $50,000.00
Current amount in RCA - $50,265.47
God’s Sacrificial Gift of Love
Lenten Luncheon Series
Thursdays during Lent
March 14, 21 at 11:30 am
The Presbyterian Church, 701 Westminster Rd
Cost of luncheon is $3.00
Proceeds go to support our local missions
Area Pastors and musicians share each week.
Pastor Brett will give the message March 21.
Grow – Praise – Serve
Early Morning Bible class – for adults, meets in the chapel at 8:15, prior to worship.
Sunday School begins 11:15 sharp!
Pre-school - fifth grade meet in the Faith Factory's movie room; Sunday School will finish at 12 noon.
Andy and Megan Taylor offer a class for Young Adults
Pastor Brett offers a study on the Parables.
Jerry Taylor’s class is studying the Gospel of Matthew.
Ladies’ Fellowship & Study – Monday evenings, 6:30 pm
at the home of Barbara & Myrna Adkins.
Tuesday mornings, 6:45 am – Men’s Bible Study
Thursday morning Bible Study, 9 am (earlier meeting time during Lent)
Good wishes to all celebrating special days!
March Birthdays March Anniversaries
3/10 Jerry Seymour 3/21 Glen & Diane Lundin
3/14 Sally Seymour 3/26 Bill & Dee Geer
3/21 Lindsey White
3/22 Juli Ackley
3/24 Tim Dumouchelle
3/29 Odell Carlisle
3/31 Olivia White
Please let the office know of any corrections to be made.
The Health and Fitness Ministry of First Christian Church
Exists to glorify God by strengthening and healing the members of His body (our church) and our local community, and by learning to maintain the health of the temple of the Holy Spirit (our body).
Currently, three different areas of activity are offered:
Walk the Walk!
Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 8:30 am.
This fun exercise group is an encouragement to your good health. It’s free, it’s fun and it will help you be FIT!
Changes start with just one small step…
Aerobic Strength Training
Mondays at 6:30 pm
An aerobic exercise class
for those seeking
a moderate to advanced challenge.
Recreational Fitness
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
Just as it sounds… have fun while getting fit! Looking for a fun activity? How about Pickle Ball, Basket Ball or Volley Ball?
This Week at First Christian Church
Monday 8:30 am Walk the Walk
March 11 8:45 am Prayer Gathering
6:30 pm Aerobic Strength Training
6:30 pm Ladies’ Fellowship & Study -off site
Tuesday 6:45 am Men’s Bible Study
March 12
Wednesday 8:30 am Walk the Walk
March 13 6:30 pm Recreational Fitness
Set up for Men’s DeColores Weekend begins
Thursday 9:00 am Bible Study – Book of Isaiah
March 14 11:30 am Lenten Luncheon
At The Presbyterian Church
Men’s DeColores Weekend begins
6:00 pm Choir Rehearsal
7:00 pm Praise Team Rehearsal
Friday 8:30 am Walk the Walk at the Mall
March 15 Men’s DeColores Weekend
continues through Sunday evening
Sunday 8:45 am Chapel Class
March 17 9:30 am Family Worship
11:15 am Sunday School for all!
Youth meetings- check location with Mackenzie!
‘God Squad’ noon till 2 pm ‘Forty Days…the Journey’
Senior High 6-8 pm ‘Forty Days…the Journey’
Pastor…………………………………….Brett Spalding
Music & Student Ministries……..Mackenzie Hackelberg
Accompanist………………………….Emiliee Syrewicze
Secretary...................................................Barbara Lautner
Telephone………………………. …….. (231) 946-4074
Fax……………………………………….(231) 946-5490
Email: Website:
Sunday, March 10, 3 pm
here at First Christian Church
Free will offering $10 suggested donation
As we meet for worship, and through-out the week, let us remember those in our church and extended family in need of prayer:
Pat Barnes
Allie Derouin
Bill Candey
Madelyn Chappel & family
Mike Thayer
James Dunham, Cheryl’s Dad
Diana Sparks
Shirley Weiglein
Ardath Butcher
Marjorie Ray
Pastor Jon DeBruyn
Rachael, Ronda’s friend
Steve, Karen Downing’s brother
David Stone, Rocky & Val Stone son
Darlene, Seymour’s daughter in law
Rita, Ronda’s sister
Mike Verhag
Jim Harvey & family
Georgia Provencal, Kathy’s mom
Joyce Puffy
Charlene, Kay’s neice
Bob Schmidt
Phil Johnson
Amy Potter
Nominating Committee
Immediate needs for prayer can be addressed by calling or emailing the church office. An email prayer alert will be sent out, plus a phone prayer chain will be activated at the same time for those without email.
If the office is closed, call Pastor Brett on his cell phone; if he is unavailable, call Chair of Elders (Diana) at 938-2837.
Easter Flowers
Help decorate the sanctuary for Easter!
Orders are being taken now
for Easter plants.
March 17 is the last day to accept orders!
White Lilies - $7.00 _________
Pink or Yellow Tulips - $7.00_________
Mini Daffodils - $7.00 ________
White or Pink Azaleas - $11.50 _______
Please indicate ‘flowers’ on your check.
If you would like to give in memory or honor of someone, please indicate that also.
in honor/memory (circle one)
All plants are in 6 inch pots.
Circle the color desired and indicate number of plants.