Trinity United Reformed Church




Adopted: July 4, 2011

1100 - 40 Avenue North, Lethbridge, Alberta T1H 6B7

Church Phone: (403) 327-6434; fax: (403) 328-4799



Trinity United Reformed Church

Abuse Prevention Policy

The Great Commission - Matthew 28:18-20 - Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Introduction & Purpose

The intent of this policy is to ensure thatTrinity United Reformed Church is a safe place for our members and their covenant children while we attempt to fulfill the great commission. The policies outlined here are designed to make certain that reasonable safety measures are followed in the operating procedures of our programs and in the selection and recruitment of our volunteers. Following these guidelines will assist the ministries of our congregation in assuring the safety and welfare of all who participate in them. Special attention will be given in this policy to programs that involve our youth, to prevent any sort of abuse and to protect our volunteers from false charges. An important part of implementing this policywill be educating our members about the policy, ensuring the policies are followed and providing easy methods to report and deal with abusive situations that may arise. By adopting this policy Trinity United Reformed Church declares zero tolerance for abuse, harassment or neglect of duty from any of our members or volunteers.

Screening of Volunteers

  1. The following ministries and groups in our church will have a council appointed leader:

Cadets, Kingdom Seekers, Young Peoples, Young Adults, During Church Sunday School, After Church Sunday School, Joy Society, Coffee Break, Sound Booth, Golden Age Club, Friendship Bible Study, Ushers, Nursery, Van Drivers, The Fellowship Committee, Church Library, Prison Ministry, Church Choir, The Men’s Retreat, Vacation Bible School and Men’s Bible Study.

Leaders of these groups will be listed in the church directory and on our church website. Any new groups must be approved by council.

  1. The following committees and positions will be appointed by council:

Catechism Teachers, The Board of Administration andThe Evangelism Committee.

All of these committees and positions will be listed in the church directory and on our church website.

  1. All volunteers in our programs must be members of our church in good standing for at least 6 months. Any volunteers who are not members of our congregation must fill out an application form (FORM A) and be approved by council prior to assuming any responsibilities.All volunteers involved with Sunday School (during and after church), Catechism, Cadets, Kingdom Seekers, Young Peoples, Vacation Bible School orFriendship must submit a criminal background check (with a vulnerable sector check) prior to working in the program.
  2. Any volunteers who are under the age of 18 must work with someone over the age of 18.
  3. Volunteers may not use corporal punishment of any kind.
  4. None of the educational and youth programs of Trinity United Reformed Church will allow for one-on-one situations.
  5. All volunteers should become familiar with the emergency procedures that are posted throughout the church.
  6. Individuals who work with children and youth will be reminded of the importance

of avoiding potentially compromising situations in which an allegation of abuse could be made.

  1. All council members, ministers and employees of the church will follow the guidelines of the Abuse Prevention Policy. Ministers, Elders and Deacons will avoid one-on-one counselling situations with people of the opposite sex and show discernment in fulfilling their duties.

Program Procedures

  1. All appointed leaders and committees must report to council a minimum of once each year (prior to the start of a new season) summarizing their activities of the past year and outlining their plans for the upcoming year. All volunteers they hope to use must be listed in the report and approved by council. Council must be informed of any new volunteers that join during the year. Council will ensure that all new volunteers who plan to work with minors (in the programs listed above) complete a criminal background check and that checks are done on serving volunteers every five years.
  2. Appointed leaders must ensure that all volunteers have a copy of this policy and comply with it.
  3. Council will appoint an Elder to visit all programs once a year that have a teacher - student relationship. The purposes of the visits are to see if the teachers need any help, support or resources, while ensuring that the programs are running properly.
  4. Parental consent forms (FORM B) will be used for any special activities, for any eventsthatrequire youth to leave the church property and forevents that require an overnight stay. The consent forms will outline the activity, list who the chaperones will be, provide the cell phone numbers of the chaperones and request emergency contact and medical information of the child.
  5. All activities that occur off of Church property require 2 adult chaperones.
  6. All youth programs require a volunteer at all events who is certified in First Aid.
  7. See FORM C for special nursery procedures.


  1. At no time will young children be left in an individual's care behind closed doors or in anisolated and private location.
  2. All youth programswill meet in a classroom or area equipped with a window or open door.
  3. All classrooms will be modified so that, if there is no other way to view the room easily, a window will be installed in the classroom door. All classrooms will have adequate lighting.


  1. Council will give every member of the congregation a copy of the Abuse Prevention Policy.
  2. The entire policy will be posted on the church website.
  3. Council will ensure that all program leaders and committee members fully understand and comply with the abuse policy.
  4. Opportunity will be given at each annual congregational meeting to review and discuss this policy and programs of our church.
  5. Council will strive to ensure that parents are made aware of the precautions being taken to protect their children.

Reporting & Responding

  1. The Matthew 18 principle must be applied where possible. If youth are involved their parents will be immediately informed of the situation.
  2. In the event that any allegation of abuse, harassment or neglect of duty is made, it will be reported immediately to one of the ministers or to the president of council. The process will becarefully documented, including dates, times, and content of all conversations pertaining tothe alleged abuse (FORM D).
  3. Any incident in which there is a concern for the safety or well-being of a member or covenant child of Trinity United Reformed Churchwill be taken seriously and will be fully investigated by council, and an appropriate response will be made.
  4. Serious abuse cases will be immediately reported to the police and/or child protection agencies.
  5. All responses will be dealt with confidentially to protect both the alleged victim and the alleged perpetrator. The process must be carried out with care and concern for the people involved.
  6. When an accusation is made the alleged perpetrator will be immediately suspended from all duties (without presuming guilt) until the matter is fully resolved.
  7. No public statements will be made about the incident without first seeking legal council.


FORM A –Volunteer Application Form

FORMB – Parental Consent Form

FORM C – Nursery Guidelines

FORM D – Incident Reporting Form