UMBC Student Administration
How to Utilize UMBC’s New Enrollment System to Search, Add, and Drop Classes
Instructions By:
Sara Cain, Mathew Carson
Joseph Czaplicki, Malvin Hiew
Michael Mannone, Kevin Miranda
Created for Professor Linda Harris, UMBC
ENGL 393, Summer Session 1, July 1, 2009
Table of Contents
List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………………..…2
Searching for Classes……………………………………………………………………………...5
Adding a Class…….....……………………………………………………………………………8
Dropping a Class………………………………………………………………………………....12
Audience Analysis…………………………………………………………………………….…16
Works Cited……………………………………………………………………………………..17
List of Figures
Figure 1. Myumbc Homepage……………………………………………………………….……5
Figure 2. Topics……………………………………………………………………………….…..5
Figure 3. Student Schedule……………………………………………………………………..…5
Figure 4. Search…………………………………………………………………………………...6
Figure 5. Search Criteria…………………………………………………………………………..6
Figure 6. Choosing a Class……………………………………………………………………..…7
Figure 7. Checking Course Information ……………………………………………………….....7
Figure 8. Student Schedule Link……………………………………………………...... 8
Figure 9. Add button on enroll tab...... 8
Figure 10. Search button...... 8
Figure 11. Entering Search criteria...... 9
Figure 12. Selecting Desired Course...... 9
Figure 13. Next button...... 10
Figure 14. Enrollment Preferences...... 10
Figure 15. Class in Cart...... 10
Figure 16. Confirming Selections...... 11
Figure 17. Reviewing Added Classes...... 11
Figure 18. Drop button on enroll tab...... 12
Figure 19. Selecting Classes to drop...... 12
Figure 20. Finish dropping...... 12
Figure 21. Review dropped classes...... 13
This process manual was developed as an assignment for ENGL393 Technical writing. The manual demonstrates the technical writing skills we have learnedthroughout the semester and serves to help readers use the Student Administration system at UMBC.
The Student Administration system was recently implemented and is the only means for UMBC students to search, register for, and drop courses at UMBC. This manual will educate current and future students on the various intricacies and uses of the system.
The Student Administration group would like to thank Ms. Linda Harris, the course instructor for assisting in establishing a stable foundation in technical writing.
Student Administration is how students handle and change their own personal school schedule. It has very simple features of how to use the system. There are search, enroll, and add and drop tabs within the website that can easily be identified. Students from UMBC can easily access this system. At first the system can be hard to figure out but once you have maneuvered around it for a while and with the help of this process manual you will be an expert in no time.
This manual will teach any newcomer to this system to be able to search for the classes they desire and add or drop course as they choose. There are detailed pictures that will guide you through each step of the process to aide in understanding what it is you need to accomplish next. To go along with these pictures there are detailed step that describe how to do each action.
Searching for Classes
- Open your myumbc webpage at shown in Figure 1.
- Login to your personal account
- Click the Topics tab
- Select Classes & Grades shown in Figure 2.
- CClick Student Schedule / Register for Classes (Figure 3)
- CClick the Search tab (Figure 4)
- SSelect the term.
- CChoose the course subject.
- fIf you know the course number enter it in the course number box
10.Click Search (Figure 5)
- hChoose the class you want to take by clicking upon the section number. (Open classes are designated with green circles and waitlisted classes show up as orange triangles)
12.Check all the course information to make sure that it fits into your schedule and that you has taken all the prerequisites. Then write down the class number. You will need this to register for the class later.
Adding a Class
1. Repeat steps 1-4 of the “Searching for a class” process shown in Figures 1 and 2.
2. Click the “Student Schedule” Link.
3. Click “Add” on the Enroll tab.
4. Select the “Class Search” radio button.
5. Click the “Search” button.
6. Select at least 2 search criteria to find your desired courses.
7. Click the select button once you have found a class for which you want to register.
8. Click the “Next” button.
9. Select classes to add and enrollment preferences.
10. Once courses have been added to your cart, proceed to the next step to confirm selections.
11. Click “Finish Enrolling” to process your request for the classes listed. To exit without adding these classes, click cancel.
12. Review your completed transaction.
Dropping a Class
1. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 of “Adding a Class.”
2. Click “Drop” on the Enroll Tab.
3. Click the Checkbox for the course you wish to drop and click the “Drop Selected Classes” button.
4. Verify that you have selected the correct course to drop and click the “Finish Dropping” button.
5. Review your completed transaction.
There is not required software to register for classes, all the necessary material is provided on the UMBC website. You do need access to a computer and internet. For technical support a fellow student or staff member will be able to help. For problems involving the internet connection or with the UMBC website contact The Office of Information Technology (OIT) by email ( ) or call extension *53838. To accurately identify any problems use the following trouble shooting checklist:
- Internet on and functioning properly
- Using the correct UMBC login name and password
- Select the appropriate action; search, add or drop
- Select the correct semester
- Select the correct class and course number
- Have permission from advisor if needed
*Testing should follow the order of the checklist.
Q: Why is the website taking a longtime to load or the screen appears to be locked?
A: Close the screen, wait a few minutes and try again. Check to see if any announcements were sent out the there may be problems with the website. Also there are many other students that are trying to register for classes which may slow the connection speed down or cause problems.
Q: Is there a faster way to search for a class then add it?
A: Yes, from the add classes tab you can search for classes then add the class straight to the “shopping chart”
Q:If I’m confused and having problems registering, who can I ask for additional help?
A: The OIT office located in the engineering building room 020, for additional contact information see above.
Audience Analysis
This process manual is for both current and prospective students at UMBC who will have a MyUMBC account. The audience will be composed of people of varying genders, ages and educational backgrounds. Audience members will be aware of the fact that the system requires basic Internet skills such as conducting searches and inputting information into interactive forms. The audience will use this process manual as a guide to simplify the course registration process, as the Student Administration system was just implemented and is vastly different from the previous registration system. Students will use this manual to search for, add, and drop courses. The manual will be available from Ms. Linda Harris, the instructor of ENGL 393 Technical Writing, Summer Session 1.
Work Cited
UMBC. University of Maryland Baltimore County. June 26, 2009