Introduction to Medicines, Poisons and Pharmacy Calls for Dental Nurse Advisors

Trainer Notes


This session an introduction to Medicines, Poisons and Pharmacy Calls to be delivered to NHS Direct Dental Nurse Advisors

Session Length

3 hours

Learning Outcomes

The session meets the Learning Outcomes LO1 – LO14 from NP005, NHS Direct National Policy for handling Medicines Calls.


Initially it was envisaged that NHS Direct Trainers would deliver this session after appropriate training from UKMi. However, the strong pharmacy emphasis of the material may make it difficult for a non-pharmacist to deliver the session effectively.

Participant numbers

Participants do not require the use of computers so the numbers need not be limited to 10 per trainer as they are for other MI skills sessions

Session Delivery

The session consists of a PowerPoint presentation of 78 slides and two interactive workshops within the presentation.

Contents of pack

PowerPoint Presentation

Workshop 1

Workshop 2

Certificate of attendance

  • Evaluation Form

Workshop 1

For this workshop on Ethical Dilemmas the group should be divided into smaller subgroups (5 or 6 people). Arrange the seating in an informal way. Encourage all groups to tackle both dilemmas and emphasise that there may not be a right answer everyone’s views are valid.

You may want to take along some paper copies of the BNF so that the participants can establish the indications for the drugs in the first dilemma.

After smaller group discussions get the groups together to discuss their thoughts and ideas with the whole group

Workshop 2

You need to take along a selection of empty medicines packs and PILs for this workshop. Choose items associated with dental prescribing aiming for a mix of interesting products.


Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or Aspirin in different pack sizes to illustrate GSL, P and POM

Effervescent analgesics

Combined analgesics

Antibiotics (liquid or tablets)

  • Dental gels
  • Sodium Fluoride preparations
  • Artificial saliva substitutes

Pre-session activities

On the PowerPoint presentation you need to personalise a few slides

Slide 1 – own name and name of medicines information centre

Slide 23 - own team photo and name of Medicines Information Centre

 Slide 24 – name of medicines information centre, phone number and opening hours. Technician should be added or deleted depending on staffing in MI centre

  • Slide 25 - name of medicines information centre, phone number and opening times
  • Slide 75 - name of medicines information centre and phone number

On the Certificate of Attendance

Add own name

Change date

Pre-print names of participants

Role Preparation for Dental Nurse Advisors - Trainer Notes

May 2006