The Term Paper/Project Outline:

Many people will probably choose to do a paper, however, if you are more comfortable in other media - video, CD-ROM, Website, etc., please feel free to use whatever way works best for you - PROVIDED, of course, that you meet the requirements for the assignment.

5-6 Pages - TYPED or Word Processed, Double-spaced, black ink, standard font

Page 1Introduction - UNGRADED

Pages 2,3,4Paradigm Analysis

Page 5Application

Remember, you can hand in drafts in advance along the way, but once you hand it in on the due date, it is done. Unlike exams, you CAN NOT fix it after the due date.

Project A)

Pick a topic you know and like and ANALYZE it following the sociological paradigm format. Use the sheet of Questions and Answers to help you with this format.

Apply appropriate concepts from the chapter(s) most related to your topic. For example, if you are talking about your work place, you will need to address issues on social structure.

For the Application section, show me that you can USE the analysis you did. Do a comparison with a similar topic. Or show how you would improve or maximize the social interaction you analyzed – whatever works for you and for your topic.

Use boldface type or ALL CAPITALS whenever you use a concept from class. This will help you (and me) see where you have applied sociology to your understanding of your topic.


Project B)

Instead of picking a new topic, use the topic you worked on for your Information Literacy assignment. Building on the original article you dissected, look at a few more related articles to get a sense of the literature on the topic. Then do your three perspective analysis on what you have learned. For your application, design an ideal research project (money is no object) to answer the important questions you raised in your paradigm analysis.

In both projects, do not forget to cite any outside sources you use!!!

Have fun !

Scoring Rubric for Sociology 101 – Term Projects

Student Name:

Grading Rubric: (Please note that for the grading rubric, intermediate scores between the categories described may be assigned – i.e. someone could earn 5 points, not only 6,4,2, or 0.)

Paper Area / % of Total Score / Level Earned
Social Conflict / 20% / Demonstrates strong understanding of theory with clear examples = 6 / Demonstrates adequate understanding of theory with baseline examples = 4 / Demonstrates minimal understanding of theory with weak examples = 2 / Demonstrates no understanding of theory = 0
Structural Functional / 20%
Symbolic Interaction / 20%
Application / 20% / Shows powerful usage of theory in addressing social issues = 6 / Shows moderate usage of theory in addressing social issues = 4 / Shows minimal usage of theory in addressing social issues = 2 / Does not incorporate theory (descriptive rather than analytical or missing) = 0
Presentation / 20% / Uses APA format; clear grammar; minimal proofing errors = 6 / Adequate use of APA conventions and Standard American English for academic writing = 4 / Formatting, grammar and spelling errors begin to impede understanding = 2 / Formatting, grammar and spelling errors are a significant impediment to understanding = 0
Overall / 100% / /30
