Coconut Palm Elementary, a School Wide Title I School

School Advisory Council (SAC) Meeting

Meeting: Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Principal’s Office at 7:30 am

Ms. T. Thelmas, Principal & Ms. J. Kinggard, Assistant Principal

Ms. Osborne, Chairperson

Meeting called to order at 7:30 am

Administrators present:

Ms. T. Thelmas, Principal

Teacher Members Present:

Tamara Osborne (Parent as well)

Colleen Cottam

Jacqueline Hardy-Edman (Parent as well)

Kenya Goree (Parent as well)

Ivonne Rubio

Parent Members Present:

Leanne Longsworth

Leonel Longsworth

Patricia Forbes


Mrs. Burgess

Community Members Present:

Jeremy Scott


  • Welcome/Attendance
  • Overview of upcoming meetings
  • Review of School Improvement Plan (2017-2018)
  • Accelerated Reader
  • SAF News
  • Title I
  • Title I Plan
  • School, Parent, and Family Engagement Plan (PFEP)
  • Final Available Allocation Budget (2017-2018)
  • Principal’s Report
  • Parent Questions and Concerns
  • Next Meeting date/ Adjourn

Welcome Mrs. Osborne

  • Mrs. Osborne welcomed everyone to being present at the meeting

Upcoming meetingsMrs. Osborne

  • Mrs. Osborne suggested having meetings in the mornings (7:30 am).
  • All members present agreed.

School Improvement PlanMrs. Osborne

  • SIP Updates
  • Mrs. Osborne reviewed the current SIP plan (2016-2017)
  • Mrs. Osborne discussed that our school has grade level PLCs. They are currently reviewing and analyzing data based on standards to set smart goals. The goals will be transferred to the SIP & Title I plan as baseline data.
  • PLCs will meet twice a month on Tuesdays.
  • The school has Digital 4 & 5 programs.
  • This is the first year for 4th Grade.
  • Fourth grade teachers attended training during the summer, and a few are attending trainings in the upcoming weeks.
  • FSA Camp will be held this school year
  • The school will be using accountability money to fund the camp
  • Full departmentalization in Fifth Grade has ended
  • All teachers teach their homeroom class ELA.
  • Departmentalization Science and Math
  • Support staff is pushing in to help lowest 25 percentile of students in grades 3-5, retention, and RTI students
  • Mrs. Osborne asked the SAC committee if there were any additional items they felt should be placed on the 2017-2018 SIP Plan.
  • All members in attendance (parents, teachers, and administration) agreed upon all parts of the SIP plan and the draft.
  • Drafted SIP plan will be shared at the next meeting to get the approval to finalize the plan

Accelerated Reader Mrs. Thelmas

  • Mrs. Thelmas explained that this positive reading program is turning into a negative program (cheating, parents having fights, etc.) at our school
  • Mrs. Thelmas asked all members to brainstorm ideas and give input on how the school could reward students
  • Suggestions given - Trophies can be given to the student with the most points in the class and 2nd & 3rd place winners will get certificates, instead of doing the top 10 winners on every grade level getting trophies (Discussion will continue at the next SAC meeting)

SAF NewsMrs. Forbes

  • The School Calendar for next school year was shared by Mrs. P. Forbes for members to review

Title I InformationMrs. Edman

  • Title I Plan
  • Mrs. Edman explained that the Title I plan was a part of the SIP plan.
  • Currently waiting for each grade level to submit their smart goals for baseline data for Title I plan.
  • School, Parent, and Family Engagement Plan (PFEP)
  • Mrs Edman reviewed the PFEP, and discussed revisions due to Hurricane Irma
  • Title I Annual Parent Meeting rescheduled for Kindergarten-2nd Grade, September 27th and 3rd Grade -5th Grade, October 11th. Each night will begin at 5:30 pm
  • Literacy Night will be in November instead of October.
  • The SAC committee agreed upon the dissemination of the PFEP, it will be placed in the 2017-18 Title I Binder in the front office and on the school’s website by Oct. 2nd.
  • Final Allocation Budget
  • Mrs. Edman explained that the school had additional Title I funds to spend during the summer
  • Funds were budgeted for: I Ready, Reflex Math, Soar to Success, LLI (Literacy intervention kits), and Writing resource workbooks

Principal’s ReportMrs. Thelmas

  • Mrs. Thelmas explained that the school will be asking for parents interested in being a part of the PTA board at the Open Houses. The school is looking to start a new PTA Board
  • Mrs. Thelmas explained that the school was in the red due to re- registration.
  • Two teachers will be leaving (4th grade teacher and ESE teacher)
  • 2nd grade collapsed, and that teacher is moving to the 4th grade class
  • Mrs. Rosero will now give the required ESE services to ESE students
  • All 5th grade classes are now able to leave portables and come inside the building due to low numbers
  • Audit (technology) completed, and the school was given a passing score
  • SMART Bond – still waiting on permits to complete awnings

Parent Questions and ConcernsMrs. Osborne

  • None

Next Meeting

  • Next Meeting will be held onOctober 19, 2017. Additional meeting dates and times are to be determined. Flyers and emails will be sent out to advise parents of all meetings.

Meeting Adjourned

  • Meeting adjourned at 8:11 am