Utvärdering av sista terminen ht-06
Engelska och lärande
Summary of evaluation discussion held 2007-01-12
Present; Liselotte Gjörup, Petra Holmqvist, Primrose Duvander
In reviewing the entire programme for the main subject of English some students felt that the individual courses, instead of building on each other contributed to an impression of fragmentation.
It was felt that some students were unclear about which of the course material was suitable for use in school teaching and which was meant only for their own studies. The teaching staff should clarify this.
While the grammar courses offered on the programme were very much appreciated, the students felt the lack of a course dealing with the teaching of grammar to school students.
It was strongly felt that the planning of the final term needed looking into and changing. The 25% seminar was too early in the programme and the lectures on how to do research and how to write came too late. It was also felt that there should be more communication between the tutors and the examiners so that the students would not receive misleading messages about the quality of their work. The dissertation is such an important part of the students’ work during the last term when they tend to feel a great deal of pressure that they would appreciate positive feedback even if rethinking and rewriting is required.
The partner school system and the way in which VFT is organised is seen to be extremely good in theory but falls down, in the opinion of many students, because in many cases there is too little communication between the staff at LUT and the teachers who act as supervisors in the schools.
Svenska i ett mångkulturellt samhälle
Ingen student kom till den muntliga uppföljningen av utvärderingen varför ingen sådan gjordes. Två studenter har besvarat enkäten.
Kultur, medier, estetik
Ingen student kom till den muntliga uppföljningen av utvärderingen varför ingen sådan gjordes. Fem studenter har besvarat enkäten.
Tyska och lärande
Martina Janke-Nilsson, Sebastian Giese och Birgitta Schultz
Följande synpunkter framfördes av studenterna:
Värdefullt och bra i utbildningen har varit:
- Kopplingen praktik och teori i huvudämnet
- Lärarna på KSM
- De tvärvetenskapliga seminarierna
- Studieresan till Berlin
Önskas och kan förbättras:
- Sidoämnet borde vara didaktiserat
- VFT i sidoämnet, åtminstone en period
- Feedback från undervisande lärare (har varit bristfällig i sidoämnena)
- Utvecklingssamtal i skolan bör behandlas i den högskoleförlagda delen
- Enhetlighet i mentorskapet (inlämningsuppgifter, bedömning och besök)
- Utbyte med andra lärarutbildningar (Sverige, Danmark, de tyskspråkiga länderna)
Vid pennan:
Birgitta Schultz