2014 Nomination Form

The Human Resource (HR) Leadership Awards (HRLA) of Greater Washington recognize the outstanding achievement of the area’s human resources professionals in the following categories:

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Strategic Alignment



Corporate Social Responsibility

Ethical Behavior

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All Nominees must be employed in an HR function. The awards are independently judged and awarded by a panel of HR and organization executives. The judges evaluate each entry based on its merits and reserve the right to change the category of any application. Application responses will be used for public consumption and edited as needed to promote the finalists and winners; therefore, we encourage submission of thoughtful and complete responses without confidential information.

Submission Instructions
You may submit any questions to . Please submit your completed nomination(s) not later than March 15 via email to the Executive Director of HRLA at .

When submitting, make sure that the subject line of the email reflects the category and name of the individual or team you are nominating. Nomination forms and supporting materials become the property of HR Leadership Awards of Greater Washington and will not be returned.

Checklist for Nomination Application Completion

Attachment One:

1.  Section A: Nominee Profile (Questions 1-6)

2.  Section B: Nomination (Questions 1-Ethics and 2- Category Response)

Attachment Two:

1.  Section C: Executive Endorsement

2.  Optional: Letters of Recommendation and Resume

Instructions for HRLA Nomination Application (self-nominations are allowed)

1.  Complete a nomination form for each nominated individual or team – type all responses, explanations, and supporting text into one Word document separated by Instructional Section (see sections below) and save as “HRLA Award Category Nominee Name.” For example, if you are nominating Mary Smith for a Leadership Award, then your document should be saved as “HRLALeadershipMarySmith.

For Section C and the Optional documentation, scan all documents together and save as “HRLA Award Category Nominee Name- Endorsement”. For example, using the same sample nominee above your endorsement document should be saved as “HRLALeadershipMarySmithEndorsement.”

2.  Complete Section A “Nominee Profile.”

3.  Complete Section B “Nomination Essays” – only for the award category to which the nomination form applies. If you would like to nominate someone for more than one award, please complete a separate nomination form for each award.

4.  Complete Section C “Executive Endorsement” – A statement of support must be obtained from the nominee’s supervisor or an executive of the organization senior to the nominee’s direct supervisor.

5.  Optional: You may also provide up to three (3) additional letters providing support of the nominee. These letters will be considered as part of the application and their primary purpose is to provide additional endorsements or references for the individual or team and the accomplishments for which they are being nominated.

6.  Optional for non-team submissions: Individuals may provide a resume as additional support of an individual’s background information.

You may refer to the Guidelines and Tips Section at the end of this document for additional guidance on how to complete a successful nomination application.

We encourage you to involve the nominee(s) in the application process to support a complete reflection of his/her or their accomplishments in the application.

Please note the following dates:

May TBD 2014 at TBD: VIP Reception- All nominees are individually honored at this networking event. Honorees, the supervisor of the honoree(s), and the nominators are complimentary guests of HRLA at this event.

June 10, 2014 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott: 13th Annual HR Leadership Awards Gala. Honorees receive one complimentary ticket to attend. Purchase additional tickets (individual tickets or tables) online at www.hrleadership.org/annual-gala.

Section A – Nominee Profile

1.  Nominee Information

For which award category is this nominee being nominated? (award category descriptions on pgs 5-6)

Leadership Strategic Alignment Corporate Social Responsibility

Mentoring Innovation

Has the nominee (or team) been nominated before? Yes No

If so, for which award and what year?_______

If this is a team nomination, please list all team members (maximum of 6)

Name / Title / Email Address / Phone Number

Company: ______

Address: ______

To Whom Does the Nominee (or team) Report?

Name: ______Title: ______

Email: ______Phone: ______

2.  Nominee Career Profile (Skip this section if nominating a team)

List Human Resource related Academic Achievements, Certifications, Recognitions, Awards Received and date earned or received.

List Membership or Leadership Roles in Human Resource Organizations and dates of participation.

3.  Nominator Information

Name: ______Title: ______

Company: ______

Address: ______

Email: ______Phone: ______

How do you know the Nominee? ______

4.  How did you learn of the HR Leadership Awards of Greater Washington?

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o  Word of Mouth

o  Peer

o  Email Invitation

o  Capital Business

o  BisNow

o  Marymount

o  Other:______

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5.  Brief Organizational Profile

Nominee’s Company Name:

Company Website:

Company Mission:

Services Provided:

Primary Customer Base:

Company size: / 2014 / 2013 / 2012
Number of Employees
Number of Locations

6.  Giving Back

Additionally, as part of the nomination process and in support of the HRLA Mission, we would appreciate further support from the nominee as an HRLA Ambassador. Please identify the areas the nominee would be interested in participating in post acceptance of an HR Leadership Award:

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o  Participating as a future judge

o  Participate as a speaker at an HRLA event or partner event

o  Produce a “white paper” on your best practices to publish on our website and for HRLA constituents consumption

o  Mentoring nominees as they fill out their nomination packets

o  Promote the HR Leadership Awards and encourage nominations

o  Other ______

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Section B – Nomination Essay Questions

Responses to be submitted in the section that follows the Essay Questions Instruction

1.  REQUIRED for all nominations

Ethical Business Behavior (500 Word maximum)

The Dr. J.P. London Award for Promoting Ethical Behavior - Honors the outstanding individual who demonstrates considerable and enduring commitment to ethical business practices in the field of HR management. This award is granted by the judges to the year’s nominee whom best depicts the spirit and intent of this award based on the response to the following question:

How has the Nominee demonstrated ethical business behavior and helped promote ethical behavior to others within their organization, profession, and/or community?

2.  Please respond to ONE (1) award category set of questions per application. Category responses are strictly limited to 1,000 words.


The Leadership Award category nominees will be evaluated so that they are judged against nominees from similarly sized companies. The judging panel will determine if multiple awards within the category are warranted based on the variety of applicants.

The Leadership Award honors a senior HR professional whose sustained influence and “above and beyond” leadership enables his/her organization to achieve improved business performance; a role model who demonstrates well-rounded pursuits, continuous learning, and giving back to the HR Community for at least the most recent 3-5 years.

1.  What challenge was the business facing and what did the nominee do to improve or impact business performance?

2.  How did the nominee implement his/her plans?

3.  What results were achieved (provide quantitative measures/metrics where possible)?

4.  What unique attributes, skills, and abilities did the nominee utilize?

Strategic Alignment – Individual and Team Categories

The Strategic Alignment Awards honor an individual and a team for developing and delivering a major strategic effort (a one to two year effort), which strengthened the organization’s ability to achieve at least one major business goal.

1.  What challenge was the business facing and what did the nominee(s) do to develop and deliver an HR solution that strengthened the organization’s ability to achieve its strategic business objectives?

2.  How did the nominee(s) implement his/her or their plans?

3.  What results were achieved (provide quantitative measures/metrics where possible)?

4.  What unique attributes, skills, and abilities did the nominee(s) utilize?

Innovation – Individual and Team Categories

The Innovation Awards honor an individual and a team for thought leadership in creating and implementing new ideas, methodologies, or approaches that improve organizational performance.

1.  What challenge was the business facing and what did the nominee(s) do to create and implement new ideas, methodologies, or approaches that improved or impacted organizational performance? Include details on the inception of the ideas, how funding came about, etc.

2.  How did the nominee(s) implement his/her or their plans?

3.  What results were achieved (provide quantitative measures/metrics where possible)?

4.  What unique attributes, skills, and abilities did the nominee(s) utilize?


The Mentoring Award honors an individual who demonstrates leadership, dedication, and support to the professional growth and development of others.

1.  What did the nominee do to demonstrate leadership, dedication, and support to the professional growth and development of HR professionals?

2.  How did the nominee implemented his/her plans?

3.  What results were achieved (provide quantitative measures/metrics where possible)?

4.  What unique attributes, skills, and abilities did the nominee utilize?

The Sister Eymard Gallagher Award for Corporate Social Responsibility

The Sister Eymard Gallagher Award honors an individual or team for leadership, dedication, and achievements in helping his/her or their organization create positive change in the communities in which he/she or they operate.

1.  What did the nominated individual, team, or organization do that demonstrated leadership, dedication, and achievement in helping to create positive change in the communities in which he/she or they operate(s)?

2.  How did the nominee(s) implement his/her or their plans?

3.  What results were achieved (provide quantitative measures/metrics where possible)?

4.  What unique attributes, skills, and abilities did the nominee(s) utilize?

Section C – Executive Endorsements

As part of the nomination process, HRLA requires a written statement, by either the nominee’s direct supervisor or an executive in the organization senior to the nominee’s direct supervisor, in support of each nomination. Please ensure the statement reflects the nominee’s (or team’s) name and which award is being applied for. Note that the executive endorsement statement should be included in a second attachment along with any letters of recommendation or resume that are submitted.

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