Agenda Item: 2
Annotated Agenda
Purpose: Information
Submitted by: SMEWG Chair
/ 21stSmall and Medium Enterprises Working Group MeetingDaegu, Korea29 – 30 August 2005
Twenty-first MeetingoftheAPECSMEWG
29~30August 2005
Daegu, Korea
- Chair'sWelcomeOpeningRemarks
TheSMEWGChairwillwelcomethedelegatesto Daegu, Koreaandinformthem on meetingarrangements.
2. AdoptionofAgenda
3. ReportsfromtheAPECSecretariat
TheAPECSecretariatwillbriefthedelegatesontheresultsfromthemeetingsofSOMII, ESCandotherrelevantmeetings and presentanupdateontheactivitieswithinAPECthatareparticularlyrelevanttoSMEsandtheSMEWG.
4. SME WG 2005 Work Plan
The Chair will report on the progressesin theSMEWG 2005 Work Plan.
5. APECMicro-enterprisesActionPlan
TheMicro-enterprisesSubGroupChairwillreportontheoutcomesoftheFifthMESG Meeting.
6. APECAgendaforPromoting InnovationofSMEs
6.1. Presentation on Innovation Policy
Canada to report on the research result of “Innovation in Small Service Firms”
Indonesia will report on Enhancing Availability of Capital to Innovative SMEs
Economies are invited to present their own policy experiences or best practices on SME Innovation.
6.2. Daegu Initiative on SME Innovation Action Plan
Koreawillpresent the draft Daegu Initiative as concrete deliverables of 12th SME ministerial meeting. The Groupwilldiscuss the draft Daegu Initiative and future measures to promote innovations of SMEs in the APEC region.
7. SME WG Management Issue
7.1. Report on the Issue of SMEWG Management Improvement
TheGroup will discuss and decide on measures to improve WG management.
7.2. Independent Assessment
Mr. Lincoln Young, ESC consultant will brief on the process of Independent Assessment.
8. Second APEC/IFIs Policy Dialogue on ECOTECH
TheGroup will discuss the issue of cooperation with IFIs. The second APEC/IFIs policy dialogue will be held on 10 September 2005 in Gyeongju, Korea.
9. Disaster Preparedness
TheGroup will discuss how to respond to and prepare for disasters in the region.
The USA will report on the development of APEC SME Disaster Preparedness Checklist.
10. ImplementationofFrameworkfortheIntegrationofWomeninAPEC
10.1. TheSMEWGGenderFocalrepresentative (USA) will present the Gender Focal Point Network’s Information Training Session
10.2. Malaysia will report on the result of the survey on “Performance of Women Entrepreneurs in APEC Economies 2005.”
11. Reports from APEC SME-Related Programs
11.1. APEC IBIZ Program
Mr. Chris Pelham, Representative of APEC IBIZ will provideanupdateon its activities and make recommendations to SMEWG.
11.2. APEC SMESA Forum
ChinamayreportonthepreparationoftheThird APEC SMESA Forum
12. Cooperation with Other Organizations
12.1. CollaborationwithOECD
New Zealand may report on the progress of APEC-OECD joint project: SME Impediments Monitoring System. (SME 01/2004T)
12.2. CooperationwiththeFinanceMinistersTechnicalWorkingGroup
China will report on the outcome of the Second Annual Meeting of APEC Financial Institutions Dealing with SMEs..
13. Preparations for the 12th APEC SME Ministerial Meeting
The Group will receive a briefing from Korea on the programs and schedule for the Twelfth APEC SME Ministerial Meeting.
The Group will review the draft agenda items and the draft Joint Ministerial Statement
14. APECInteractionwithBusinessCommunity
14.1. APECBusinessAdvisoryCouncil
ABACrepresentativewill provideanupdateontheactivitiesofABAC asrelatedtoSMEs.
14.2. Women Leaders’ Network
WLN Chair will report on the outcomes of the 10th WLN meeting and recommendations on SMEs.
15. ReviewofProjectsUnderwayinSMEWG
15.1. CompletedProjects
SME 01/2004 APEC IBIZ Program (Canada)
SME 06/2004 -APEC Workshop On Bank Rakyat Indonesia International Visitor Program And Microfinance Institution Bazaar.
SME02/2004T - TheNeedandAvailabilityofMicro-FinanceServiceforMicro-Enterprise : BringingMulti-LevelGoodPracticesintoLocalContext (Indonesia)
SME01/2005T - APECWorkshopforSMEProgramManagersonReducingSME'sComplianceCost (Brunei)
SME02/2005T - APECSymposiumonIndustrialClusteringforSMEs (ChineseTaipei)
SME01/2005 - MicroandSmallEnterprisefinancing : atoolformainstreamingtheinformalsector (Peru)
SME02/2005 - EnhancingtheBusinessEnvironmentforMicro-EnterprisesintheAsia-PacificRegion (VietNam)
SME 03/2005- Micro-credit survey on Current Status and Best Practices & APEC Seminar on Micro-credit policies and programs for MEs: Survey and Seminar (Korea)
ASeminar on " “Best Practices on Mentoring Systems : Keys to Reducing APEC SME Loans Default" (Thailand)
ASeminaron "EnvironmentalManagementforAPECMicroEnterprises : TowardSustainableDevelopment" (Thailand)
2005 APECInformatization Forum forSMEs (Korea)
2005 APEC Business Incubation Forum (Korea)
15.2. On-GoingProjects
SME 03/2003T- APEC PECC Entrepreneur Consortium (USA)
SME 01/2004T SME Impediments Monitoring System (New Zealand)
SME 04/2005 – Tsunami Recovery: Vocational Training and Consultancy for MSME Development (Indonesia)
15.2.2. Selffundedprojects
APECEducationFoundation (Korea)
APECSMEBusinessNetworkingPromotionForum (Japan)
ConsumerEducationandProtectionInitiative (CEPI) (USA)
16. NewProjectsfor 2006
ESC Consultant Mr. Lincoln Young will brief members on the APEC Quality Assessment Framework.
16.1. APEC Funded Projects
SME 01/2006 - A Research on the Innovation Promoting Policy for SMEs in APEC : Survey and Case Studies (Korea)
SME 02/2006 - Internship Support Systems for Learning Best Practices in the Development of Micro and Small Enterprises Within APEC Economies (Chile)
SME 03/2006 - Studying Existent Financial and Policy Assistance for Micro-Enterprise Development from Regional and International Institutions to Find Out a Suitable Approach for APEC to Provide Supports for Micro Enterprises (Vietnam)
SME 01/2006T - Enhancing the Market Development of Local Cultural Industries in APEC (Chinese Taipei)
SME 01/2006A- Program Enhancement of APEC-IBIZ (Canada)
16.2. New Project Proposals
Economies are invited to present new proposals for projects for 2006 and beyond
Project proposal APEC TOT (Training of Trainers) on Development of E-Market Place for SMEs(Indonesia)
17. Statement from Observers and Guests
Official Observers(ASEAN Secretariat, PECC and PIF) and Invited Guests(Representative of, TELWG and GPEG) to provide their views
18. Preparations for the 2006 APEC SME Meetings
Viet Nam, as the incoming host economy of APEC, willreport on the 2006 SME meeting schedule, venue and related information.
- OtherBusiness
Classification of meeting documents
20. ClosingRemarks