Alabama Chapter of the National Emergency Number Association (NENA)

October 11, 2005

Minutes – AL NENA 4th Quarter Executive Board Meeting (Change 1)

Location – Perdido Resort, Orange Beach, AL

1.  Meeting called to order at 9:20AM – Harold Parker

2. Welcome – Harold Parker

3 Review and Approval of July 27, 2005 Minutes - No discussion

Motion to approve – Donnie Smith

Second – Roger Humphrey

Motion Carried

4 Financial report – Roger Humphrey reviewed the financial report

Motion to approve – Ray Preston

Second – Roger Wilson

Motion carried – Financial Report Approved

5 Legislative Overview and Discussion – Bill Brodeur asked the Board members for their thoughts on legislative actions for 2006. Roger Wilson stated that ACCA wanted to proceed with efforts to change E911 legislation even if the wireless surcharge is not included. Roger suggested that 2006 be used for defensive efforts and should not attempt to make any changes in an election year. He also suggested that no changes be submitted without the funding change on wireless.

6. Management Training 2006 – Roger Wilson stated that Alabama 911 (AAND)

Association will establish the PSAP Director Certification program in 2006 and that AL NENA may not need to continue to offer the classes as we have done in the past. Roger Humphrey suggested AL NENA appoint a liaison from NENA to serve on the AAND certification committee. Roger suggested asking Helen Smith from Chilton County E911 for the position and the Executive Committee approved.

7. Minimum Dispatch Standards – Roger Humphrey stated that AL NENA should have 2 members on the Minimum Dispatch Standards group. Tabled.

8. Annual Conference 2005 – Bill Brodeur advised it is too early to provide an update. Donnie Smith reported only 7 walk-in registrations. Overall, Bill does not think the conference lost money even though the attendance was slightly down, and sponsorships were down as well. Bill suggested the Executive Board consider changing the fee for guest attendance at AL NENA annual conference events to ensure the cost is covered. He also recommended having co-sponsorship recognition for events where the full cost of the event is not covered by the vendor sponsorship. Bill further asked the Board if the Director’s Breakfast should be continued. George Williams suggested we eliminate the Director’s Breakfast in future annual conferences. Bill stated it is time to sign the contract for the 2007 Annual Conference.

9. LATA Reports

1) Birmingham – Bill Brodeur, nothing to report

2) Huntsville – Larry Duncan, nothing to report

3) Mobile – George Williams, nothing to report

4) Montgomery – Donnie Smith, nothing to report

10. Old Business – Roger Wilson made a motion to provide a gift of appreciation to Bill Brodeur for work as conference chairman.

Motion – Roger Wilson

Second – Donnie Smith


Harold Parker expressed appreciation to Bill for the outstanding job done by Etowah County E911 on the Positron party at the 2005 Conference.

11. New Business

1) Homeland Security - Any unspent funds will be collected by the state Homeland Security Department and reallocated to agencies that can have the funds spent within 30 days.

2) Alabama 911 State Association - Roger Wilson reminded the Executive Board of the Alabama 911 Association meeting at 12:30PM, Tuesday October 11, 2006 at the Perdido Resort. He stated elections for regional officers will be held.

3) Language Line Proposal - Roger Humphrey reported an inquiry from a firm in California requesting consideration for language line services. Roger will present to the Executive Board at the January 2006 meeting for review and a report to the membership.

4) Donation from Minnesota NENA in amount of $500.00 for hurricane relief –

AL NENA received a check for $500.00 from Minnesota NENA to be used as AL NENA sees fit for hurricane relief. Bill Brodeur asked for suggestions on how to use the donation. George Williams stated the worst damaged area in Alabama is the Bayou la Batre area, and specifically the Police Station. A motion was made to add $500.00 from Alabama NENA to the $500.00 from Minnesota NENA and award the grant to the Bayou la Batre Police Chief for use in disaster recovery. Harold Parker will send a letter to Minnesota NENA with an explanation of how their contribution was used.

Motion – Roger Wilson

Second – Roger Humphrey

Motion Carried

5) 911 Goes to Washington – Harold Parker stated he had budgeted to go to Washington and will not use the NENA President’s slot paid by NENA. He suggested NENA use the 2 paid slots for representatives from the membership who might not otherwise be able to attend. A motion was made for the President to select 2 chapter members to be offered all expenses paid attendance. Those members should not be from the same legislative district. The Executive Board recommended Margaret Bishop of Sumter County E911 and Kristi Stamnes of Covington County E911. Harold Parker was to ask each of them if they would attend and represent AL NENA.


Motion – Roger Wilson

Second – Roger Humphrey

Motion Carried

6) Selection of Executive Board Officers –

Roger Humphrey agreed to serve as Chapter Treasurer

Bill Brodeur agreed to serve as 1st Vice President

Ray Preston agreed to serve as Chapter Secretary

Motion – Roger Humphrey

Second – Donnie Smith

Motion Carried

12. Next Executive Board Meeting January 25, 2006, at a time and location in the Birmingham area to be announced.

Motion to Adjourn –Bill Brodeur

Second – George Williams

Motion Carried.