Carter/Fricks/Weston Fire Safety October 8-12, 2012
Daily Opening Activities- SWBAT name the days of the week, months of the year, add number to number line, graph and analyze weather, say pledge.
Large Group
O: SWBAT tell what they know about fire and firesafety. P: The teacher will begin by having the students name places they have seen fire, (birthday cake, campfire, television, grill, etc) and discuss how fire can benefit people (heat, light, etc).Then have the students share if they have seen pictures or stories about house fires or forest fires. How did these fires start? On a large flame pattern or SmartBoard, the teacher will write what the children know about fire safety.E: TO and writing
O: SWBAT name ways to keep safe from fires and what to do in case of afire.
P: Students will watch Streamline video “When I Grow up I Want to be a Firefighter” or “At Work-Sound the Alarm.” Ask follow-up questions. E: TO
Small Groups
O: SWBAT name ways to be safe.
P: Students will cut the outline of a house. Some students will dictate sentences on how to be safe at home. Other children will use letter sounds to complete the sentence “I will ______.” (The children will spread red and yellow fingerpaint on a flame pattern. Discuss the color change. Later add the flames to the top of the house.)
E: House pattern, dictation, and fire safety writing
O: SWBAT identify numbers 0-10. P: The teacher will hold up a number for the students to see. Students will place a corresponding number of black pom-poms on a “Dalmatian” dog pattern. E: TO
Large Group
O: SWBAT stretch words and hear letter sounds. P: Interview the “Safari Guide of the Week.” Have students name known letter sounds. E: TO and interview
O: SWBAT answer comprehension questions. P: Read Stop, Drop, and Roll by Margery Cuyler. Ask questions. E: TO
Small Groups
O: SWBAT compare two numbers.
P: Students will draw two cards. They will compare the two numerals (using objects to represent numerals). Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater, less, or equal to objects in another group. E: TO
O: SWBAT recite, name words with a specific letter sound, and copy sentences.
P: Students recite “Aa” letter poem and name words that begin with “Aa.” The students will color the “Apple Auntie” picture and copy the sentence “I am Apple Auntie.” Students will read sentence after writing. E: “Apple Auntie” page
Transition: SWBAT sing and act out “Stop, Drop, and Roll.” (Use felt flame.)
Large Group
O: SWBAT act out what to do in case of a fire. P: Play “Stay Low and Go.” Drape a dark cloth or black trash bag (smoke) over two chairs and have students crawl under the smoke. Begin with ten students and call them by their ordinal positions. “First one, stay low and go.” “Second one, stay low and go.” Continue until all students have had a turn. E: TO
O: SWBAT listen and comprehend. P: Read Up, Down, All Around by Judy Nayer. (Big book) Ask questions. E: TO
Small Groups
O: SWBATrecognize and use positional words. P: Have students place a plastic fire truck behind a friend, behind a chair, and behind their head. Repeat the process with the other positional words. Students place the fire truck between friends, between pages of a book, between their hands. Use a plastic fire truck and have the students place it “under the table, under the book, and under the chair.” Repeat the process with the words “on and beside.” After each positional word review, the students will glue a fireman in the correct position based on the sentence at the bottom of the page. ( Ex. The fireman is on the ladder.) E: TO and book
O: SWBATuse phonics-based spelling to complete and illustrate asentence. P: Students complete the sentence: My family will meet_____. The sentence is written on the inside of a Dalmatian dog pattern that the children make using black ink thumbprints on white paper and attaching two construction paper ears. Illustrate.E: Dog book
O: SWBAT answer comprehension questions. P: ReadClifford, the Firehouse Dog by Norman Bridwell. Ask questions. E: TO
Small Groups
O: SWBAT recite, name words with a specific letter sound, and copy sentences.
P: Students recite “Bb” letter poem and name words that begin with “Bb.” The students will color the “B.B. Bunny” picture and copy the sentence “I am B.B. Bunny.” Students will read sentence after writing. E: “B.B. Bunny” page
O: SWBAT cut on lines and copy numerals.
P: Students cut out a fire truck pattern and copy the numbers 0-10.
E: Fire truck pattern (Keep for assessment)
Transition: SWBAT play “Fireman, Fireman, Do Your Best!” See last page.
* Take pictures of each child dressed like a firefighter for tomorrow’s writing activity!
Large Group
O: SWBAT tell how a fire extinguisher works. P: Begin with an explanation of the experiment. Ask the students for hypotheses. Describe what that means. The teacher will do the “Fire and Air” experiment using two glass jars, two candles, and two lids. Cover one jar with a lid, but not the other jar. The children see how fire cannot burn without air. Compare this to a fire extinguisher. E: TO
Small Groups
O: SWBAT draw a scientific drawing and use phonics-based spelling towrite using scientific language. P: The students will answer the focus question: What does a fire need to burn? The students will illustrate the two burning candles (from morning experiment-one jar with a lid and one jar without a lid.) They will use phonics-based spelling to complete the sentence “I noticed the fire burned in the jar ______(with the lid, without the lid). Then the students will tell why they think that happened (fire needs oxygen to burn.) E: Scientific writing paper (put in Science Journal)
O: SWBAT tell what a firefighter does and tools that he/she uses.
P: Read Firefighter by Angela Royston. Ask questions.
Small Groups
O: SWBAT match corresponding sets and numbers.
P: The teacher creates an outside chalk-drawn “ladder” that has numbers 0-10 written on it. The teacher will hold up a large Dalmatian dog pattern with a set of dots on it. A child counts the dots and hops to the corresponding number. Repeat with the next child. E: TO
O: SWBAT recite, name words with a specific letter sound, and copy sentences.
P: Students recite “Cc” letter poem and name words that begin with “Cc.” The students will color the “Curly Caterpillar” picture and copy the sentence “I am Curly Caterpillar.” Students will read sentence after writing. E: “Curly Caterpillar”
O: SWBAT demonstrate skill knowledge. P: The teacher will workwith individual students or small group acceleration activities. E: TO
Transition: Students will match words to a fireman and his equipment.
SWBAT recite “Firefighters.” Sung to the tune of “Pop Goes the Weasel.”
Down the street the engine goes, The firemen fight the fire
Up the ladder with their hose, Out goes the fire.
Large Group
O: SWBAT answer comprehension questions.
P: Read A Chair For My Mother by Vera Williams. Ask questions. Talk about how firefighters use maps to locate streets and homes. E: TO
O: SWBAT make rhyming words.
P: By changing the onset magnetic letter, the students will make new words from the beginning words hose, hat, and coat. The teacher writes the words on the board or SmartBoard and illustrates them. (Hose, nose, rose, hat, bat, cat, coat, goat, boat) E: TO
Small Groups
O: SWBAT create a map.
P: The students will glue a fire truck, a fire station and a home on a piece of construction paper. They will draw flames coming out of the roof of the home. Then they will draw a road from the fire station to the house. They will draw in trees and other sites on the map. E: TO and map
O: SWBAT answer comprehension questions.
P: Read Firehouse Dogby Amy and Richard Hutching. Ask questions.
Small Groups
O: SWBAT display knowledge of skills.
P: Teacher will assess for report cards or work with small groups or individuals on acceleration activities.
O: SWBAT recite, name words with a specific letter sound, and copy sentences.
P: Students recite “Dd” letter poem and name words that begin with “Dd.” The students will color the “Ditto Dog” picture and copy the sentence “I am Ditto Dog.” Students will read sentence after writing. E: “Ditto Dog” page
Transition: Play 911 with the teacher playing the operator asking for each child’s address and telephone number. Use two telephones. Use VIP homework for quick address and telephone reference. Watch “Call 911” on Internet4classrooms site.
Large Group
O: SWBAT listen and comprehend.
P: A local fireman will talk to the students about fire safety. He will show his fire equipment and discuss fire safety. Ask questions.
O: SWBAT answer comprehension questions.
P: Read I’m Going To Be a Firefighter by Edith Kunhardt. Ask questions.
Small Groups
O: SWBATidentify ordinal positions.
P: Place fire-related pictures on a flannelboard or on a surface where the pictures can be viewed from the same perspective. Review the order- first, second, third, fourth, and fifth. (Sing the chant: “First, second, third, fourth, fifth. First, second, third, fourth, fifth. First, second, third, fourth, fifth. What position is this?” The teacher points to one of the fire-related pictures.) Then ask specific children to identify various ordinal positions by naming a picture. “Which picture is third from the left?” “Which picture is fifth from the top?” Ask for positions from left to right, right to left, top to bottom, and bottom to top.
O: SWBAT write using phonics-based spelling.
P: Have students complete the sentence “If I were a firefighter, I ____.”
The sentence is written on a fire truck pattern. Attach the picture of each student dressed as a firefighter to this writing.
E: TO and writing
O: SWBAT answer comprehension questions.
P: Read The Bull and the Fire Truckby Tony Johnston. Ask questions.
Small Groups
O: SWBATdictate and illustrate a sentence.
P: Students dictate a positive sentence about the “Safari Guide of the Week.” Illustrate. Make into a class book.
E: “Safari Guide of the Week” paper
O: SWBAT answer “how many?” questions. P: Students will choose a number card. They will make the number with play dough. Then make small play dough balls to match the number on the card and put them in the ten-frame. Repeat with another number card. E: TO
* Teacher will assess or work with small acceleration groups!
Transition: Recite “Five Little Firefighters.” (See attached)
Watch “Flip the Fire Monkey” on internet4classrooms
Acceleration Activities
SWBAT move a fire truck to designated letters. Students will give letter sound. Use Fire Truck Bingo cards and plastic fire trucks.
SWBAT name and order numbered fire trucks (0-10) and place a corresponding number of buttons on each number.
Drama: SWBAT pretend their house is on fire and they need to get help. Use the firefighter prop box.
Math: SWBAT match buttons to a corresponding number on a fire truck.
Blocks: SWBAT build a fire station and a fire truck.
Writing: SWBAT write about a topic of their choice.
Books: SWBAT read from a variety of books. Books about fire will be available.
Art: SWBAT manipulate and transform various art materials.
Science: SWBAT write about the science experiment with jars and candles.