Agriculture Technical Skill Assessment Portfolio Rubric
1Unsatisfactory / 2
Developing / 3
Proficient / 4
Record Book: Community Service Section / Community service section has 0-1 activities / Community service section is filled out with 2 activities / Community service section is filled out with 3 or 4 activities / Community service section is filled out and complete, 5 or more activities.
Record Book: Agreement and Journal Section / No agreements or 0-19 journals / Agreements signed, 10-20 journals complete / Agreements all signed and complete, 20-25 journals complete / Agreements signed and complete, 25 plus journal entries
Record Book: Budgets and Financial Records / Budget and financial records are missing / Budget and financial records are 50% complete / Budget and financial records are 75% complete / Budget and financial records are complete
Introduction to Horticulture Semester Finals / Finals are not included. / One semester Intro to Horticulture final is present. / Both semester Intro to Horticulture finals are proficient. / Both semester finals are included and exemplary.
Metals 1 Final / Final not included / Final included, not proficient. / Proficient final included. / Exemplary Final included.
Ag Leadership Goals and Reflection / SMART goals are missing / 2 Clear SMART goals with no reflection. / 3 Clear SMART goals are listed, some reflection is complete. / 3 Clear SMART goals with in-depth reflection
Exemplary: 3 or 4 in all categories
Proficient: 3 in all categories
Developing: 2 in any category
Unsatisfactory: 1 in any category
The following are standards that are covered in the Agriculture Program:
Oregon Skill Sets: Core Standards for Introduction to Horticulture
Plant 01. Apply knowledge of plant classification, plant anatomy and plant
physiology to the production and management of plants.
Plant 02. Prepare a plant management plan that addresses the influence of
environmental factors, nutrients and soil on plant growth.
Plant 03. Propagate, culture and harvest plants.
Plant 06. Horticulture standards and skills specific to Oregon's horticulture industry.
Key words (hort, nursery, landscape, ornamental, turfgrass, turf, garden,
botanical, greenhouse, green industry, Xeriscape)
Oregon Skill Sets: Core Standards for Metals One
MNPG06.01 Perform safety, health, inspection, and repair processes related to welding
and thermal cutting.
MNPG10.02 Perform thermal cutting process using a variety technologies including
manual oxyfuel gas cutting (OFC), mechanized oxyfuel gas cutting (track
burner), plasma arc cutting (PAC), and air carbon arc cutting (CAC-A).
MNPG10.05 Perform operations related to shop equipment used in welding, layout, and
part preparation.
Oregon Skill Sets: Core Standards for Agriculture Leadership
ABM 01. Utilize economic principles to establish and manage an Agriculture
ABM 02. Utilize appropriate management planning principles in Agriculture
business enterprises.
ABM 05. Assess accomplishment of goals and objectives by an Agriculture
Forest Grove High School, March 2012