Please read all information available on the website about the program before completing.

All fields must be completed.


First Name:

Family Name:

Current Address:


Phone Number:



Do you possess a valid passport? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Country your passport is issued by:

Are you able to commit to the full program, including the two-week course and simulation experience in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the three- to six-month field component?

☐ Yes☐ No

Do you have permission from your line manager to commit to the above?

☐ Yes ☐No




Degrees or equivalent qualifications:

Number of years of experience working for civil society organizations (including NGOs, community-based organizations, etc.):

In which of the following topic area(s) do you have relevant skills and experience that could be of use in the field placement?

☐Design, implementation, and/or analysis of monitoring and evaluation activities

☐Conducting needs assessments

☐Participation in coordination and cluster activities

☐Assistance with program design and proposal development

☐Assistance with budget writing and financial management

☐Participation in safety, security and risk assessments

☐Assistance in the creation of technical guidelines and protocols

☐Participation in the design, implementation, and analysis of operations research activities (e.g., mapping of potential partner organizations, studying engagement with coordination systems, etc.)

☐Assistance with writing of project reports and publication of scientific papers based on field programs

☐Participation in the design, implementation, and analysis of research activities in a technical program area (e.g., gender analysis of NGO programs, humanitarian logistics in difficult settings, health, etc.)

☐Other (please specify)

Please provide details about your language proficiencies. For each language, please state if your skills are “basic,” “average,” “advanced,” or “fluent” (include English, please).

Language / Reading / Writing / Speaking


Responses must be given in English and should be no more than 200 words per question.

Why are you interested in participating in PHL?

How do you hope PHL will be useful in relation to your professional challenges and goals?

What qualifications, skills, and experience make you a strong candidate for PHL?

Describe the work you do in your current (or most recent) position. How it is relevant to PHL?

Describe your personal experience in participating in a response to a humanitarian crisis.

How do you envision yourself using the knowledge and skills gained in PHL in your day-to-day work?

In a humanitarian context, what qualities do you think a good leader should possess?

What do you consider to be the biggest challenges in the implementation of emergency response programming in today’s humanitarian settings?

What gaps do you have in your skills and knowledge about humanitarian programs and leadership that you would like addressed in PHL?

Please email this form, along with your CV or résumé and a letter of reference from your current or most recent manager highlighting your suitability to participate in PHL, to .