Overtime Principles

  1. All employees working any overtime must be in compliance with the EMPLOYEE STANDARDS ACT (ESA).
  1. These guidelines and interpretations have been drafted to ensure that overtime is allotted to regular employees first. Non-regular employees may work only if regular employees are unavailable (ESA) or, if regular employee cannot meet the guidelines as stated below.
  1. Everyone is encouraged to correct mistakes whenever possible on a daily basis and not allow issues to reach a stage where it cannot be resolved.

Daily Overtime Principles

  1. Daily absenteeism replacements will cover the vacant / absent position first before adjusting employees on that line when no spare qualified employees are available on that line.
  1. Initial recruitment of the daily overtime will be completed through the means of the daily sign up sheet and those employees not signing within the first four hours of their shift will be considered to have made themselves unavailable for current shift extension and next day early shift extension. If the employee fails to sign the overtime sign-up sheets, they may displace a temporary employee on their job assignment if employees are qualified and this has been communicated prior to the end of shift. A sign up sheet for the WEC weekday overtime will be posted on the Overtime notice board every week-end. The sign-up sheet will have 3 shifts identified for each day of the week

(1)First asked low qualified from same start time – Regular Employee

(2)Second asked low qualified from same shift – Regular Employee

(a)Where a late start is covered by early start, a 5hr shift extension is required.

(3)Third asked low qualified from WEC – Regular Employee

(4)Fourth asked low qualified from Posted jobs – Regular Employee

(5)Fifth asked low qualified from Kegging – Regular Employee

(6)Sixth asked low qualified from Other Departments (temporarily transferred out) – Regular Employees

(7)Seventh asked qualified Temporary Employees

Weekend Overtime Principles

  1. A sign-up sheet for the weekend overtime will be posted and the old sheet removed from the Overtime notice board every Tuesday at 10:00AM. The week-end overtime schedule will be posted “by Wednesday 4PM”. The sign-up sheet will have 3 shifts identified. For weekend requirements, the overtime sign-up sheet will indicate 8 hours and 12 hour shifts. Employees will be selected according to the need and how the employee has signed up (i.e. 12 hours from 12 hours and 8 hours from 8 hours). Any employee absent is responsible to contact the Department before 10 a.m. Friday about their availability for overtime. If an employee fails to sign the overtime sign-up sheets, they may displace a temporary employee on their job assignment prior to the schedule posting if they are qualified.

Friday Midnight clean-up Only

Low, regular, qualified employee from MN production shifts (weekly schedule)

Friday MN Production/clean-up, Sat. AM clean-up

Low, regular, qualified employee from MN production shifts filled out MN shift first.

Remaining, low, regular, qualified employee from combined MN/AM production shifts fill in position on AM shift.

Weekend Overtime Principles (cont’d)

Friday MN Production/clean-up, Sat. AM Production & PM clean-up

Low, regular, qualified employee from MN production shifts filled out MN shift first.

Remaining, low, regular, qualified employee from combined MN/AM/production shifts fill in position on AM shift

Remaining, low, regular, qualified employee from combined MN/AM/PM production shifts fill out position on PM shift

(1)First asked low qualified from Packaging Department – Regular Employee

(2)Second asked low qualified from Posted Jobs – Regular Employee

(3)Third asked low qualified from Kegging – Regular Employee

(4)Fourth asked low qualified from Other Departments (temporarily transferred out) – Regular Employees

(5)Fifth asked qualified Temporary Employees

Packaging Overtime Criteria:

7a.When two employees change shifts (via shift change request form) for the entire week, they will be considered on that shift they have changed to and fall under the low qualified criteria.

7b.When an employee is not on their Job Pick rotation they will receive overtime only before a temporary employee.

7c.When an employee is forced off their Job Pick rotation they will carry their seniority and will receive overtime under the low qualified criteria.

  1. If overtime hours are in balance (equalized) then overtime will be asked by seniority.

9a.All overtime recruitment will be based on a weekly total determined every Tuesday at 10 AM from the previous week (exception is Statutory or Plant Holidays).

9b.Adjusted hours will be added and applied in the following week’s overtime hours.

9c.All hours recorded will be documented under the expanded hour concept.

  1. If the low qualified employee is not asked for Overtime, they shall be paid for hours lost at the appropriate rate.
  1. Employees (including WEC) returning from vacation will not be available for overtime until their scheduled for vacation return date (i.e. Monday, Tuesday). With the exception of early start up, Employees scheduled for vacation will be eligible for a 7th shift (i.e. Sunday) prior to leaving for vacation. WEC - The week prior to the scheduled Sat. /Sun. vacation will be the week considered on vacation.

12a.An employee who is on the posted overtime schedule for the weekend overtime who has cancelled or failed to work their scheduled overtime shift will receive double the amount of hours that were scheduled. (ESA excluded)

12b.Once the week-end overtime schedule has been posted on Wednesday at 4 pm. If an employee is scheduled for the weekend and overtime becomes available on Thursday or Friday, that employee will be given the option to work.

  1. If a 7th day overtime is required due to an emergency, the Company will ask the 6th day worker and will not have to phone employees at home for work on the 7th day (in the event that a major break down occurs).

14a.Employees on posted jobs will only be eligible for overtime as outlined in Section #5 with the exception of those in the area support, temporary/volunteer and backfill job postings; these employees will fall under the low qualified criteria.

14b.When overtime becomes available on a posted job, the employee on the posting will receive overtime first if they have signed up, then low qualified criteria applies.

  1. Weekly production, early start ups will be scheduled man on the job (no sign up needed), when more than one employee is on the job, low hours and qualified employee shall be selected, then all other low hour qualified employees on that line, then all other low hour qualified employees on that shift, provided they have all signed up.

16a.The Company will supply a list to the union of all employees who worked weekend overtime and who were not on the posted schedule. A copy of this list shall be posted on the overtime notice board along with all others referred to in point 16b of these guidelines.

16b.A copy of (a) all overtime worked (b) original sign up sheet (c) weekly schedule and (d) Overtime Schedules will be given to the Packaging Stewards and a copy of all overtime worked will be posted on the Overtime Notice Board every Monday.

17a.When an employee is temporarily transferred out of the packaging department, or returns from Weekly Indemnity, or returns from a posted position, they will receive the average hours worked in packaging while transferred out. Upon their return, these hours will be added to their existing total hours.

17b.If an employee is scheduled for WEC less than the 12 months, the employee will receive the department’s average, if the employee’s hours are lower than the department average when returning to the regular weekly rotation.

17c.Employees transferring into the Packaging Department will be assigned the average number of overtime hours recorded in the Department, following their 90 day probationary period. Prior to the completion of 90 working days, overtime will be offered only before non regular employees.

17d.Employees who achieve seniority in the Packaging Department will be issued the average number of hours recorded in the department.

  1. The overtime Master Sheet will be available to the union office through the electronic (TORS) database.
  1. These guidelines and interpretations will be posted on the OT notice Board at all times for the Employees and management.
Last Reviewed on 6/12/2013 / Page 1 of 3
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