Year: ReceptionWeeklyCurriculum Map
8/1 / Week 2
15/1 / Week 3
22/1 / Week 4
29/1 / Week 5
5/2 / Week 6
19/2 / Week 7
26/2 / Week 8
5/3 / Week 9
12/3 / Week 10
19/3 / Week 11
Events / STEM Week / Consultation
FOREST! / Chinese New Year / Reading Workshop / SAFER INTERNET DAY
Chinese new year performances / HALF TERM / Ass’ment
Shrove Tuesday / Lit Week / Mum’s Morning / Number Workshop
FOREST! / Easter
Easter Egg Hunt
Core Book / KNUFFLE BUNNY by Mo Willems / THE STORY TREE by Hugh Lupton
(The Sweetest Song and Monkey See)
CL / List & Attention: I can listen attentively in a range of situations.
Understanding: I can follow several instructions at once.
Speaking: I can develop my own narratives and explanations. / ASSESSMENT WEEK / LITERATURE FESTIVAL
Tricky Words –here there all / List & Attention: I can respond with increasing relevance.
Understanding: I can answer ‘how’ questions.
Speaking: I can develop my own narratives and explanations.
PD / Moving & Handling: I can show good control & co-ordination.
Health & Self Care: I can dress and undress independently.
Fine Motor: Finger Gym. Gross Motor: SoccerDays / Moving & Handling: I can show good control & co-ordination
Health & Self Care: I know the importance of exercise.
Fine Motor: Finger Gym. Gross Motor: SoccerDays
PSED / SC&SA: I can say which activities I prefer and why.
Feelings & Behaviour: I can talk about how I and other feel.
Relationships: I can take account of others’ ideas. / SC&SA: I can say when I do or don’t need help.
Feelings & Behaviour: I know about behaviour/consequences
Relationships: I can take account of others’ ideas.
Phonics / Revise
th ng / Revise
aieeighoaoo / Revise
ar or
urer / Revise
oi / Revise
ear air ure / Phase 4
Recognition & Recall
Tricky words / Spelling Autumn Tricky Words / Her said have / Live give like / Some come one were / Where what when
Here there all / Her said have / Live give like / Some come one were / Where what when
Reading / Knuffle Bunny Teaching Sequence
Phase 2/3 captions & questions / Reading Workshop / Knuffle Bunny / Monkey See Monkey Do Teaching Sequence
Phase 3 captions & questions
Writing / Curly Caterpillars
c o / Curly Caterpillars
a d / Curly Caterpillars
g q / Curly Caterpillars
e f / Revision / Zigzag monsterss / Zigzag monstersv w / Zigzag monstersx / Zigzag monsters
Maths / Number:
Recognises numerals. Counts objects from a larger group. / Number:
Count actions/objects which cannot be moved.
Selects correct numeral. / Number:
Counts objects to 10.
Counts an irregular arrangement of up to 10 objects. / SS&M:
Orders two or three items by length or height. / SS&M:
Orders two items by weight or capacity. / Number:
Finds total of two groups / Number:
One more/one less
Estimates / SS&M:
3D Shapes – mathematical names and shapes.
Selects a particular named shape. / SS&M:
Everyday language
Sequence familiar events
Measures short periods of time
Counting 1-20/Seasons / Days of the Week/Seasons / Ordering Num / Flash vocab cards number / Flash vocab cards ss&m
UW / People & Communities: I know about similarities and differences between myself and others.
The World: I can talk about features of my environment.
Technology: I can select, explore and use technology. / Careers Day
Internet Day / Spring 1 cont. / FOREST! / Mother’s Day / Easter
EAD / Media & Materials: I can experiment with song, music and dance.
Being Imaginative: I can represent my thoughts & feelings through music, dance, role play and stories. / Monkey See Monkey Do / Forest
Art / Mother’s Day Cards / Easter Cards
Enrichment / STEM Week / Consultation Day FOREST! / Chinese New Year / Reading Workshop / Careers Day – Dress Up / Shrove Tuesday / World Book Day – Dress Up / Number Workshop FOREST! / Easter Egg Hunt