
Native American Legends

Interpretive Exercise

Read each section of the story then answer each question by finding the choice that answers the question the best. Write the letter choice on the line next to the number.

Legend of the Indian Paintbrush

1 / And the next day, when the People awoke
2 / the hill was ablaze with color,
3 / for the brushes had taken root in the earth
4 / and multiplied into plants
5 / of brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows.
  1. _____ What happened to Little Gopher’s paintbrushes after he left them on the hillside?

a.they disappeared

b.someone came and stole them

c.they turned into beautiful flowers

d.they burst into flame

  1. _____ In line 3, the word root means:

a.the underground part of a plant that absorbs water and minerals become implanted in the ground

c.a piece of

Legend of the Indian Paintbrush

1 / But the boy, who was called Little Gopher
2 / was not without a gift of his own.
3 / From an early age, he made toy warriors
4 / from scraps of leather and pieces of wood
5 / and he loved to decorate smooth stones
6 / with the red juices from berries
7 / he found in the hills.
8 / The wise shaman of the tribe understood
9 / that Little Gopher had a gift that was special.
10 / “Do not struggle, Little Gopher.
11 / Your path will not be the same as the others.
12 / They will grow up to be warriors;
13 / Your place among the People will be remembered
14 / for a different reason.”
  1. _____ What prediction can you make about why Little Gopher will be famous?

a.Little Gopher will probably be a great warrior

b.Little Gopher will grow red, juicy berries

c.Little Gopher will probably be the shaman

d.Little Gopher will probably be famous for making something beautiful

  1. _____ What is Little Gopher’s special gift?

a.He is strong and brave

b.He makes toys from leather and wood

c.He can run swiftly

d.He did not really have a special gift

Legend of the Bluebonnet

1 / “You,” she said, looking at the doll.
2 / “You are my most valued possession.
3 / It is you the Great Spirits want.”
4 / And she knew what she must do.

5. _____ What can you predict that She-Who-Is-Alone must do for the Great Spirits?

a. She will hide the doll.

b. She will give the doll to the Chief.

c. She will make a burnt offering of the doll.

d. She will run away from the village and find another tribe.

6. _____ Why is the doll so important to She-Who-Is-Alone?

a. The doll’s mouth is painted on with the juice of berries.

b. The doll is the only thing she has from her family, who died in the famine.

c. The doll has blue feathers in its hair.

d. She loves the doll very much.

7. _____ Based on your reading, what is the meaning of “drought” and “famine”?

a. no rain and plenty of food

b. plenty of rain and plenty of food

c. no rain and not enough food

d. plenty of rain and not enough food