Al Hussein Bin Talal University
Princess AaeshehBint Al-HusseinCollege of Nursing and Health Sciences
Course Syllabus
Department: Nursing Department / Course title : Principle of Physiology
Credit Hours: 3 Hours / Course Number:0901215
Pre-requisites:0901102 / Course Year Level: 1st Year
Faculty Member: / Day, Time:
E-mail : / Office Hours:
Course Website: / Office Phone:
Academic Year: 2015 / 2016 / Semester: First Semester
Course Description
This course has been designed to introduce the graduate student to human physiology. It targets a wide range of students with diverse backgrounds and varying biological experience. The course takes a systems approach to physiology. Due to the close interrelationship between structure and function in biological systems, each functional physiology topic will include a brief overview of anatomic structure. The physical and chemical laws that are the basis of the physiological processes will also be covered, and applications to current biomedical research and clinically relevant situations will be included. Also, Thefundamentalconcepts,theories,andprinciplesofPhysiology as a link between the basic sciences and medicine. The major systems in the body and the specific physiological mechanisms will be discussed in relation to the individual functions of all the body’s different cells, tissues, and organs, also
General Learning Objectives
1. Comply with the course policies mentioned in the course syllabus including attendance, understanding and effective time utilization.
2. To apply analytical and problem solving skills to personal, social and professional issues and situations.
3. Discuss representative major systems in the body and the specific physiological mechanisms in relation to the individual functions of all the body’s different cells, tissues, and organs. .
4. To communicate orally and in writing, socially and interpersonally
5. Discuss and describe the concepts, theories, and principles of Physiology as a link between the basic sciences and medicine
Specific Learning Objectives
  • Acquire a core scientific knowledge about humans as a physiological entity
  • Incorporate physiology into the personal path of becoming a competent and caring physician
  • To be aware of physiological research to improve diagnoses and treatments of diseases
  • Include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry and analysis, evaluation and syntheses of information
  • Generate and communicate ideas by combining, changing, or reapplying existinginformation
  • Gather and assess information relevant to a question
  • Analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information
  • Apply basic physiology principles in the appropriate clinical context
  • Acquire a list of clinical skills at the introductory level
  • Include the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions
  • Manipulate and analyze numerical data and arrive at an informed conclusion
  • Manipulate and analyze observable facts and arrive at an informed conclusion
  • Include effective development, interpretation, and expression of ideas through written, oral, and visual communication
  • Develop, interpret, and express ideas through written communication
  • Develop, interpret, and express ideas through oral communication
  • Develop, interpret, and express ideas through visual communication

Instructional Resources
  • Audiovisual materials
  • Library resources: textbooks, journals, CDs
  • Online data base
  • Written materials.
  • Demonstration materials.

Teaching & Learning Methods
  • Lectures / Discussion
  • One-to-one instruction.
  • Demonstration and return demonstration.
  • PowerPoint slide
  • Interactive lectures
  • Brain storming.
  • Exercise
  • Group Discussions
  • Assignments and homework’s

Evaluation Scheme
Expected Date / Percentage
First Exam / Week 6 / 25%
Second Exam / Week 11 / 25%
Final Exam / Week 16 / 50%
Participation and
Attendance / ---

Course Contents

Week / Date / Topic / Duties /Tasks
1 / The Cellular Level of Organization
2 / Neurons
Electrical signals in neuron
Resting membrane potential & action potential
Synapse & synaptic transmission
3 / The Autonomic Nervous System
4 / Sensory, Motor & Integrative Systems
5 / 1st Exam
6 /
The Cardiovascular System: The Blood
7 /
The Cardiovascular System: The Heart
8 / The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics
9 / The respiratory system
10 / The urinary system
11 / 2nd Exam
12 / The Digestive system.
13 / The endocrine system
14 / Muscles
15 / The reproductive system
16 / FinalExam
References, Textbook
Title / Principle of anatomy and Physiology
Author(s) / Gerard j. Tortora , Bryan H. Derrickson
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(Author), Pamela C. Champe
Publisher / -
Year / 2014
Edition / 13 Edition
Book Website /
Recommended Textbooks: / Gerard J. Tor tora. 2014 .Principles of anatomy andphysiology. Last edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Rodney A. Rhoades, George A. Tannerl.2013. MedicalPhysiology. Last edition. Philadelphia. Elsevier Inc.

Student Responsibilities and Academic Conduct:

There are a number of expectations to achieving the goals of this course and successfully passing the Adult Health Nursing I. They include:

A. Attendance: Your success in this class will depend on regular attendance and punctuality.

  1. Attendance is expected at every class, for those who miss more than 15% of lecture hours with or without acceptable excuse will be dismissed from the course.
  2. If class is missed, students should get missed information from lecture from a classmate. Instructors will not provide missed information.
  3. In the case of a critical life event, homework, quizzes, and exams may be made up, at the discretion of the faculty.

B. Reading:

  1. Reading of textbook assignments should be done before the topic is presented in class to ensure a basic understanding of the topic before lecture.

C. Active Participation in class discussions:

1. Active participation is important to successful learning. You will be encouraged to join in on class discussions, share relevant experiences, and ask questions. Emphasis is placed on practicing English in order to promote English fluency.


  1. Meet the course teacher at the posted office hours or by appointment.
  2. Avoid cheating, academic misconduct, fabrication, and plagiarism. Such behaviors will lead to disciplinary action as described in the students’ handbook.
  3. Cell phones are required to be turned off during class time.
  4. Students are expected to participate in an orderly manner. Students whose behaviors distract from the learning process will be asked to leave for the day and will count as an absence. This includes talking during class time.


Issue Date: May 2015

Revision Date: