NDASC – Committee Meeting 13th January 2016

Present:Adele Squires, Donna Muras, Angela Smith MacAulay, Val Walker, Donna Smith, Louise Harrison, Annabel Scott, Julie Gair

  1. Apologies

Donna Lawrie, Sarah Canham, Inez Duncan

  1. Approval of Last Meeting Minutes

Minutes are now placed on website in Committee page for anyone interested. To save excessively lengthy documents, the various reports received for each meeting will be noted as received but any pertinent information therein will be summarised in minutes and/or circulated to members as appropriate.

Meeting of the 11th November 2015 – approved by Val

Meeting of the 9th December 2015 – approved by Donna

  1. Matters Arising
  • Information Board - Can we get an additional/better positioned one?Ours half way down corridor towards Gents changing room. We understood the club should be displaying information for Child Protection, and insurance together other governance items as per our constitution. Annabel to review information requirements & update accordingly.
  • Swim School - Noted that Highlife Highland were unlikely to commit to additional Swim School until after Easter 2016. Val looking to taking forwards a taster session for NDASC in the interim, using the marketing materials that are already available. Looking to distribute flyers to schools etc.
  • Mindfulness training – mixed feedback from the swimmers. Intention if the club moves forward with this then a more targeted approach for Active Competitors. The committee noted that there is increasing evidence around this training to improve concentration levels.

Action – identify whether a further session would be supported by swimmers as a way forward with the programme.

  • Nutritionist – Val to write to take this forward. Would like to do an exercise where the swimmers are weighed before training and after training, to identify if the swimmer has taken sufficient fluids on board during training.
  • Club Information Session–Unclear on the information that is issued to new members of the club. Do we need to consider welcome pack/other promotional leaflet? Annabel to speak to Kate on what currently goes out to new recruits and we can decide from there what new materials may be required and whether a Parents Information Session should be set up to ensure everyone aware of club processes / info available on web etc. Flow of information between committee members in their various roles to track trialists/swim school swimmers progress to potential membership and squad/session movements needs looked at so no-one slips through the net and all contact details / SASA Membership & payments kept up to date.Val to provide details of the 2 swimmers that should be invited to trial at the Club.
  • Bonus Ball – It was noted that the HST Bonus Ball draw did not receive sufficient support and is ending at the end of the month.
  • Davidson Trust – Annabel noted that this Trust could be approached for equipment. Annabel to look into making an application for blocks, lane ropes etc.
  • Fins Box – look to purchase a new box for the Fins as one has broken at the club
  • Timekeeping Course– Annabel has asked Helen for when a Timekeeping Course can be run for new parents.
  • Swim Skills / HST – Communication to go out to the swimmers when results of trial known.
  1. Treasurers Report

Balance is £11,633.40 as of today, with pool fees paid up to end of Nov 15, and Land Based training fees to the end of Oct 15.

Donna M identified that the issue is that although the Standing Orders is good, it becomes more confusing when parents nett off other costs and do not let her know the reason for change to expected payment.

Action – All competition fees to be paid post competitions to try to reduce the confusion also email Donna through the club account if you are making a payment other than expected.

  1. Coach Report

Ali Whike is coming up to the Training Weekend at the Aquadome this weekend. We were unaware that time trials were to be involved in selection for Skills Squad but perhaps had to be done due to high level of interest. A number of swimmers have passed their entry times for Swim Skills and some borderline so will have to wait to see number of places HST can offer (suggested 22 swim places available) but trial oversubscribed. 2 further swimmers who could not make initial date are going to trial this Sunday.

Bailey and Darcy to be invited to Wednesday nights at Nairn. (Action Annabel)

  1. Child Protection

Nothing to note

  1. Competition Report

Louise is now working with Val on the active competitors within the club and the number of competitions that are being entered. It was noted that the entry into competitions has been disappointing. NDASC has 3 (of the 4 eligible) swimmers entered into the Edinburgh International Meet and they are entered as Highland Swim Team.

  1. HST Update

Jane has put herself forward as Vice Chair whilst HST recruits an Independent Chair. Donna L remains Treasurer. Nairn have put forward Annabel and Siggy as the 2 representatives. Sub-committees are in the process of being established. Work has not yet started on recruitment of a new coach for HST. It was noted that Aberdeen has recently advertised for 2 coaches.

10 Fundraising

Nothing to Note


  • Early Opening – this is progressing with Colleen Blair (New Regional Swimming Development Manager)
  • Long Course Training – Julie to identify a date and Val to provide appropriate set for LC Training in case any want to travel independently for LC training meantime. Diving is only available during the week at Aberdeen due to instructor /pool availability.
  • Fun Competition - Louise attended for this item and agreed to look at the Invitational Meet as a starter with Inverness, Grantown, Forres and Tain as preparation for a fully accredited meet. 24 swimmers per club. Good Friday 25th March 16 (12.00pm – 4.00pm) as a suggested date and to follow the Alford Invitational Meet Format (one lane per club each heat), and look at potential of having a supper at the Golf Club thereafter. To apply for licence based on that date. Louise arranging to invite clubs/organise officials/golf club.
  • Fast 50s to happen the 18th March 2015.
  • Update to business Plan – Val & Donna to meet after Val’s return from hols

12 Date of Next Meeting – to be decided