Strategic Plan 2014-2015

Note: Those listed as people responsible are the ones who should be forming committees to get work done and are then responsible for overseeing completion and reporting back to the board. These individuals may have their own deadlines and assignments given to committee members.


A.  Improve Conference based on Feedback

a.  Make the CEU process during conference more accountable through the use of stickers, new forms, etc.

i.  People responsible: Education Chair/Conference Chair/Host Chapters

ii. Timeline: March 1st, 2015

b.  Make the program/conference more process-oriented and user-friendly (add a table of contents to the conference program, assign an editor/committee to review and finalize the conference program)

i.  People responsible: Conference Chair/Publications Chair

ii. Timeline: January 1st, 2015 (1st draft to be continually updated)

B.  Bring in a broader range of exhibitors (i.e., mental health and school counseling books, 31 bags, gift vendors, Oriental Trading, psychology-oriented vendors, toys, miscellaneous counseling trinkets)

a.  People responsible: Conference Chair

b.  Timeline: March 1st, 2015

C.  Utilize/increase networking

a.  Ad campaign for Robert Wubbolding (reaching out to non-counseling professionals throughout the ad campaign to attend and/or present at the conference)

i.  People responsible: Ex Committee/Conference Chair/Publications Chair

ii. Timeline: ongoing through February 1st, 2015

b.  Encourage more round table and interactive sessions

i.  People responsible: Education Chair

ii. Timeline: October 15th, 2014

c.  Provide theme-based, fun social opportunities

i.  Hypnotist/magician/entertainment

ii. Formal networking opportunities

1.  People responsible: Conference Chair/ Host Chapters (entertainment, decorations)

2.  Timeline: December 15th, 2014

Increase Involvement in Legislation Advocacy

A.  Identify THREE issues of legislative concern and compile talking points for each.

a.  People responsible: Government Relations Chair/AoS Gov’t Relations Chairs

b.  Timeline: October, 2015

B.  Provide to membership current information on legislative issues by utilizing newsletter, website and social media at least four times a year

a.  People responsible: Government Relations Chair

b.  Timeline: Ongoing

C.  Organize and Coordinate Day on the Hill Event

a.  Select a date

i.  People Responsible: AoS Presidents and Government Relations Chair

ii. Timeline: August 30th, 2014

b.  Board Meetings and agenda for DoH

i.  People Responsible: AoS Presidents

ii. Timeline: September 30th 2014

c.  Create promotional info for legislators etc

i.  People Responsible: Government Relations Chair/AoS Gov’t Relations Chairs

ii. Timeline: Completed by DoH

D.  Hire a lobbyist to monitor all legislative bills for all SDCA and AoS concerns.

a.  People Responsible: Government Relations Chair/AoS Gov’t Relations Chairs

b.  Timeline: Recommendations will be made to Ex Comm prior to October 30th, 2014

E.  Increase member involvement in advocacy and government relations through local Chapters.

a.  Provide Chapter Presidents with necessary advocacy ideas, information, and/or materials.

i.  People Responsible: Government Relations Chair/AoS Gov’t Relations Chairs

ii. Timeline: September 1st, 2014

b.  Local Chapters will be asked to complete ONE advocacy activity from the list provided.

i.  People Responsible: Government Relations Chair/Chapter Presidents

ii. Timeline: by DoH

F.  Increase Advocacy/promotion of Mental Health Month/National school counselor week to our legislators.

a.  People Responsible: AoS Gov’t Relations Chairs will provide needed to SDCA Gov’t Relations Chair, who will compile data into one document for disbursement.

b.  Timeline: to be completed before April and National School Counselor’s Week

Improve Membership Services

A.  Increase membership of SDCA by 10%

a.  Increase support from SDCA to the chapters

i.  Promote SDCA at the school counselor workshop (Tom Cool)

1.  People Responsible: President Elect selected representatives from each area school

2.  Timeline: November 1, 2014

ii. Quarterly Chapter Challenges

1.  People Responsible: Membership Chair/Public Relations Chair and Chapter Officers

2.  Timeline: June 30, 2015

B.  Increase visibility of SDCA and counseling activities state wide

a.  Third Quarter Chapter Challenge: Calling all counselors – service project

i.  People Responsible: Membership Chair/Public Relations Chair and Chapter Officers

ii. Timeline: March 31, 2015

b.  Counselor Awareness Month project

i.  People Responsible: Membership Chair/Public Relations and Host chapters

ii. Timeline: April 30, 2015

c.  Create promotional merchandise

i.  People Responsible: Tracie Erdmann (Grad Stud Rep) & Jamie Fiegen (Finance Chair)

ii. Timeline: December 31, 2014

d.  Increase outreach to non-members

i.  People Responsible: Membership Chair/Public Relations Chair and chapter officers

ii. Timeline: June 30, 2015

C.  Improve membership benefits

a.  Professional membership “Find a Counselor” directory/profile

i.  People Responsible: Membership Chair/Public Relations Chair/Technology Chair

ii. Timeline: September 30, 2014

b.  Membership directory on the website

i.  People Responsible: President, Membership Services (Dr. Duncan), Technology Chair, Kier Murphy (Cornbelt President)

ii. Timeline: September 30, 2014

c.  Second Quarter Chapter Challenge: Professional development outside of conference

i.  People Responsible: President Elect, Membership Chair

ii. Timeline: December 31, 2014

Update SDCA Documents

A.  Revision of By-Laws

a.  People Responsible: By-Laws Chair, President, President Elect

b.  Timeline: Final draft complete by 2015 Conference

B.  Revision of Chapter Checklist

a.  People Responsible: President, President Elect, Chapter presidents

b.  Timeline: Final draft complete by 2015 Conference

C.  Revision of Conference Policies including Host Chapter responsibilities

a.  People Responsible: President, President Elect, Conference Chair

b.  Timeline: Final draft complete by 2015 Conference

D.  Revision of Fiscal Policies

a.  People Responsible: Treasurer and Finance Chair

b.  Timeline: Final draft complete by 2015 Conference

E.  Revision of Committee Responsibilities

a.  People Responsible: President, President Elect, All Committee Chairs

b.  Timeline: Final draft complete by 2015 Conference

F.  Develop job description for Executive Secretary

a.  People Responsible: Ex. Comm

b.  Timeline: Final draft complete by third quarter board meeting