To:- The Manager, Anglican Development Fund, 209 Flinders Lane, MELBOURNE VIC 3000
We attach hereto copies of architects certificate/invoice from builder/other invoices *(cross out whichever is not applicable) for payment as follows:
Invoice date / Invoice from / Amount$
/ $In payment please debit our account as follows
□ ADF account number SAV______
□ ADF Loan account number COM______
□ Send cheque/s to this parish for distribution to the payees.
□ Send cheques direct to supplier/builder.
□ Electronically credit the proceeds to:- (please provide bank details below)
□Payee/s bank account/s, or
□As the claim has been paid please reimburse the parish bank account:
Bank: / Branch:BSB: / A/c number
A/c name: / Amount:
Bank: / Branch:
BSB: / A/c number
A/c name: / Amount:
The account(s) should be paid on □ __/__/____ or
□ the date which meets the terms of the invoice(s)
The attached invoices are approved for payment.
Please attach copies of Architect’s Certificate and related approval calculations.
(Treasurer/Churchwarden) (Churchwarden)
Office use only
Amount approved / Date / A/c to be debited / Approved byDeposit support / A/cs / $ / Ratio
H:\ADF\Loan drawdowns\Templates\Current drawdown forms\Drawdown request form_General.doc