Word of Life Chapel 27 Fellowship Dr. , Halifax, PA, 17032
Tel: (717) 896-3732
Parental Permission Form
Due to a change on the Church calendar we will be moving our Get Air Trip to Sunday, November 6th. We will be leaving the church at 12pm returning at 3:30pm. Please note, this information is different than what I announced to the teens on Sunday. We will meet at 11:30am for lunch.
Also, Get Air requires a waiver form to be filled out on a yearly basis for each person. Please go to https://harrisburg.getairmanagement.com/Waiver2.html to submit the waiver. Your youth will need this to be allowed to jump. If you are not sure when you filled out your last form please submit another one.
Please email me at to confirm that your youth is attending. They can bring this form on Sunday, November 6th.
To be completed by a parent or guardian by November 6th
Date: November 6th Destination: Get Air 3823 Union Deposit Rd, Harrisburg, PA 17109
Time of departure: 11:30am Time of Return: 3:30pm Cost: $20 cash or check made payable
to Word of Life Chapel. It covers
transportation, lunch, socks and jumping
I hereby give my permission for (child) ______to go to
(destination) Get Air I understand that the church staff and volunteers will use their best efforts to supervise; however, I also understand the church staff and volunteers are not responsible for loss of personal property or bodily injury. If I cannot be reached at the time of an emergency and if treatment is urgent in the judgment of the church staff, volunteers and medical authorities, I authorize and direct the church staff members present to send my child (with an adult) to the hospital or the most easily accessible medical facility. I understand that I will assume full responsibility for the payment of any services rendered.
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______Date: ______