Practice with Identifying Essential Learning and Developing Objective Statements (Worksheet)
Check off whether each of the objective statements below is too narrow, too broad or just right. In the box below each objective statement, jot down what additional information you might need to decide if the scope of the objective statement is appropriate.
Objective Statements / TooNarrow / Just
Right / Too
Students will understand, monitor, and be able to explain in writing how various forms of physical fitness and nutrition influence their health and wellness physically, emotionally, and socially.
What additional information would be helpful in determining the appropriateness of the scope?
Students will be able to read and understand nutrition labels on food and construct a written explanation that conveys the importance of healthy foods.
What additional information would be helpful in determining the appropriateness of the scope?
Students will understand how physical fitness influences their health and wellness.
What additional information would be helpful in determining the appropriateness of the scope?
Objective Statements / Too
Narrow / Just
Right / Too
Students will be able to read, write, and speak simple words, phrases, and sentences in basic French in the present tense and immediate future tense.
What additional information would be helpful in determining the appropriateness of the scope?
Students will demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking basic French, including knowledge of vocabulary (related to travel, school, emotions, food, the workplace, sports/hobbies, and the family), the ability to conjugate regular and irregular verbs in the past, present, and future tenses, and knowledge of the geography and culture of the French-speaking world.
What additional information would be helpful in determining the appropriateness of the scope?
Students will be able to analyze multiple texts, including primary and secondary sources, in order to demonstrate understanding of aspects of French culture including history, customs, food, clothing, arts, environment, and government through comparisons of the culture studied and their own.
What additional information would be helpful in determining the appropriateness of the scope?
Try writing an Objective Statement based on the Essential Learning and sample standards below:
Subject Area
/ MusicGrade Level
Essential Learning
/ At the middle school level, students need to develop a basic understanding of how to read music and effectively execute musical notation either vocally or with an instrument. They also need to develop their vocal / musical skills and techniques in order to prepare for future musical endeavors, experience the joy of making music in a group and expand their musical repertoires.Objective Statement
Sample Standards
/ M1 (7-8)-1Students show evidence of music literacy (reading, writing, and understanding of the symbols of sound)
a.reading, writing, and performing rhythmic patterns using standard notation, including: augmentation and diminution
b.reading, writing, and performing patterns in a variety of meters, including: 3/8, 2/2, changing meters
c.reading, writing, and performing patterns of pitch (pentatonic and diatonic major, minor, and modes) and known songsusingsolfege (e.g., Deep in the Heart of Texas, Yonder Come Day) andabsolute pitch letter names (e.g., recorder, barred instruments, guitar)
M3 (7-8) - 1
Students perform music alone and with others in a variety of settings...
a.singing a varied repertoire including up to 3 parts using treble and bass clefs with musical accuracy
b.playing a varied repertoire representing various genres, styles, cultures using acoustic or electronic musical instruments with musical accuracy.
M4 (7-8) -2
Students evaluate music by...
a.developing and applying three specific criteria provided for critiquing music (e.g., dynamics, diction, and articulation: “They played pizzicato at a piano level.” I understood the meaning of the music, because the choir’s diction was correct.”)
b.using aesthetic criteria to compare and contrast student performance with professional
performance (e.g., “We need to work harder to create good balance with so few violas in our string section.”)