AP Human Geography

Unit IV Review: Political Geography

1) The nation-state concept originated and has been used most extensively in modern Europe.

2) Language and religion are two significant characteristics which can distinguish among nationalities.

3) Physical boundaries are more natural than cultural boundaries.

4) Argentina and Chile are separated by one type of physical boundary, a desert.

5) The boundary between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland is a good example of a physical boundary.

6) South Africa is a good example of a landlocked state.

7) Yugoslavia was a good example of a federal state.

8) Russia is a member of the European Union.

9) Most Iraqis have stronger loyalty to a tribe or clan than to a national government.

10) The most important elements of state power are increasingly military rather than economic.

11) Osama bin Laden declared war on the United States in 1996, because of United States support of Saudi Arabia and Israel.

12) Terrorist consider all U.S. citizens justified targets because all U.S. citizens are responsible for U.S. government policies and cultural practices.

13)Irredentism is a movement by a minority ethnic group to break off from a country and form their own separate state.

14)Irredentism can occur when a nation extends beyond the state in which they are the majority and overlaps into a neighboring state in which they are a minority.

15)The initial breakup of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s was primarily due to the forces of ethnonationalism.

16)In contrast with nations, states are cultural regions based on actual or mythological common ancestry.

17) A nation will often consider its ancestral territory a part of its homeland, even if they no longer occupy it.

18).The Kurdish region is more properly considered a national homeland, not a state.

19). If the Iraqi Kurds were granted independence, the resulting regions would be a nation-state.

20).If the Shia government in Iran tried to “reclaim” the Shia region of southern Iraq on the basis of a common national religion, the situation would best be described as irredentism, not ethnonationalism.

21).The desire for a “Greater Kurdistan” is an example of ethnonationalism, not irredentism.

22).In Iraq under President Saddam Hussein, a minority nation was the dominant power and the majority nation was oppressed.

23). The new Iraqi constitution created a federal system of government.

24). When an enclave is a political extension of another state, it is called an exclave

25). The trend in recent years has been toward unitary governments/systems so the values of one nationality can be imposed on others.

26) What unique transportation problem do landlocked states face if they wish to export their raw materials overseas?

27) What are the two main nationalities on the island of Cyprus?

28) Discuss the development of the modern concept of the state.