Government Oversight Committee Agenda
Chair: Warren Butler
September 19, 2016
5:00 PM to 6:15 PM in the John E. Sapp Conference Room
- Call to Order
- Meeting was called to order at 5:02PM.
- Roll Call – Vice Chair
- Chairman Butler established quorum with 4 voting members.
- Approval of Minutes – August 29, 2016
- Senator Adams motioned to approve the minutes from 8/29/16. Second. Moved.
- Approval of Agenda
- Senator Sayers motioned to strike Thoren Prego, MuizzNaeem, and James Thompson from Legislative Appointments.
- Senator Smith motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Second. Moved.
- Student Remarks
- None.
- Remarks of the Chair
- Chairman Butler mentioned that meetings will now start at 5 PM. Talked about Judicial appointments today.
- Unfinished Business
- None.
- New Business
- Discussion on the relationship between PPO’s and Elections
- Discussed ways that the Government Oversight Committee can regulate PPO’s and help in elections.
- Judicial Appointments
- Kimberly McKarin
- Gave a brief background about herself and gave reasons why should be an Assistant Justice. Questions and answers followed.
- Senator Thames motioned to forward Kimberly McKarin to Senate for approval. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote. 6-0-0. Passed.
- Jesse Lard
- Gave a background about himself, an Astrophysics major with Junior Standing. Explained why his background in Physics can better qualify him for Associate Justice.Questions and answers followed.
- Senator Sayers motioned to forward Mr. Lard to Senate for confirmation. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote. 6-0-0. Passed.
- Legislative Appointments
- Derrick Clark Jr.
- Gave background about himself and noted that he is a Finance major. Spoke on why he qualified to be a Senator. Questions and answers followed.
- Senator Thames motioned to forward Mr. Clark to Senate. Second Discussion. Roll call vote 5-0-1. Passed.
- Senate Appointment Application
- Went over what changes have been made.
- Senator Adams motioned to amend on page 7 to read page 8. Second. Moved.
- Senator Adamson motioned to change in all instances that 4PM falls after Tuesday to change to 5PM. Second. Discussion. 3-0-4. Failed.
- Senator Thamesmotioned that page 10 to read what initiatives that student government have benefited you or anyone else. Second. No discussion 2-0-4. Failed.
- Senator Thames motions to approve Senate application as amended. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote 6-0-0. Passed.
- Announcements
- None.
- Final Roll Call – Vice Chair
- Quorum was reestablished with 6 voting members.
- Adjournment
- Meeting was adjourned at 6:09 PM.