Royal Botanic Gardens Board Victoria
Application for Filming/PhotographyPermit

All filming/photography requests are to be submitted at least two weeks (10 working days) prior to the commencement of shoot and confirmed in writing by the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne. No filming is to take place without written approval and a Filming Permit from the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne.


Name: (the Applicant)
Program / Publication:


Type of Permit required: Filming Photography
Proposed Date/s:

Start Time: Finish Time:
Total number of people onsite each day:


Type of Project/Shoot

Location(s) of Proposed Shoot (see attached site maps and attach further information as required):

Description of Shots undertaken in each area (please attach additional information as required, including any requirement to record sound):
Details of equipment on site (please supply full details of props lighting [note – no power is available on site], etc):
Crew details(please outline cast and crew required for shoot):
Any additional information:

Please submit completed forms to the Marketing and Communications Branch.

Email: Fax: (03) 9252 2476

Tel: (03) 9252 2300

Please note: A completed application form does not constitute permission to film. You must receive written confirmation and an official RBG filming permit to proceed.


For the conduct of filming and photography at the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne

General Conditions

  1. Access to the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne will be only possible within the hours of 7:30 am to sunset (Monday to Friday). The RBG reserves the right to deny filming requests for weekends, public holidays and other peak visitation times.
  1. All requirements of the Royal Botanic Gardens Regulations 2004 must be observed. The Regulations are available at Any breaches of these regulations will be subject to a penalty infringement notice.
  1. Cast and crew are not permitted on garden beds, to handle or pick any plants or to climb trees. No interference shall be caused to flora and fauna of the Gardens. The Applicant will be held responsible for any damage caused, and will be charged the costs of rectification (see below).
  1. The Applicant is liable for all costs to rectify any resulting damage to the site, plants, infrastructure, services or fittings. These include:
  • trees/shrubs/lawns (the asset value of trees will be at the Royal Botanic Gardens’ (RBG) valuation using the Revised Burnley Tree Valuation Method or other appropriate method as chosen by the RBG);
  • paths/kerbs/fences;
  • structures/sculptures;
  • gas/electricity/sewer/storm water/water reticulation or irrigation components; or
  • communications services (cables and optic fibre).
  1. No plant material is permitted to be brought onto the RBG site unless prior approval is granted by the RBG. To gain approval, plant species or cultivar names and quantities must be provided, together with certification of pest and disease-free status.
  1. Any damage resulting from an approved film/photography shoot shall be recompensed by the Applicant. All direct costs incurred by the RBG in relation to the shoot must be covered by the Applicant.
  1. The Applicant or its authorised representative is to be on-site at all times during the shoot. A mobile telephone number for the on-site representative is to be supplied to the RBG filming co-ordinator prior to the commencement of the shoot.
  1. The site is available only to the Applicant whose name appears in the Permit. The RBG is to be advised in writing if any of the details of your occupation of the site change.
  1. These Terms and Conditions do not constitute an exclusive right of use of the RBG. The locations chosen for your shoot cannot be closed off to members of the public.
  1. It is the Applicant’s responsibility to ensure the safety of its staff and members of the public.
  1. Additional specific conditions may be imposed and will be advised in a separate attachment to the filming Permit.

Structures and Equipment

  1. Please ensure that all equipment intended to be brought on the site is declared on the application form. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of the permit.
  1. The Applicant must not alter, add or affix any item, sign or poster within RBG Melbourne without prior written approval. Items must not be attached to trees, buildings, heritage features or other fixed structures.
  1. When operating dollies, cranes, moveable arms, or any other machinery, the immediate area is to be delineated by safety bollards or witches hats and made safe for the public.
  1. All wheeled equipment, such as lighting trolleys, must be secured in a stationary position.
  1. All structures and equipment must be secured with weights (pegs and/or stakes are not permitted).
  1. All cables must run along the kerbside where possible and when crossing a path must be covered with cableguard.
  1. Unless specifically authorised by the RBG, no filming is permitted from garden beds.

Note:The use of areas outside the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne boundary, including ‘The Tan’, Kings Domain and Birdwood Avenue, requires the permission of the City of Melbourne.

Failure to adhere to any of these Terms and Conditions will result in cancellation of the filming Permit and a fine as provided for by the Royal Botanic Gardens Act2004.

Royal Botanic Gardens Board Victoria
Application for Filming/PhotographyPermit