November 9, 2010
GreenwoodTownship –RegularMeeting Minutes
The regular meeting of the Greenwood Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Supervisor Terry Gill at 7:30 p.m. at the Greenwood Township Hall, 9025 Yale Road. Other board members present were Clerk Jonseck, Treasurer Ramsey, Trustee Vincent, and Trustee Kaltz along with19residents. The minutes from the regular meeting on October 12, 2010 and the minutes from the special meetings on October 12, 2010 and October 22, 2010 were approved as presented.
In correspondence Jonseck informed board members that the application for replacing the concrete box culvert on Hewitt Road the board submitted to the 2011 Local Road Funding Assistance Program did not score high enough to receive approval under the 2011 program. Due to the response volume limited number of applications could be accepted.
Treasurer Ramsey read the treasurer’s report along with the overdraft report regarding the township’s tax account. The tax account was overdrawn by $114.83 on October 29th due to a disbursement check made to the St. Clair County Treasurer. Supervisor Gill explained that the overdraft occurred before the tax account was reconciled by the accounting firm of McBride, Manley and Miller who discovered 31 discrepancies in the tax account due to the record keeping of the previous treasurer. During new business Gill made a motion to transfer $5,000 from the township’s general fund into the township’s tax account to cover the treasurer’s next tax disbursement which is due next week. Currently the tax account does not have enough money to cover the next scheduled disbursement. Kaltz seconding. Roll Call: Kaltz – yes, Gill – yes, Vincent – yes, Ramsey – yes, Jonseck – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
Jonseck presented the monthly bills for November. Kaltz made a motion to approve the bills as presented with Vincent seconding. Motion carried 5-0.
Chief Skelton presented the fire department report for the month of October. In KenockeeTownship there were 11medicals, 2 personal injuries, and 1 fire. In GreenwoodTownship there were 3medicals and 1 personal injury for a combined total of 18 runs for the month. Skelton also requested the township to purchase two floor squeegees for the fire hall and agreed to remove the cardboard covering the fire hall windows. Doug Nowicki also added that the 1977 Ford tanker fire truck was donated to a fire department in the Upper Peninsula. Lastly, the board decided to take no action on the fire department’s request for the fuel tank until next year.
The Zoning Administrator was present to inform residents that no new information is available regarding DTE request for a site plan review last month and Speed Buggy’s request for an internet tower. The meeting dates for the Planning Commission meetings in 2011 were set for January 19th, April 20th, July 20th, and October 19th.
In new business Gill made a motion to accept the audit proposal from McBride, Manley & Miller to be conducted for the fiscal year April 1, 2010 thru March 31, 2011. Vincent seconding. Roll Call: Vincent – yes, Gill – yes, Ramsey – yes, Jonseck – yes, Kaltz –yes. Motion carried 5-0.
Jonseck presented to the board a budget amendment needed for the month of November. Jonseck suggested taking $10,000 out of (4468180) gravel and limestone and place it in (101204) accounting fees. This amendment is needed to cover current and future accounting fees. Jonseck moved to approve this budget amendment with Gill seconding. Roll Call: Ramsey – yes, Kaltz – yes, Vincent – yes, Jonseck – yes, Gill – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
Gill made a motion to approve BS & A software training for the new treasurer and any other board members or office support for $850. Vincent seconding. Roll Call: Jonseck – yes, Gill – yes, Ramsey – yes, Vincent – yes, Kaltz – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
Citizen’s public comments were heardregarding progress and results with the photographing and re-measuring of township parcels, questions regarding the BS&A training and the appointment of the deputy treasurer, and if background checks were required for elected officials.
Gill made a motion to adjourn the meeting with Kaltz seconding. Motion carried 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Cyndee Jonseck
GreenwoodTownship Clerk