APRIL 20, 2012

Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call: Chair Booth called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Roll Call: Supervisors Roland Anderson, Ken Dickinson, Greg Booth, Lee Shade and Clerk Treasurer Faith Broberg. Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger has an excused absence.

Guests from Cass County: Staff Appraiser Judy Dean, Appraisal Supervisor Penny Vikre, and Assessor Staff, Terri Corn. Sign-In Sheet Attached

Approve Agenda: Supervisor Dickinson moved to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Supervisor Anderson and the motion carried.

Chair Booth welcomed the staff from Cass County for the Board of Review.

Assessor: Judy Dean gave an overview letting the residents present know that the County had completed a re-assessment of the entire Township in 2011. They went door-to-door. She explained the process that the residents could make their requests at this meeting today and if they were still not satisfied they could attend the County meeting when it is held. Judy also had the Sales List for Sylvan for everyone’s review.

Public Input –

Doug and Eileen Spilman, 12997 25th Avenue SW, Pillager, MN., -- 3 parcels: 41-214-2300, 41-214-2400, 41-214-4200. They had a classification change from Agricultural to Seasonal Recreational. It was explained that there are certain requirements that have to be met for a Classification of Agriculture. The Assessors will look at all parcels to be sure they are classified correctly and address this in a letter to them.

Ron Duy, Jr. 12871 Little Pine Trail, Brainerd, MN 56401 Parcel 41-117-1401

Cabins were built in 1948-1950 and located on 8.58 acres of land with 200-250 feet of shoreline. They are asking that the valuation be left as it was last year. Assessors felt that the assessment last year was under value. Supervisor Dickinson moved that the assessment stay at $316,000.00 seconded by Supervisor Anderson. After discussion the question was called and the motion failed with Supervisor Anderson in favor and Supervisors Shade, Booth and Dickinson voting against.

Supervisor Dickinson moved that the assessment be $330,000.00, seconded by Supervisor Shade. There was more discussion. Board feels the land and buildings are valued too high. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. The owners can always appeal at the County level.

Larry and Jim Shaw of Shaw Properties, 12834 19th Avenue SW, Pillager, MN

Plat #’s 41-397-0105, 41-397-0110, 41-397-0130, 41-397-0135, 41-397-0140, 41-397-0150, 41-397-0155,1-397-0160, 41-397-0205, 41-397-0210, 41-397-0215, 41-397-0220, 41-397-0225,41-397-0230, 41-397-0240, 41-397-0245. The Shaws provided a spreadsheet showing the tax valuation back to 2008. All parcels are for sale right now. They sold 2 parcels for $10,000.00. There are 15 lots left. Supervisor Shade moved that the evaluation on all remaining parcels be dropped by $5,000.00 each, seconded by Supervisor Dickinson and the motion carried.

John Dahl, 12781 W. Sylvan Drive SW, Pillager, MN 56473 – parcel #41-210-4404 his taxes had gone up. Homestead credit is gone. School tax went up. Even though his value went down there was an increase in his taxes.

Roland Anderson, excused himself from the Board, 2596 130th Street SW Pillager, MN

Parcel # 41-214-1300. There was discussion on his assessment. Assessor felt that they had previously under estimated the square footage of his house and that was why there was an increase. Supervisor Shade moved that the Assessor’s office should go out and re-measure and base assessment on corrected measurements, seconded by Supervisor Dickinson and the motion carried with Supervisor Anderson abstaining.

Cass County’s Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Record for 2012 will be attached to these minutes.

Adjournment: Supervisor Shade moved to adjourn, seconded by Supervisor Dickinson and the motion carried with the meeting adjourning at 12:00 Noon.

Minutes submitted by,


Faith C. Broberg, Clerk/TreasurerChair, Greg Booth

Supervisor ______moved to approve the minutes as presented/ as amended, seconded by Supervisor ______and the motion carried.



Board of Review April 20, 2012Page 1