Tydd St. Mary Church of EnglandSchool

/ Churchway
Tydd St. Mary
Wisbech, Cambridgeshire
PE13 5QY
Tel/ Fax: 01945 420269
Headteacher: Mrs. Sonya Ely BEd Hons/ NPQH

Thursday 30th November


Dear Parents,

I am aware that Christmas is a very busy time of year and that things can so very easily get forgotten so I am writing to remind you of all of our Christmas events, hopefully with enough time for you to put one or two of them into your diary/ arrange time off work where necessary etc.



The PTA have organised a host of Christmas fun (a separate slip will be sent out) for the children with a film night, bingo/quiz night, and craft session. They are also holding their annual Christmas Raffle (more tickets are available from the school office should you need them) and the Secret Christmas Shop. All funds raised are then used to pay for some of the other wonderful Christmas opportunities included in this letter so please support them where you can- thank you! They have also organised a Christmas Coffee afternoon on 8th December for all members of the community who wish to join us at 1:00 prior to the Star of the Week assembly


OnWednesday 7thDecember we shall be walking the children down to the church for our service. It is hoped that as many children as possible will join us but if this proves difficult for you I would ask that you collect your child from school at 2:45 p.m.The service begins at 3:00 and the children will need to be collected from the church at 4:15 p.m.


On Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th December at 2.00p.m. the children from Toucans and Robins class will be putting on their Christmas production. Details re. tickets will be sent out separately.


Come to school in your Christmas finest on Friday 15th December (parents too!)


In addition on Friday 15th December we will spend the afternoon at Silverwood where all children will have the opportunity to visit Father Christmas in his grotto and receive a free gift. Star of the Week Assembly will happen as normal but at Silverwood (join us from 2:30 onwards) and the children will need to be collected from Silverwood at 3:15.


The children in Kingfishers and Owls Class will be providing the entertainment for the Fellowship Club’s annual Christmas party. We shall walk down to the village hall after lunch on 14th December returning in time for the end of the school day.


A HUGE thank you to the PTA who have paid for all the children to go to see Aladdinat the South Holland Centre in Spalding on Monday 19thDecember and for also providing an ice-cream for each child during the interval. It is a morning performance and the children will return to school around lunchtime. Please complete the slip and return to school by Monday 11th December giving your permission. Thank you!


Tuesday19thDecember 9:30 a.m. at St Mary’s Church. We will be walking all the children down to church for an end of term Christmas celebration. The children will be involved in providing the entertainment. Please join us for a festive fun end to the year!


The PTA have agreed to pay for all children to have a free Christmas dinner (19th Dec) as part of our end of school celebrations. This will be followed by party games and hopefully a special visitor may arrive with a small gift for all the children.

I appreciate it is quite a list and possibly difficult to digest all in one go but as a school we like to organise a wide range of activities for children and their families to enjoy- Tydd is a busy school! Further details will follow about most of the individual events, we only ask that you respond to the Pantomime trip and travel to Silverwood at the moment. (slip below)

Yours sincerely,

Sonya Ely.

Dates checklist

Dec 7th Christingle (3:00 p.m. St Mary’s Church)

Dec 8thPTA Christmas Coffee Afternoon (1:00 p.m.)

Dec 12th/13thChristmas around the World (2 p.m.) Toucans & Robins

Dec 14thSinging for Fellowship Club (Kingfishers & Owls)

Dec 15thChristmas dress down and Christmas at Silverwood

(+ Star of the Week!)

Dec 18thPanto

Dec19th Christmas Concert(9.30 a.m. St Mary’s Church)

Dec 19thChristmas dinner and party


I give permission for my child/ren______to travel to Silverwood by coach (15.12.17)

I give permission for my child/ren______to attend the Pantomime (18.12.17)

______(Parent/ Guardian)