NUFA Meeting Minutes

May 6, 2007

Readers Digest Minutes:

*Renaming NUFA has been tabled to next meeting. We are awaiting information from the AAO.

*For OMM Review book ordering we are getting down the basics of money handling and shipping for now. More on promotions later.

*The Action Committee is drafting a Welcome Letter to give out to new OMM fellows at each school. The goal for disbursing the letter to OMM departments is Aug 2007. Please send input for letter content to RenataJarosz() by May 18.

*Please send the contact info for your OMM Department Fellowship Director and Administrative Assistant to Allison Bukowski at

*Next meeting JUNE 10, 2007 8:00PM EST*

Color coding: Old agenda; May Meeting Discussion; Needs review/feedback from school liaisons;Needs follow-up (National NUFA Liaison/Action Committee); New Ideas/Summary of topic

  1. Attendance: Dr. Ettlinger, Allison Bukowski (KCOM), Renata Jarosz (NYCOM), Michael Sprys (TCOM), Elise Halajian (CCOM), Kelli Young (PCOM), Brieanna Cross (TUCOM)
  2. Old Business, follow-up from last meting
  3. Still Point Article Submission(s)? No news from Ohio re: submission.
  4. Keep in mind: next articles due Sept 15, 2007 & Jan 15, 2008
  5. Follow-up with fundraising report
  6. Renee, did the exhibitor’s competition winners get their allotted advertisements in this publication of Still Point? Yes the ads were submitted to the current issue of Still Point which is in production now. Awaiting confirmation from Scott Leggoe, UAAO Sec
  7. How is our fundraising money being tracked, accounted for? This needs to be discussed with Phyllis, AAO.
  8. Allison, did you get a chance to send the thank you to the KCOM museum? YES, hand delivered. 
  9. Naming Update
  10. Dr. Ettlinger’s feedback
  11. Dr. Ettlinger is awaiting information from Steve Noone
  12. There was some confusion about whether we were trying to change the name of the NUFA organization or if we were trying to standardize what fellows are called at each school. We took a vote on:
  13. Changing NUFA’s name
  14. Standardizing fellowship names at ea school
  15. Both
  16. Neither
  17. Voting results were a) 1 d) 1 (a or d) 2
  18. Motivation to change NUFA name is coming from:
  19. AAO-would like to change the name to clear up confusion between pre-doctoral OMM teaching fellows and post-doc fellowships in the medical profession.
  20. NUFA-members have expressed interest in changing the “undergraduate” portion of the name to a name that has a more accurate description of our roles. For a list of possible names, see below.
  21. This topic was tabled until further information is gathered from the AAO with regard to the necessity to change the name.
  22. Possible options on the table
  23. Pre-doctoral Osteopathic Fellowship Association (POFA)
  24. Pre-doctoral Fellowship Association (PFA)
  25. Pre-doctoral Teaching Fellowship Association (this one was emailed in) (PTFA)
  26. Pre-doctoral National Osteopathic Fellowship Association (pNOFA)
  27. OMM Review book
  28. Who remains on review book committee?
  29. Kelli from PCOM, book sales/shipping go through PCOM
  30. Who needs to be added?
  31. Want to help her? If so, email her at
  32. Who is in charge of sales, collection and deposit of funds?
  33. Kelli from PCOM
  34. Checks to be made out to NUFA, $20 + Shipping
  35. Needs follow up with Phyllis:
  36. Where do we send checks?
  37. Who keeps track of them?
  38. How does Kelli get reimbursed for shipping?
  39. Kelli needs an electronic copy of the order form
  40. Order form should be uploaded to the UAAO/NUFA website
  41. Who is in charge of disbursing the books or printing more?
  42. Kelli from PCOM
  43. Do we want to promote to UAAO presidents/OMM Chairs as a fall fundraiser?
  44. This topic is tabled until we have the ordering basics down
  45. Is the new time for meetings working?
  46. First Sunday of the month, 8:00PM EST
  48. The following month the meeting will be July 1
  1. New Business
  2. New Action committee: Kelli (PCOM), Renata (NYCOM), Randy (TUCOM), Gary (AZCOM), Allison (KCOM)
  3. Possible directions for Action Committee
  4. Welcome letter/packet
  5. Hard copy vs email
  6. A paper packet was agreed upon
  7. Logistics
  8. Getting in touch with administrators of the fellowship
  9. Allison is making a spreadsheet of the OMM Fellowship contacts. Please send her the name of your director or supervisor for the fellowship AND the administrative assistant responsible for correspondence with students. Allison’s email is:
  10. Please see attached Current Liaison contact spread sheet. Verify your contact info, add an alternate fellow to contact in your absence and please verify the OMM department contact we have if one is listed.
  11. Finding a disbursement date
  12. Goal for disbursing packet is August 2007.
  13. Making packet
  14. Renata is drafting the welcome letter. Please send her ideas of what you would like included in the letter by May 18th. Renata’s email is:
  15. A draft of the letter will be sent out a week before the next meeting. Please review the draft, make comments, and be prepared to give input at the June meeting.
  16. We would like a final letter prepared by Mid June/July’s meeting.
  17. Newsletter Revival
  18. Who is interested?
  19. Alberto would like to revive the newsletter
  20. Please email the fellows at your school and ask if anyone is interested assisting the production of a NUFA Newsletter. If you are interested in helping with the newsletter, email Alberto Caban-Martinez at:
  21. Next meeting we will discuss how we are going to proceed with this project
  22. It would be great if we had a newsletter ready to send out with our welcome packets in August.
  23. How many issues do we aim to put out in 2007/2008?
  24. Ideas for themes?
  26. Survey interest among fellows
  27. Who would we want as mentors (FAAO, previous fellows, doctors in specialties we would like to pursue)?
  28. What would these relationships look like?
  29. Socializing time set aside at Convo?
  30. Someone in your area that you can meet with?
  31. Logistics
  32. Surveying NUFA members for interest
  33. Searching for possible doctors
  34. Writing a letter description of the program to recruit doctors
  35. Timeline?
  36. Other possible directions for NUFA?
  1. Next Meeting June 10, 2007 8:00 PM EST
  2. Adjourn