MAASE Association Partnership Committee

Meeting Summary



Jennifer Scott-Burton, Chair

Ben Hicks

Dave Manson

Jan Weckstein

Bill Brown

Shalika Robie

Andrew Claes

Matt Korolden

Laurie Jefsen

Louanne Neiderquill

Discussion on identifying 2-3 Key Partnerships

The committee reviewed the focus of the discussion from the January Committee meeting regarding the key question for partnership related to who should MAASE partner with when; specifically, ’Who do we rely on year after year after year to do the work no matter the latest trend, issue or other items? How can ‘we’ get together with our collective voices on an issue where it would be more powerful to work together than work alone?’ With the desired outcome would be to expand our influence and circles of influence with these partners, the committee discussed the charge from the Executive Board: identify 2-3 associations and begin reaching out to them. The committee determined the following three associations and the respective focus to reach out:

1)Michigan Alliance for Families:

  1. Professional Development
  2. Political Action
  3. What do they need from us?

2)Michigan Council for Exceptional Children:

  1. Professional Development
  2. Political Action
  3. Who to contact for what focus?
  4. Continue to map out roles and liaison to contact


  1. Political Action
  2. Who to contact for what focus?
  3. Who from MAASE is in the MASA-MAISA Association? Who should be liaisons?

Discussion on Liaisons and relationship with Executive Board/Executive Committees

There was further discussion of mapping out roles of the liaisons and relationship with the MAASE Executive Board and Executive Board Committees: such as whom to identify reach out and strengthen the partnerships?; who is the contact person for an association and who is the liaison?; who from the organization represents when? The committee will begin an initial mapping out of who in MAASE has a natural relationship with the identified associations and seek clarify from the Executive Board.

A)Action Plan for Next Steps

  1. Jan will reach out to Michigan Alliance for Families with her relationship with Kelly Originski to see if there are opportunities to partner related to professional development, political action and anything MI Alliance for Families may need from MAASE.
  2. Jennifer and Laurie will review the work with the roles related to MI CEC and MAASE, and work with the Presidents of MAASE and MI CEC for further steps.
  3. All committee members will begin to map out who has what connections with all three associations before the next meeting to share at the next meeting.