TURNS NP Conference Call Minutes April 17th, 2008
Attendees: Jim Gold, Trina Walker, Bob Kern, Rich Keefe, David Kimhy, Karen Nolan, RaquelleMesholam-Gately, Deanna Barch
Action Items in red
Merck additional tasks
- A patient at UCLA had an unusual response pattern on 1-back – for many trials (~30), the patient failed to respond for every target trial (in which a right button click was necessary), but did fine on intervening non-target trials requiring a left button click.
- Possible that their finger slipped off the button
- Easier to imagine this if second button on the right wasn’t programmed
- Bob will check with staff to ensure that both buttons have been assigned to target response
- ***UPDATE*** The second button had not been assigned. This has been corrected.
- For this case, group agreed that the 1-back data was invalid, but the remaining conditions were valid
- One option for cases like this is to use statistical methods of imputing the missing data
- Following the call, Jim and Deanna discussed several other cases of questionable data and decided for each whether the data was valid
- Trina has been keeping a spreadsheet with all requested changes and has been following up to make sure they are made on CRFs, tests and database
- Most sites have been doing well
- Trina has noticed some instances where test is scored correctly, correct score is entered on the CRF, but the wrong score is entered in the database
- Database is single entry
- Trina will continue to check that correct score entered into database
- Are sites double checking scores locally?
- Most sites reported that they were
- All sites felt like testing was going well
- NKI will be replacing all testers as they are leaving
- Trina and Rich will look over revised MCCB scoring program
- Rich questioned whether tables in manual are useful since many scores fall bellow 1%
- Sites have complained that some phone numbers don’t seem to be active
- Perhaps remove Barbarra Cornblatt’s number
- Is there a way to order a new CD without ordering entire kit?
- Should contact the distributer from whom they purchased the kit
- WashU. had to change some ages
- None of the scores changed
- Bob found very little effect of age on MSCEIT in J AM Psych paper
- Duke will continue to review every test
- Need to have informant baseline SCORS assessment completed within one week of baseline neurocognitive testing session
- If informant has seen patient since they started drug, can’t use them for baseline data
- Some sites are using outdated CRFs
- Current versions are:
- MCCB January 11th2008
- UPSA September 21st 2007
- N-back July 18th 2007
- AX-CPT May 9th 2007
- Sites should contact NKI if they need an up to date CRF