Temple LTAR Bibliography
Behrman, K.D., Keitt, T.H., and Kiniry, J.R. 2014. Modeling differential growth in switchgrass cultivars across the Central and Southern Great Plains. BioEnergy Res. 7(4):1165-1173.
Behrman, K.D., Kiniry, J.R. Winchell, M., Juenger, T.E., Keitt, T.H. 2013. Spatial forecasting of switchgrass productivity under current and future climate change scenarios. Ecol. Appl. 23(1):73-85.
Christianson, L.E., Harmel, R.D., Smith, D.R., Williams, M.R., King, K.W. 2016. A quantitative assessment and synthesis of fifty years of published drainage phosphorus losses. Journal of Environmental Quality. 45(5):1467-1477.
Fay, P. A., Blair, J.M., Smith, M.D., Nippert, J.B., Carlisle, J.D., Knapp, A.K. 2011. Relative effects of precipitation variability and warming on tallgrass prairie ecosystem function. Biogeosciences 8:3053-3068.
Fay, P.A., Jin, V.L., Way, D.A., Potter, K.N., Gill, R.A., Jackson, R.B., Polley, H.W. 2012. Soil-mediated effects of subambient to increased carbon dioxide on grassland productivity. Nature Climate Change. 2:742-746.
Fay, P.A., Polley, H.W., Jin, V.L., Aspinwall, M.J. 2012. Productivity of well-watered Panicum virgatum does not increase with CO2 enrichment. Journal of Plant Ecology. 5(4):366-375.
Fay, P.A., Prober, S.M., Harpole, W.S., Knops, J.M., Bakker, J.D., Borer, E.T., Macdougall, A.S., Seabloom, E., Wragg, P.D., Adler, P.B., Blumenthal, D.M., Buckley, Y.M., Chu, C., Cleland, E.E., Collins, S.L., Davies, K.F., Du, G., Feng, X., Firn, J., Gruner, D.S., Hagenah, N., Hautier, Y., Heckman, R.W., Jin, V.L., Kirkman, K.P., Klein, J., Ladwig, L.M., Li, Q., Mcculley, R.L., Melbourne, B.A., Mitchell, C.E., Moore, J.L., Morgan, J.W., Risch, A.C., Schutz, M., Stevens, C.J., Wedin, D.A., Yang, L.H. 2015. Grassland productivity limited by multiple nutrients. Nature Plants. 1:15080. doi:10.1038/NPLANTS.2015.80.
Fay, P.A., Newingham, B.A., Polley, H.W., Morgan, J.A., Lecain, D.R., Nowak, R.S., Smith, S.D. 2015. Dominant plant taxa predict plant productivity responses to CO2 enrichment across precipitation and soil gradients. Annals Of Botany Plants. DOI: 10.1093/aobpla/plv027.
Fay, P.A., Reichmann, L.G., Aspinwall, M.J., Khasanova, A.R., Polley, H.W. 2015. A CO2 concentration gradient facility for testing CO2 enrichment and soil effects on grassland ecosystem function. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 105:e53151. doi: 10.3791/53151.
Harmel, R.D., Coufal, C., Winkler, S., Caraway, E.A., Gentry, T., Lee, J. 2014. Environmental impacts of in-house windrow composting of broiler litter prior to land application in subtropical/semi-arid conditions. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 30(30):423-433.
Harmel, R.D., Haney, R.L. 2013. Initial field evaluation of the agro-economic effects of determining nitrogen fertilizer rates with a recently-developed soil test methodology. Open Journal of Soil Science. 3:91-99.
Harmel, R.D., Haney, R.L., Smith, D.R., King, K.W. 2014. USDA-ARS Riesel Watersheds, Riesel, Texas, USA: Water quality research database. Water Resources Research. 50:8374- 8382.
Harmel, R.D., Hathaway, J.M., Wagner, K.L., Wolfe, J.E., Karthikeyan, R., Francesconi, W., McCarthy, D.T. 2016. Uncertainty in monitoring E. coli concentrations in streams and stormwater runoff. Journal of Hydrology. 534:524-533.
Higgs, K.D., Harmel, R.D., Wagner, K., Smith, P.K., Haney, R.L., Smith, D.R., Pampell, R. 2015. Vegetated treatment area effectiveness at reducing nutrient runoff from small swine operations in central Texas. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 31(4):621-629.
Kim S., William, A., Kiniry J.R., Hawkes C.V. 2016. Simulating Diverse Native C4 Perennial Grasses with Varying Rainfall. Journal of Arid Environment 134:97-103.
Kim S, Kiniry J.R., Williams A.S., Meki M.N., et al. 2017. Adaptation of C4 bioenergy crop species to various environments within the Southern Great Plains of USA. Sustainability 9:89-106 .
Kiniry, J.R., Johnson, M.V. Venuto, B.C., Burson, B.L. 2013. Novel application of ALMANAC: Modelling a functional group, exotic warm-season perennial grasses. Am. J. Exp. Agric. 3(3):631-650.
Kiniry, J.R., Anderson, L.C., Johnson, M.V., Behrman, K.D., Brakie, M., Burner, D.M., Cordsiemon, R.L., Fay, P.A., Fritschi, F.B., Houx III, J.H., Hawkes, C., Juenger, T., Kaiser, J., Keitt, T., Lloyd-Reilley, J., Maher, S., Raper, R., Scott, A., Shadow, A., West, C., Wu, Y., Zibilske, L.M. 2013. Perennial biomass grasses and the Mason-Dixon Line: Comparative productivity across latitudes in the southern Great Plains. BioEnergy Res. 6:276-291.
MacDonald, G.K., Harvie, H.P., Withers, P.J.A., Doody, D.G., Keeler, B.L., Haygarth, P.M., Johnson, L.T., McDowell, R.W., Miyittah, M.K., Powers, S.M., Shareply, A.N., Shen, J., Smith, D.R., Weintraub, M.N., Zhang, T. 2016. Guiding phosphorus stewardship for multiple ecosystem services. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. 2(12).
Polley, H.W., Collins, H.P., Reichmann, L.G., Fay, P.A. 2016. CO2 and soil water potential as regulators of the growth and N fraction derived from fixation of a legume in tallgrass prairie communities. Plant and Soil. 409:361-370.
Polley, H.W., Derner, J.D., Jackson, R.B., Wilsey, B.J., Fay, P.A. 2014. Impacts of climate change drivers on C4 grassland productivity: Scaling driver effects through the plant community. Journal of Experimental Botany. 65(13):3415-3424.
Polley, H.W., Gibson, A.E., Fay, P.A., Wilsey, B.J. 2016. Biotic regulation of CO2 uptake-climate responses: Links to vegetation proproperties. Ecosystems. 19:1376:1385. doi:10.1007/s10021-016-0009-8.
Polley, H.W., Jin, V.L., Fay, P.A. 2012. Feedback from plant species change amplifies CO2 enhancement of grassland productivity. Global Change Biology. 18:2813-2823.
Procter, A.C., Gill, R.A., Fay, P.A., Polley, H.W., Jackson, R.B. 2015. Soil carbon responses to past and future CO2 in three Texas prairie soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 83:66-75.
Reichmann, L.G., Schwinning, S., Polley, H.W., Fay, P.A. 2016. Traits of an invasive grass conferring an early growth advantage over native grasses. Journal of Plant Ecology. doi:10.1093/je/rtw014.
Smith, D.R., Harmel, R.D., Williams, M., Haney, R., King, K.W. 2016. Managing acute phosphorus loss with fertilizer source and placement – proof of concept. Agricultural and Environmental Letters. 1:150015. doi:10.2134/ael2015.12.0015
Stott, D.E., Karlen, D.L., Cambardella, C.A., Harmel, R.D. 2013. A soil quality and metabolic activity assessment after fifty-seven years of agricultural management. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 77(3):903-913.
White, M.J., Storm, D.E., Smolen, M.D., Busteed, P.R., Zhang, H., Fox, G.A. 2014. Validation of a quantitative phosphorus loss assessment tool. Journal of Environmental Quality. 43(1):224-234.
White, M.J., Harmel, R.D., Haney, R.L. 2012. Development and validation of the Texas Best Management Practice Evaluation Tool (TBET). Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 67(6):525-535.
Woli, P., Paz, J.O., Lang, D.J., Baldwin, B.S., Kiniry, J.R. 2012. Soil and variety effects on the energy and carbon balances of switchgrass-derived ethanol. J. Sustain. Bioenerg. Syst. 2(4):65-74.