


WAVE # 1

THANK YOU for filling out this questionnaire. We want to understand more about American Indian children and their parents.

Many questions are very sensitive and personal. We truly appreciate your honest answers.

You can skip any question.

You can stop at any time.

Please answer exactly as you think and feel.

Your answers will be kept CONFIDENTIAL.

Your identity and the identity of your community will not be revealed.

There are no right or wrong answers.

Some questions may not seem to apply to you, but please don't skip them unless you’re asked to.

Choose the response that best fits your situation.

Some questions ask you to skip to different places in the booklet depending on the answer you give.

This will prevent you from having to answer questions that do not apply to you.

Be aware that there are several styles of questions.

For most, you'll circle or check only one answer; but some ask you to CIRCLE ALL THE ANSWERS THAT APPLY.

If there is not an appropriate answer for your situation or feelings, feel free to write your own answers below or next to the question.

Your responses will help us and your community to understand the needs of American Indian families better, so that more helpful programs can be developed.



1.What is today's date? ______/______/______

2.What is your date of birth? ______/______/______


3.I am...



4. What is your degree of Indian blood? Please write in.______

NOTE: Please answer BOTH Questions 5 and 6.

5. Are you Spanish/Hispanic/Latino? Please check “NO” if you are not Spanish/Hispanic/Latino.

___ No, not Spanish/Hispanic/Latino.

___ Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano

6. What is your race? Check one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be.


___ White

___ Black, African American, or Negro

___ American Indian or Alaska Native—Print name of enrolled or

principal tribe below.______

___ AsianSpecify.______

___ Pacific IslanderSpecify.______

___ Some other race-Specify______

7.Are you currently in a romantic relationship; that is, do you have a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife (a partner)?

___ No

___ Yes

NOTE:If you are not currently in a relationship, please circle the answer that says that you do not have a partner at this time.

8.How long have you been romantically involved with your current partner?

______Years ______Months______Weeks

88.I do not have a partner at this time.

9.I am currently...

1.married (including a traditional Indian marriage) and living with my spouse.

2.married (including a traditional Indian marriage) but not living with my spouse.

3.legally separated. with my partner but not married.



7.single. I have never been married.

10.My partner is...



88.I do not have a partner at this time.

11.How old is your partner? ______years old

88.I do not have a partner at this time.

12.My partner is...

1.not Indian Skip to 14

2.Indian  Degree of Indian Blood ______

3.I know my partner is part Indian, but I don't know how much.

4.I don’t know if my partner is Indian.

5.I don’t have a partner at this time.

13.Where are you living?

1. Indian reservation.

2. near an Indian reservation. the Indian reservation.

14.I am living...

1. in a town or city.

2. in the country or a rural area.

15.My community is...

1.mostly American Indian.

2.mostly White.

3.mostly Hispanic or Mexican.

4.mostly African-American.



If your family speaks more than one tribal language, please refer to the language spoken most often.

1.How often was your tribal language spoken in your house when you were growing up?




4.almost always

8.I don't have a tribal language.

2.How well can you understand your tribal language when it is spoken?

1.I cannot understand my tribal language when it is spoken.

2.I can understand my tribal language a little when it is spoken.

3.I understand my tribal language when it is spoken.

8.I don't have a tribal language.

3.How well can you speak your tribal language?

1.I cannot speak my tribal language.

2.I can speak it a little.

3.I can carry on a conversation in my tribal language.

8.I don't have a tribal language.

4.How often do you currently speak your tribal language?




4.almost always

8.I don't have a tribal language.


Not at allA littleSome A lot

1.the American Indian way of life?...1...... 2...... 3……………..4

2.the White or Anglo way of life?....1...... 2...... 3……………..4

3. Other way of life

(African American, Hispanic, etc.)…..1………………2………………3……………..4


Not at allA littleSome A lot

4.the American Indian way of life?...1...... 2...... 3...... 4

5.the White or Anglo way of life?....1...... 2...... 3...... 4

6.Other way of life

(African American, Hispanic, etc.)…..1………………2………………3……………...4



Not at all Not very Somewhat Very

ImportantImportant Important Important

7.traditional Indian beliefs?...... 1...... 2...... 3...... 4

(sweats, ceremonies, etc.)

8.the beliefs of the Native

AmericanChurch?...... 1...... 2...... 3...... 4

9.Christian beliefs such

as Catholic, Baptist,

Mormon, etc.?...... 1...... 2...... 3...... 4

10.How important is it for you to

have an Indian partner?...... 1...... 2...... 3...... 4

11.How proud are you to be an American Indian?

1.not at all proud

2.not very proud

3.somewhat proud

4.very proud

8.I do not consider myself to be an American Indian.


1.LAST WEEK, did you do ANY work for either pay or profit? Check “yes” even if you worked only 1 hour, or helped without pay in a family business or farm for 15 hours or more, or was on active duty in the Armed Forces.

___ Yes Skip to 4

___ No  Skip to 2a.

2.a. LAST WEEK, were you on layoff from a job?

___ Yes Skip to 2b

___ No Skip to 2c

b. Have you been informed that you will be recalled to work within the next 6 months OR been given a date to return to work?

___ Yes  Skip to 2e

___ No Skip to 2d

c. LAST WEEK, were you TEMPORARILY absent from a job or business?( for any reason, sick leave, maternity, etc.)

___ Yes  Skip to 3

___ No  Skip to 2d

d. Have you been looking for work during the last 4 weeks?

___ Yes Skip to 2e

___ No Skip to 3

e. LAST WEEK, could you have started a job if offered one, or returned to work if recalled?

___ Yes

___ No, because of own temporary illness

___ No, because of all other reasons (in school, etc.)

3. When did you last work, even for a few days?

___ 2000-2004

___ 1995-2000

___ 1994 or earlier, or never worked

4. a. LAST YEAR, 2003, did you work at a job or business at any time?

___ Yes

___ No  Skip to 5

b. How many weeks did you work in 2003? Count paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military service. Number of weeks: ______

c. During the weeks WORKED in 2003, how many hours did you usually work each week?

Usual hours work each week.Numbers of hours: ______

d. What was your hourly wage? $ ______Per Hour


Please tell me which number best represents the total income before taxes of all persons living in your household in the calendar year of 2003. What was the total income for all your family combined that year? By family, I mean, those who share your house.

This should include not only wages, salaries, tips, and commissions, but also net income per capita payments from a business or farm, social security, pensions, unemployment or disability compensation, alimony or child support, welfare, dividends, interest, rent or sale of property, and any other money income received by all family members--by you or anyone else in the family living with you.


LESS THAN 1,000...... 02

$1,000 - 4,999...... 03

$5,000 - 9,999...... 04

$10,000 - 14,999...... 05

$15,000 - 19,999...... 06

$20,000 - 29,999...... 07

$30,000 - 39,999...... 08

$40,000 - 49,999...... 09

$50,000 - OR MORE...... 10

DON'T KNOW...... 99

5a.What was the total monthly income for all persons living in your house for the past month?

TOTAL $______

5b.Was this more, the same, or less than usual?

MORE...... 1


LESS...... 3

5c.How much more or less than usual? $______

6.How much of this annual household income was earned or brought in by YOU PERSONALLY LAST YEAR?

IF DON'T KNOW: [Give me your best estimate.]


LESS THAN 1,000...... 02

$1,000 - 4,999...... 03

$5,000 - 9,999...... 04

$10,000 - 14,999...... 05

$15,000 - 19,999...... 06

$20,000 - 29,999...... 07

$30,000 - 39,999...... 08

$40,000 - 49,999...... 09

$50,000 - OR MORE...... 10

DON'T KNOW...... 99

6a.What was your total monthly income for the past month?

TOTAL $______

6b.Was this more, the same, or less than usual?

MORE...... 1


LESS...... 3

6c.How much more or less than usual? $______


Please answer the next questions for where you currently live.

1. Are you…..

____renting your home

____buying your home

____already own your home

____living with family

2. Which best describes the place where you live? Include all homes even if vacant.

___ A mobile home

___ A one-family house detached from any other house

___ A one-family house attached to one or more houses (like duplex)

___ Apartment building

___ Boat, RV, Van, etc.

3. How many rooms do you have in your house, apartment, or mobile home? Do NOT count bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or half-rooms.

___ 1 room___ 6 rooms

___ 2 rooms___ 7 rooms

___ 3 rooms___ 8 rooms

___ 4 rooms___ 9 or more rooms

___ 5 rooms

4. How many bedrooms do you have; that is, how many bedrooms would you list if this house, apartment, or mobile home were on the market for sale or rent?

___ No bedroom___ 3 bedrooms

___ 1 bedroom ___ 4 bedrooms

___ 2 bedrooms ___ 5 or more bedrooms

5. Do you have COMPLETE plumbing facilities in the place where you live; that is 1) hot and cold piped water 2) a flush toilet 3) a bathtub or shower?

___ Yes, have all three facilities

___ No

6. Do you have COMPLETE kitchen facilities in the place where you live, that is, 1) a sink with piped water 2) a range or stove 3) a refrigerator?

___ Yes, have all three facilities

___ No

7. Is there telephone service available in your house, apartment, or mobile home from which you can both make and receive calls?

___ Yes

___ No

8. How many working automobiles, vans, and trucks, are kept at home for use by members of your household?

___ None___ 2___ 4___ 6 or more

___ 1___ 3___ 5

9. What are the annual costs of utilities and fuels for the place where you live?

If you have lived here less than 1 year, estimate the annual cost.

  1. Electricity

Annual Amount-Dollars:$ ______


______Included in rent or no charge

  1. Gas

Annual Amount-Dollars:$ ______


______Included in rent or no charge

  1. Water and sewer

Annual Amount-Dollars:$ ______


______Included in rent or no charge

  1. Oil, coal, kerosene, wood, etc.

Annual Amount-Dollars:$ ______


______Included in rent or no charge

  1. Garbage

Annual Amount-Dollars:$ ______


______Included in rent or no charge

10.In the past year, how often did you not have enough money for food, clothing or housing?







Who currently lives in the same house as you?

Please list each person’s first name, relationship to you, gender, and age.





  1. Have you ever received a degree or certificate from any of the following types of schools?


high school...... 0...... 1

Adult Basic Education classes (for GED)...... 0...... 1

technical or trade school...... 0...... 1

military occupational training...... 0...... 1

junior or community college...... 0...... 1

four-year college or university...... 0...... 1

graduate or professional school (e.g., medical or law school)...0...... 1

other (Please write in.)


2.Did you ever drop out of high school?


3.I would like to learn a traditional trade or craft.

1.not at all

2.not much


4.very much

5.I already know or am learning a traditional trade or craft.



1. How likely is it that you would move out of the area where you live if you could?

1 = very unlikely,

2 = somewhat unlikely,

3 = a 50-50 chance,

4 = somewhat likely, or

5 = very likely?

2. How likely is it that your neighbors would do something about children who were skipping school and hanging out ?

1 = very unlikely,

2 = somewhat unlikely,

3 = a 50-50 chance,

4 = somewhat likely, or

5 = very likely?

3. How likely is it that your neighbors would do something about children who were spray- painting graffiti on a local building?

1= very unlikely,

2= somewhat unlikely,

3 = a 50-50 chance,

4= somewhat likely, or

5 = very likely

4. How likely is it that your neighbors would do something about children who were showing disrespect to an adult?

1= very unlikely,

2= somewhat unlikely,

3 = a 50-50 chance,

4= somewhat likely, or

5 = very likely

5. How likely is it that your neighbors would do something about a fight that broke out in

front of their house?

1 = very unlikely,

2 = somewhat unlikely,

3 = a 50-50 chance,

4= somewhat likely, or

5 = very likely

6. How likely is it that your neighbors would do something if the school or community buildings closest to their home was threatened with budget cuts?

1= very unlikely,

2= somewhat unlikely,

3 = a 50-50 chance,

4= somewhat likely, or

5 = very likely

Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.

7. The area where you liveis it a good place to raise kids. Do you…

1 = strongly disagree,

2 = disagree,

3 = agree, or

4 = strongly agree

8. People around here are willing to help neighbors? Do you...

1 = strongly disagree,

2 = disagree,

3 = agree, or

4 = strongly agree

9. The area where you live is a close-knit place.

1 = strongly disagree,

2 = disagree,

3 = agree, or

4 = strongly agree

10. People in the area where I live can be trusted.

1 = strongly disagree,

2 = disagree,

3 = agree, or

4 = strongly agree

11. Altogether, how long have you lived in this area?

YEARS: _____MONTHS: ______DAYS: ______

For the next questions, please tell me how much of a problem each of the following is in the area where you live.

12. High unemployment?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem

13. Run down houses or abandoned cars?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem

14. Burglaries and thefts?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem

15. Assaults, domestic violence?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem

16. Gangs?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem

17. Drug dealing in the open, alcohol consumption, bootlegging?

1 = not a problem,

2= somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem

18. Unsupervised children?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem

19. Teenage pregnancy?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem

20. Cultural/historical trauma?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem

21. Feeling safe outdoors due to others?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3= a big problem

22. Police not being available?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem

23. Children that you don’t want your child/children to associate with?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem?

24. Overall, would you say that conditions in your area have gotten worse, remained the same, or gotten better over the past 2 years?

1 = gotten worse

2 = remained the same

3 = gotten better

4=don’t know

Now please answer the next set of questions about the area where you live.

31. How much of a problem is black mold in the area where you live?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem

32. How much of a problem is contaminated drinking water in the area where you live?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem

33. How much of a problem is asbestos in the area where you live?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem

34. How much of a problem is lead-based paint in the area where you live?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem

35. How much of a problem are pestcides and herbicides in the area where you live?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem

36. How much of a problem are rodents, like mice?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem

37. How much of a problem are stray dogs?

1 = not a problem,

2 = somewhat of a problem, or

3 = a big problem



On the following questions PLEASE CIRCLE THE NUMBER that is most typical of your baby.

“About average” means how you think the typical baby would be scored.

  1. How easy or difficult is it for you to calm or soothe your baby when he/she is upset?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

very easy about average difficult

  1. How easy or difficult is it for you to predict when your baby will go to sleep and wake up?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

very easy about average difficult

  1. How easy or difficult is it for you to predict when your baby will become hungry?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

very easy about average difficult

  1. How easy or difficult is it for you to know what’s bothering your baby when he/she cries or fusses?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

very easy about average difficult

  1. How many times per day, on the average, does your baby get fussy and irritable—for either short or long periods of time?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

never 1-2 times 3-4 times 5-6 times 7-9 times 10-14 times more than

per day per day per day per day per day 15 times per day

  1. How much does your baby cry and fuss in general?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

very little;much average amount; about as a lot; much

less than the much as the average baby more than the

average baby average baby

  1. How did your baby respond when you gave his/her first bath?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

very well-- neither liked nor terribly--

baby loved it disliked it didn’t like it

  1. How did your baby respond to his/her first solid food?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

very positively-- neither liked nor very negatively--

like itdisliked it did not like it at all


  1. How does your baby typically respond to a new person?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

almost always responds favorably about almost always responds

responds positively half the time negatively at first

  1. How does your baby typically respond to being in a new place?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

almost always responds favorably about almost always responds

responds positively half the time negatively at first