Dr Clifton Evers
Lecturer in Cultural and Media Studies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Division of International Communications
BA (Honours) (Griffith University), PhD (University of Sydney)
Room AB425
University of Nottingham, NingBo.
199 Taikang East Road
Ningbo 315100
Campus: Ningbo China
Phone Number: +86 (0)574 8818 0076
Fax Number: +86 (0)574 8818 0175
Email Address:
Expertise Summary
Dr Clifton Evers has conducted research for government departments, elite sporting organizations, community groups, media outlets and private industry. He has published government reports and academic articles in international peer-reviewed journals. Dr Evers teaches undergraduate and postgraduate modules. He is the Postgraduate Research Director for the Faculty of Arts. Dr Evers is the research leader for Visual Cultures and Affective Lives research group, Institute for Digital and Creative Cultures at UNNC. He is an experienced media commentator and has written for print and online publications, as well as been a commentator in the radio and television mediums. Dr Evers is a member of the International Association of Cultural Studies, and editor-in-chief for the online humanities journal Altitude: An e- journal of emerging humanities work.
Dr Evers isalso an Adjunct Lecturer at the Journalism and Media Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Australia; an Honorary Associate of the Gender and Cultural Studies Department at the University of Sydney, Australia; a consultant for FactiveCultural Research Consultancy (Australia and Canada); a consultant forIllumincloud Market Research (Shanghai, China); and a chief editor of Kurungabaa – a journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea.
Major research interests:
• Gender
• Sport
• Culture
• Embodiment/Emotions/Affect
• Critical Theory
• Media
• Qualitative Methodologies (particularly ethnography)
• Subcultures
Evers, C., & Seale, K. (forthcoming) (Eds.).Informal Urban Street Markets.
Evers, C. (2010) Notes for a Young Surfer. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
Peer-reviewed Publications:
Evers, C., Albury, K., Byron, P., & Crawford, K. (forthcoming).Young People, Social Media, Social Network Sites and Sexual Health Communication in Australia: ‘This is funny, you should watch it’. International Journal of Communication.
Nathan, S., Kemp, L., Bunde-Birouste, A., MacKenzie, J., Evers, C., & AungShwe, T. (forthcoming) “We wouldn’t of made friends if we didn’t come to Football United”: The impacts of a football program on young people’s peer, prosocial and cross-cultural relationships. BMC Public Health.
Evers, C., & la Masurier, M. (2011). Get Out in Front! An evaluation of a media workshop for elite young sportswomen. Altitude: An e-journal of emerging humanities work, 9, n.p.
Albury, K., Carmody, M., Evers, C., & Lumby, C. (2011).Playing by the Rules: Researching, Teaching and Learning Sexual Ethics with Young Men in the Australian Rugby League.Sex Education, 11(3), pp.339-351.
Nathan, S., Bunde-Birouste, A., Evers, C., Kemp, L., Mackenzie, J., & Henley, R. (2010). Social cohesion through football: a quasi-experimental mixed methods design to evaluate a complex health promotion program, BMC Public Health 10(587), n.p.
Evers, C. (2010).Intimacy, Sport and Young Refugee Men in Australia. Emotion, Space and Society, 3(1), pp. 56-61.
Evers, C.; Gorman-Murray, A., & Potter, E. (2010). Rural Cultural Studies: Research, Practice, Ethics. Cultural Studies Review, 16(1), pp. 3-9.
Evers, C. (2009). The Point: Surfing, Geography and a Sensual Life of Men and Masculinity on the Gold Coast, Australia. Social and Cultural Geography. 10(8), pp.893-908.
Evers, C. (2008). The Cronulla Race Riot: Safety Maps on an Australian Beach. South Atlantic Quarterly, 107(2), pp. 411-429.
Evers, C. (2006).How to Surf. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 30(3), pp. 229-243.
Evers, C. (2004).Men who Surf. Cultural Studies Review, 10(1), pp. 27-41.
Book Chapters:
Evers, C., & Goggin, G. (2012). Mobiles, Men and Migration: Mobile Communication and Everyday Multiculturalism in Australia. In L. Fortunati, J. Vincent & R. Pertierra (Eds.), Migration, Diaspora and Information Technology in Global Societies. London: Routledge (pp.78-90).
Evers, C. (2009). Localism at Cronulla. In G. Noble (Ed.), Lines in the Sand: The Cronulla Riots and the Limits of Australian Multiculturalism. Sydney: Institute of Criminology Press.
Research Reports and Government Submissions:
(2012) [with Albury, K., Crawford, K. Byron, P.] Using New Media Cultures to Provide Sexual Health Information for Young People. A report prepared for HIV/ STI Health Promotion Resource Project, New South Wales Health STI Programs Unit.
(2009) [with Germon, J., Probyn, E., O'Connor, P., Moller, M.] Strategies for building and sustaining respect in New South Wales public high schools. A report prepared for the NSW Department of Education and Training. University of Sydney.
(2009) [with Lumby, C., Albury, K., Caple, H.] Towards a Level Playing Field: Research and evaluation of the portrayal of female athletes and women in sport by the media (with Lumby, C.; Albury, K.; Caple, H). A report for the Australian Sports Commission.University of New South Wales.
(2006) [with Le Masurier, M.] Sportswomen, Get Out in Front. A report prepared for New South Wales Institute of Sport and the NSW Premiers Department for Women. University of Sydney.
(2004) [with Lumby , C.; Albury, K.; Willis, K; Moller, M.; McCarthy, W.; Le Masurier, M.] Playing by the Rules: On and Off the Field. A report prepared for the National Rugby League. University of Sydney.
Refereed Conference Proceedings:
(2006) Locals Only!. Centre for Research on Social Inclusion
Conference Papers:
(2012) ‘Mobile Phones, Men and Migration’, Association of Cultural Studies Crossroads Conference, Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris, July 2-6.
(2012) ‘The National Rugby League and an Ethical Sexual Education’, Onscenity, Brunel University, London, UK, April 20-22.
(2011) MacKenzie J, Nathan S, Bunde-Birouste A, Evers C, Kemp L, The ethics of informed consent: lessons and challenges in working with young refugees in Sydney, Refugee Conference, Centre for Refugee Research, UNSW, June 14-17.
(2011) MacKenzie J, Nathan S, Bunde-Birouste A, Evers C, Kemp L, Football United: Research with young refugees in high schools and Intensive English Centres, Doing qualitative research in difficult contexts, Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine, University of Sydney, June 3.
(2011) 'Football United: Evaluating a complex health promotion program', Australian Health Promotion Conference, Cairns, Australia, 10-13 April.
(2010) 'Intimacy, Sport and Young Refugee Men in Sydney', Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, June 17-21.
(2010) 'Employing Working Class Men as Allies to Prevent Violence Against Women: The Case of the National Rugby League', Conference for the Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Program, Sydney, June 2-3.
(2010) 'The Point: Surfing, geography and a sensual life of young men and masculinity on the Gold Coast, Australia', Emotional Geographies, University of South Australia, Australia.
(2010) [with Anne Bunde-Birouste, Sally Nathan, Lynn Kemp, and Lisa Jackson-Pulver] 'Promoting Social Cohesion Through Sport' International Conference on Sport and Society, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
(2010) [with Kim Satchell] 'Indolicious: Surfing, Place and Methodology in Bali', Food For Thought, Australian Studies Centre, University of Barcelona, Spain.
(2009) [with Kath Albury and Kate Crawford] 'Taken Without Consent: Regulating the Images of Teenagers', Youth, Sexuality, Technology, Association for Research in Cultures of Young People, Association of Canadian College and University Teachers, Carleton University, Canada.
(2009) 'Refugee Men and Mobile Phone Use in Australia', Gender, Media and Public Space, Coimbra University, Portugal
(2008) 'Sex, New Media and Young Men’, SexoGoteborg: 19th World Congress for Sexual Health, Goteborg University, Sweden
(2007) 'Football United and the Style of Inclusion and Cohesion', CSAA Annual Conference, University of South Australia
(2007) 'Sex Wax - surfing; boys; young men; sexual ethics; sex education', Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference, Shanghai University, China
(2006) ‘Lovemarking Australia: Mateship, Grog and Aboriginal Culture’ (with Elspeth Probyn, Jennifer Germon and Sarah Donald), New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Marketing Conference, University of Otago
(2006) 'Locals Only!', Everyday Multiculturalism Conference, Macquarie University.
(2005) 'Care, the Tsunami, and Masculinity', Culture Fix, Cultural Studies of Australasia Annual Conference, University of Technology Sydney.
(2004) 'Affects, Research and The Boys', Everyday Transformations, Cultural Studies of Australasia Annual Conference, Murdoch University.
(2003) 'Ethnography and Surfing', Culture Incorporated: Bodies, Technologies, Habitats, Cultural Studies of Australasia Annual Conference, Canterbury University.
(2000) 'Surfing and Masculinity', On the Beach, Cultural Studies Association of Australasia Annual Conference, University of Queensland.
Seminar Papers:
(2012) ‘Informal Urban Street Markets in Shanghai’, Informal Urban Street Markets Workshop, RMIT, Melbourne Australia, July 19.
(2012) ‘Mobile Media, Social Media Platforms and Sexual Health Communication’, International Research Workshop on Communication and Media, Ningbo Institute of Technology, Ningbo, China, May 11.
(2011) ‘Mobile Phones, Men and Migration’, International Communications and the Institute for Comparative Cultural Studies Seminar Series, University of Nottingham, NingBo, November 30.
(2010) ‘An Intimate Critique of Sports for Development Programs’, International Communications and the Institute for Comparative Cultural Studies Seminar Series, University of Nottingham, NingBo, China, October 29.
(2010) 'Research Matters', Hawke Research Institute, University of South Australia, 19 March.
(2010) 'Can Men be Feminists', University of Sydney Student Union, Tuesday Talks, University of Sydney.
(2009) 'Early Career Research and the State of the Higher Education Industry', Centre for Public Culture and Ideas, Griffith University, November 4.
(2008) ‘Media Ethnography and Young Men’, Journalism and Media Research Centre Seminar Series, University of New South Wales
(2007) 'The Other Surfers: On Women, Homosexuality, Race and Surfing', Macquarie University, Department of Sociology Colloquium Series.
(2006) 'Mentoring, Sport and Violence Against Women', White Ribbon Day Key Speaker, Long Reef Golf Club, Northern Beaches District.
(2006) Boys, Feelings and Education', NSW Dept. of Education Gender Equity Group
(2005) 'Care and Surfing', Gender Studies Department, University of Sydney
(2003) 'Teaching Masculinity', Gender Studies Department, University of Sydney
(2003) 'In the Deep End: Surfing Thesis and Me', Coupling Connections Seminar Series, University of Western Sydney
(2003) 'Masculinity at a Stretch', Public Seminar on Masculinity, Gaelic Club, Sydney
(2002) 'Writing Participant Observation in Indonesia', Gender Studies Department, University of Sydney
(2001) 'Embodied Masculinity and Surfing', Gender Studies Department, University of Sydney
Editorial Duties:
(2012) Altitude: An e-journal of emerging humanities work 10.
(2011) Altitude: An e-journal of emerging humanities work 9.
(2011) Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 3(2).
(2010) Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 3(1).
(2010) [with Elspeth Probyn] 'Spaces of Intimacy', Emotion, Space and Society 3(1).
(2010) [with Emily Potter and Andrew Gorman-Murray] Doing Rural Cultural Studies. Cultural Studies Review 16(1).
(2010) Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 2(2).
(2009) Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 2(2).
(2009) Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 1(3).
(2009) Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 1(2).
(2008) Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 1(1).
Other Publications:
(2012) The Growth of Surfing in China: At what cost. The Inertia.
(2011) An Australian surfer in China.
(2011) At Jaileshuei.Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 3(2).
(2011) Grommets in Wonderland.
(2010) Listening to Derek Hynd While Sitting on the Sand. Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 3(1).
(2010) Xenophobic Action Man, Tony Abbott. Online Opinion. 02/06/2010
(2010) Masculinity, Masculinities, and/or ‘Masculinity as Style'.
(2010) Sex Wax: Young Men, Surfing and Sex.
(2010) Crisis of Masculinity?
(2010) Wigs Keep Out: On New Zealand, Sea Rights and Surfing. Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 2(2).
(2009) Passion + Resilience = Football United. Football NSW.
(2009) Shark Island Pits and the Cronulla Race Riot.Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 2(1).
(2008) Trust or Fear? Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea, 1(3).
(2008) Rethinking Gubbah Localism.Kurungabaa: A Journal of Literature, History and Ideas from the sea 1(1).
(2008) Queer Waves.Kurungabaa: A Journal of Literature, History and Ideas from the sea 1(2).
(2007) False prophets of surfing bastardise our beaches. Sydney Morning Herald. 13/03/2007
(2007) My brother's keeper or my brother's problem? Online Opinion. 14/03/2007
(2007) Australia Day - kiss the flag. Online Opinion. 25/01/2007
(2006) Racialising Fear at Cronulla.University of Sydney Alumni Magazine.
(2005) Where the Other Fears to Tread – a Commentary on the Cronulla Riots.Sydney Morning Herald. 13/12/05