CHAPTER 17 Freedom’s Boundaries, at Home and Abroad, 1890–1900
1. Farmers believed that their plight derived from all of the following except
2. Which statement about the People’s Party is false?
3. Who was the 1892 presidential candidate for the Populist Party?
4. The silver issue
5. Which statement about the 1896 election is false?
6. Which institution was hardest hit by the Redeemers once they assumed power in the South?
7. Which statement about the disenfranchisement of blacks in the South is false?
8. Plessy v. Ferguson
9. What was used by southern whites to maintain domination over blacks?
10. The difference between old and new immigrants was
11. The Immigration Restriction League called for reducing immigration by
12. A reason behind the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 was
13. The Supreme Court decision United States v. Wong Kim Ark ruled that
14. Booker T. Washington
15. How did Samuel Gompers use the idea of freedom of contract?
16. The Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
17. Alfred Thayer Mahan argued that
18. Journalists who worked for newspapers like William Randolph Hearst’s New York Journal which sensationalized events to sell papers were called
19. Which statement about the Spanish-American War is true?
20. Which of the following stated that the Constitution did not fully apply to the territories recently acquired by the United States?
21. For what did Saum Song Bo, a Chinese-American writer, receive a solicitation letter for funds?
22. The anti-imperialist Reverend Charles G. Ames warned that acquiring an overseas empire
23. How were federal troops used in the Pullman Strike of 1894?
24. During the 1896 presidential campaign, Republicans argued that utilizing silver, as the Democratic candidate William Jennings Bryan advocated, would
25. Which was one job where blacks and whites often worked side by side?
26. Who was migrating to Kansas during the Kansas Exodus?
27. What was not part of the Populist platform?
28. Which statement about the South after 1890 is false?
29. How did the Civil War come to be remembered by the 1890s as the white North and South moved toward reconciliation?
30. William McKinley justified annexation of the Philippines as the United States
31. Nearly _____ million women worked for wages in 1900.
32. Which statement is not true about the Women’s Christian Temperance Union?
33. The Teller Amendment stated that
34. Emilio Aguinaldo led a
35. The Supreme Court cases that held that the Constitution did not fully apply to the territories acquired by the United States during the Spanish-American War were called the
36. The Farmers’ Alliance
37. The People’s Party
38. The Populist platform
39. The Populists
40. The severe depression of 1893
41. The 1894 Pullman Strike
42. William Jennings Bryan
43. William McKinley
44. The election of 1896
45. In the South, the Redeemers
46. The New South, as promoted by Henry Grady,
47. Twenty years after the end of Reconstruction, African-Americans in the South
48. By the end of the nineteenth century, African-American politicians in the South
49. Between 1890 and 1906, black suffrage was
50. In Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), the Supreme Court
51. At the end of the nineteenth century, lynching
52. The new immigrants
53. The Immigration Restriction League
54. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
55. In his Atlanta speech of 1895, Booker T. Washington
56. Founded in 1886, the American Federation of Labor
57. Beginning in the 1890s the women’s era was so called because
58. The Women’s Christian Temperance Union
59. In the 1890s the National American Woman Suffrage Association
60. After the 1890s American expansionism
61. The Spanish-American War
62. The Platt Amendment
63. The Philippine War
64. The “white man’s burden”
65. The Anti-Imperialist League attracted